Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

@RJM Corbet no worries, I didn't have you in mind at all. It's just that I don't want to come across in a weird way, since I am an atheist posting on a religious forum.
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@RJM Corbet no worries, I didn't have you in mind at all. It's just that I don't want to come across in a weird way, since I am an atheist posting on a religious forum.
I didn't think so, but the principle still applies that our Code of Conduct discourages bashing other beliefs, so thanks again. And no, imo you don't come across as weird for being an atheist on a religious forum: I wish we had more atheists, lol
Well, once again, see the tenets of Matrixism
"Similarly, as long as man is in the matrix of the human world, as long as he is the captive of nature, he is out of touch and without knowledge of the universe of the Kingdom.
If he attains rebirth while in the world of nature, he will become informed of the divine world.
He will observe that another and a higher world exists."
~pg. 305 PUP*"

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Examples of spiritual movements inspired by tv/cinema include such entries as Star Trek, The Matrix, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, all offering mystical import, semi-religious subtexts of good v evil, 'chosen ones', ancient prophecies and foretellings of doom, and always an ultimately transcendent and ineffable higher, universal power ...

And Jedi Knights, where do they stand today?

"Hyper-real religions are a simulacrum of a religion partly created out of popular culture" a la Baudrillard. "They have been underground since the 1960s but are becoming more mainstream, due to the advent of the internet," said Dr Possamai. "We live in a consumer society where popular culture is becoming more commercialised. As society becomes more consumerist I expect the hyper-real religious phenomenon to grow, but to what extent I've got no idea."

What's next? Maybe the upcoming reboot of the Matrix franchise will breathe some life into it?

My prophecy is that Dune is a strong contender.

We've had the Church of Old Worlds inspired by Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. Now it's the time for Frank Herbert's meisterwerk.

Interesting to see how this fares, with its heavy Islamic imagery – will it offer the hijab some cross-cultural, pseudo-mystical relevance and reverence? OTOH I wonder how its colonialism will fare in the wake of the withdrawal from Afghanistan?
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Classic original -- but too many sequels --
My thoughts entirely ... even young, I thought it was stretching the point.

and the movie was lousy, imo
Yep. I'm a fan of Lynch but this was a dud. I'm hoping Denis Villeneuve's is better. It got a five star review in the Guardian, that's saying something.

This is the film that will drag me into a cinema, post Covid!
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While Wachowski's Neo is 'the One', Herbert's Paul Atreides is the 'Kwisatz Haderach', most likely borrowed from the Kabbala. The Hebrew term K'fitzat ha-Derekh, Kefitzat Haderech, Qəfiẓat haDéreḫ or Kfitzat haDérech, literally "contraction of the road" is used in Jewish sources to infer miraculous travel between two distant places in a brief time, or even bilocation.

My kids grew up with me going all woo-hoo and declaring in my best prophetic voice: "beware the gom jabbar!" usually chasing them up to bed. At other times I'd refer to Maud'Dib (Paul Atreides private Way name, 'the desert mouse', but mu'adib means 'private tutor' or 'teacher') or Usul (his public name – 'strength of the base of the pillar', the principles on which something stands.

Spice, the key to it all, now means something entirely different, thanks to the 'legal high' which was banned and consequently mutated into a far more dangerous, powerful and addictive drug widely available in UK prisons.
Has anyone looked this up on IMDB?

"Some personal information can be see on Thomas Anderson's criminal record that Agent Smith glances at when he interrogates Neo. (When you stop the frame and look at it right side up.)
Neo's place of birth is "Lower Downtown, Capitol City"... Seconds later a photocopy of his passport can be seen.
There, the place of his birth is Capitol City, USA, his date of birth is the 13th of September 1971, the passport was issued on the 12th of September 1991 and will expire on, the 11th of September, 2001. (9/11)
Yet, the movie was released two years prior, in 1999.
So, what with everything else we've discussed, about the Wachowski's cinematic illustration, you are unwilling to believe in a, "sign"?


( sign)
Here's an image @Geo might enjoy. I certainly savor the unintentional irony:

I think, first we have to recognize that time is an illusion, pertaining to our organic aspect, first.
That with respect to our doesn't exist.
Which is something you hear all the time in the NDE accounts.
I think, first we have to recognize that time is an illusion
Nope. WE don't.

We who live eat and breathe in the organic world know time is real, but not constant, it is useful as in got us to the moon and even dinner without a whipping.

True it is different to different people...and it's speed is different in relation to your distance from our core....but it is as real as it gets...and without it we would not be communicating right now. (Even if we aint really communicating lol)

Right. I agree.

Except, it's all about our organic aspect.
Life is more and other than this.

Just curious wil. What about you?
Is this all you believe in?
Where, all the time, people come and go?
Young and old?
I think, first we have to recognize that time is an illusion, pertaining to our organic aspect, first.
But time is not illusory to the organic mode of being, it is very much a governing and irrefutable reality. If there was no time, then no movement; no movement, no life, in the organic mode. Conversely, because there is life, there is movement, and movement is temporal.

That with respect to our doesn't exist.
Can you explain what you mean by "core" and how you/we should perceive it as "yours/ours"?
I think, first we have to recognize that time is an illusion, pertaining to our organic aspect, first.
That with respect to our doesn't exist.
Which is something you hear all the time in the NDE accounts.

In a very specific, experiential, subjective sense, I agree that there is no past or future. The only moment we can experience is "now", and it is always "now". It is a profound insight into the nature of perception and consciousness, to experience this "eternal now" as directly as possible. My favorite way to access it is by meditation, but I acknowledge that altered states of consciousness induced by certain drugs, or as experienced in NDEs, will also grant access to this insight.

I am also a big fan of bringing such insight down to earth. How does it inform my day to day life? What do I stop doing, what do I introduce, what do I keep up, what would I never consider, as a consequence of having gained such an insight?

I hold these considerations to be just as important, and of more far reaching consequence, than the subjective experience that informed them.

Or as Jack Kornfield so wonderfully put it, "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry".
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