Christianity and its stance on women.

gluadys said:
I once heard a saying that most of us do not see things incorrectly. We see them incompletely.
Now that is a most valuable quote. :)
gluadys said:
Creating balance. After all, you cannot raise the lower end of the see-saw without lowering the higher end.

Interesting assertion, however consider this.

You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
William Boetcker

In this case, "You cannot help women simlpy by bashing men". What say you?
The reason being is that Christianity as we know it, follows the Anti-Christ, Paul contradicts Christ on well over 36 points. Including this one as foretold he would:

Dan 11:17 He also shall set his face to enter with the strength of all his kingdom, and upright ones with him. So he shall do. And he shall give the daughter of women to him, to destroy it; but she shall not stand, nor be for him.

Mat 12:50 for whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, the same are my brother and SISTER and MOTHER.

Other points are there is women prophetess and teachers are all the way through the Bible they removed some though.
Whose Church was it who did this? Paul’s why do they follow mostly Pharisee terms and none of Christ’s?

Christ said women could!! So what ever they say Paul says, how can you be a Christian if you don’t even follow Christ and follow a Pharisee instead?
wizanda said:
The reason being is that Christianity as we know it, follows the Anti-Christ, Paul contradicts Christ on well over 36 points. Including this one as foretold he would:

Dan 11:17 He also shall set his face to enter with the strength of all his kingdom, and upright ones with him. So he shall do. And he shall give the daughter of women to him, to destroy it; but she shall not stand, nor be for him.

Mat 12:50 for whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, the same are my brother and SISTER and MOTHER.

Other points are there is women prophetess and teachers are all the way through the Bible they removed some though.
Whose Church was it who did this? Paul’s why do they follow mostly Pharisee terms and none of Christ’s?

Christ said women could!! So what ever they say Paul says, how can you be a Christian if you don’t even follow Christ and follow a Pharisee instead?

Bold. Confused also. People generally misunderstand what Paul said in an attempt to falsify Christianity.

VirtuousValkyrie said:
This is my first post, so I would like to say hello! Secondly, I would like to say I am a Christian, but I am very liberal in my views. One thing that has always bothered me was the conserative Christian's stance on women. They say that women need to be submissive to men. But this is SO contradictory! They cite scripture such as 1 Timothy 2:11&12 (this says women shouldnt teach or have authority over men). So if we are to take that literally, what about 1 Corinthians 11:5, "And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head- it is though her head is shaved"?? No church I know of requires women to cover their heads while they pray. "Well," the conseratives say, "you need to take that Corinthians verse in context of the times." Well ok then, how about taking the Timothy one in context on the times? See back in those days if Christianity said women did not need to be submissive to men in that culture then they would have never gained converts because it was a patriarchial world. How can this not explain why Paul told women that could not have church leadership positions??? You can NOT take one verse literally and then take another verse "in context"!!!! You are just promoting your OWN agenda and NOT God's!

Also, does Galatians 3:28 not say, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, for all are on in Christ". So what does this do to the "men over women" stance??? Does it not destory it? If there is no male OR female, how can one be submissive the other?? Also, these verses were written and said by PAUL not Christ nor God. Even in 1 Corinthians Paul says, "I say this (about it being good for a man not to marry) as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all men were as I am" (1 Cor. 7:6).

What are others thoughts on my views here? I welcome any input!!

Welcome to CR Val,

In the matters of power, authority over the masses, and such the Bible says nothing contrary to the woman carrying out such roles. It is only in the home and the church that the Bible speaks of matters which quite frankly, rankle the hackles of modern day woman.

Why is that? Why is it that most men have no problem taking orders from a Mayor or Govenor or Captain of the female persuasion, but when it comes to the home, that is a different matter?

Why is it that when man in his home gives up his authority, that woman looks down on him?

Why is it that on today's sitcoms, husbands and fathers look like total idiots, and are treated as handicapped morons by the opposite lead of the show (the woman)?

I don't know either, but there is an ignored passage in the old testament, in the oldest of the books that make up the Bible that begins to explain it.

"I will greatly increase your pangs in child bearing, in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."

In today's age, both are dis-appearing quickly.

When God said He would make a "help meet" for man, He didn't say one who would take over, but would attempt to do so.

Again, we are not talking about rulers of the world here. We're talking about what goes on in the home...and from there it spreads out to the world.

In Christianity women and men are equal...but it seems that women want more...

my thoughts


VirtuousValkyrie said:
Also, does Galatians 3:28 not say, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, for all are on in Christ". So what does this do to the "men over women" stance??? Does it not destory it? If there is no male OR female, how can one be submissive the other??

What that quote means, is that there is no difference in people in God's eyes; we are all people. He doesn't look at one as a Jew and another as a Greek, but we are all one with Christ.

It seems your dislike for Men over Women comes from men's abuse over women. If people live like God says, putting others needs before your own, and Loving each other as you love yourself, then there would be no abuse of power over women. Plus it says that God made man first, and gave man authority over the Earth, and then he made woman from man.

It kinda makes sense to me that men should have authority over women, considering woman came from man, and God has authority over everything because everything came (into being) from God; such how woman came (into being) from man.