Is G!d a problem?

@ Tao

to one of the great thinkers of recent history.

True, Nietzsche is considered one of the great thinkers in recent past. But that doesn't really say much about the greatness of Nietzsche, as it does about the degeneration of thought in recent history. Compare Nietzsche to his own role models, and we can see how vastly inferior he was to them. Take Dostoevsky for example. Can anyone seriously claim that Nietzsche was greater in thought then Dostoevsky? But why would he be greater anyway? After all, Dostoevsky was his hero, someone he looked up to. But then again, if he did not represent an advancement over the original role model, why do we even consider Nietzsche view points at all? I mean, if he truly added to his ideas and advanced them, then we can say that yes, Nietzsche deserves an audience, but did he really?

The supporters of Nietzsche think that he added to Dostoevsky's existentialistic views, however in reality, he was taking away and manipulating them to suit his own neurosis. If Dostoevsky was alive to see how Nietzsche was interpreting his works, he probably would have laughed a little. Especially considering how Dostoevsky's already described exactly the type of person Nietzsche represents through his characters, off the top of my head, take Ippolit, from The Idiot. Dostoevsky saw further and deeper into the Abyss, then Nietzsche ever could. Dostoevsky also did not succumb to it, as Nietzsche (despite all his pretense) did.

Test after test shows that in our "darkest moments" we are most likely to make irrational and illogical assumptions and decisions.
But how did we get to that point when we have to make those choices which are irrational/illogical? We got there by using our own logic and rationality. And then it failed us, so we turned to the irrational.

I have had some pretty dark moments and they did not scream at me to adopt superstition as a salve.
Well, I wish I had a record of all such moments in your life so I could examine them in detail. I am sure I will find quite a few surprises.
As it has been over two decades since I read either D or N I am not about to launch into a second hand debate on their merits or demerits. Especially not with someone who reads the works of crass Islamad pseudo-scholars.

But how did we get to that point when we have to make those choices which are irrational/illogical? We got there by using our own logic and rationality. And then it failed us, so we turned to the irrational.
Many of the 'darkest moments' people face are brought about by circumstance well beyond their control.

Well, I wish I had a record of all such moments in your life so I could examine them in detail. I am sure I will find quite a few surprises.

This line added in edit mode confirms my every statement in regard to the arrogance of your ego.


@ Tao

As it has been over two decades since I read either D or N I am not about to launch into a second hand debate on their merits or demerits.


Especially not with someone who reads the works of crass Islamad pseudo-scholars.
They are called historians.

Many of the 'darkest moments' people face are brought about by circumstance well beyond their control.

This line added in edit mode confirms my every statement in regard to the arrogance of your ego.
People who live in glass houses Tao, shouldn't throw stones. ;)