The problem is you don't seem to understand how far your Matrixism differs from (standard) Christianity which holds out a good Father God -- not the adversary Saklos of the Gospel of Judas from which the Wachowski's probably derived their idea. And you most surely do not understand even a fraction of the complexity of Einstein or the other scientists whose out-of-context statements you keep posting here as memes. Neither do you seem to show any willingness to respect the intelligence of other members here. imoThere are plenty of people who are not aware of the original sources, and who aren't seeing the Wachowski's cinematic illustration as such.
There are plenty of Christians also who could care less about science. Yet, their explanations involving Evolution vs. Creation aren't providing the answers.
So, I brought up Revelation 12:4 for what it is.
I began seeing other verses which support the Truth.

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