Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet


And still it is possible, and you must admit the possibilty of it, that you and Blazn may be the ones slapping your heads and saying what you prophesy for others.

No system of belief is infallible over time. And time will tell.


bless you flow...but you are way out of you element here. Your "research" has nothing to do with "our faith". And our faith has everything to do with our prophecies...

I thank you for your reconsideration and quick change of your original thought on this matter however, it is the epitome of respect. I'm grateful for that.


bless you flow...but you are way out of you element here. Your "research" has nothing to do with "our faith". And our faith has everything to do with our prophecies...

I thank you for your reconsideration and quick change of your original thought on this matter however, it is the epitome of respect. I'm grateful for that.



p.s. Christianity is not a belief system persee, but rather, a way of life...
Ah-ha, now here is a statement my brain can get to grips with. So do you believe that Jesus (pbuh) coming to earth was simply G-d projecting Himself or an aspect of Himself so we could see Him?

Sorry have had the discussion so many times and my brain still can't get round the Trinity, I think there is much confusion with non-Christians because it is difficult to accept that 3 are one but then you get those that say 3 are 3 but belong to one, etc - it is all just so baffling at times. :eek:

Salaam, MW

Yeah, it really can be confusing to all of us, no doubt. It took me a longggggg time to figure it out.

I guess it was more of an aspect of himself (but 100% God and 100% man), meaning it's still just God, but as someone else said, we are kind of dabbling in the " mysteries " here.

There is so much confusion with non-Christians because there is so much confusion with Christians themselves. Which I'm sure drives most if not all people away from the faith.

The most important issue though as stated before, is accepting our salvation through the resurrection of Christ.
If Christianity isn't a belief system why is there such a thing as Method-ism?


It started as a slightly derogatory term (oh...they have a method), but followers of Christ did not care and they ran with it and it has turned into a very rich tradition. Or something like that. Anybody please feel free to correct me.

Besides that is a denomination.
I guess it was more of an aspect of himself (but 100% God and 100% man), meaning it's still just God,

The most important issue though as stated before, is accepting our salvation through the resurrection of Christ.

assalaamu madeinrussia

(we will have to narrow that name down a bit - how about MIR?)

Okay, when I look at those two statement they seem totally contradictory to me. If Christ was/is G-d then surely resurrection is through G-d because you say Chirst is G-d. Do you see what I mean? Your first statement says 'still just G-d' but your second statements appears to seperate Jesus (pbuh) out from G-d. (I am just never going to get this am I?!)

For me, the Christian Jesus (pbuh) could not BE G-d because it required G-d to resurrect him, he is therefore subject to G-d, as is all of creation.
Where do you get the idea that I go 'through' someone? I'm Baptist.

Because you objected to what I said regarding Blazn's post, which was:

There is no getting to the Father without going through the Son who He has appointed over all things
Because you objected to what I said regarding Blazn's post, which was:

There is no getting to the Father without going through the Son who He has appointed over all things

Okay...I am so much a trinitarian, I don't see these thingslike that. I am of the opinion that the Father and Son are one in heaven.
Now I understand.
If Christ was/is G-d then surely resurrection is through G-d because you say Chirst is G-d. Do you see what I mean? Your first statement says 'still just G-d' but your second statements appears to seperate Jesus (pbuh) out from G-d. (I am just never going to get this am I?!)
god the father raised christ, christ raised himself, and the spirit raised christ.
assalaamu madeinrussia

(we will have to narrow that name down a bit - how about MIR?)

Okay, when I look at those two statement they seem totally contradictory to me. If Christ was/is G-d then surely resurrection is through G-d because you say Chirst is G-d. Do you see what I mean? Your first statement says 'still just G-d' but your second statements appears to seperate Jesus (pbuh) out from G-d. (I am just never going to get this am I?!)

For me, the Christian Jesus (pbuh) could not BE G-d because it required G-d to resurrect him, he is therefore subject to G-d, as is all of creation.

Who are you? I mean that literally. Are you your body? Are you your mind? Are you your spirit/soul? Or are you all three?...

Now apply that to God, and therein you find the answer to the guestion you seek...

Who is God, and how can Jesus claim to be God?...If Jesus is the "body", then the "mind" and "Spirit" of God are left. All three are God, but different manifistations of God. Jesus said, to know Him, is do know God the Father...I think that makes sense...


Who are you? I mean that literally. Are you your body? Are you your mind? Are you your spirit/soul? Or are you all three?...

Now apply that to God, and therein you find the answer to the guestion you seek...

Who is God, and how can Jesus claim to be God?...If Jesus is the "body", then the "mind" and "Spirit" of God are left. All three are God, but different manifistations of God. Jesus said, to know Him, is do know God the Father...I think that makes sense...



Yeah, God made man in his Image. We are our physical body (Jesus is the physical embodiment of God), We have our soul which is our personality, thought, ect. (the Father is the main thought behind everything, He gives permission, etc.), and our Spirit is our connection to God (just like how God uses his Holy Spirit to connect Man with Himself).
An excellent post Q. Some of us just pursue understanding the implications of what you wrote through differing pathways of seeking.

Thanks, and I might add that to me Jesus' primary message 2,000 years ago was to inform those who had gone before that they would involuntarily become more and more like Him (whether or not they liked it) as humans danced and fought their ways into the future. What do you think ?

assalaamu madeinrussia

(we will have to narrow that name down a bit - how about MIR?)

Okay, when I look at those two statement they seem totally contradictory to me. If Christ was/is G-d then surely resurrection is through G-d because you say Chirst is G-d. Do you see what I mean? Your first statement says 'still just G-d' but your second statements appears to seperate Jesus (pbuh) out from G-d. (I am just never going to get this am I?!)

For me, the Christian Jesus (pbuh) could not BE G-d because it required G-d to resurrect him, he is therefore subject to G-d, as is all of creation.

As much as I totally disagree with your point of view, we'll just have to agree to disagree and let God figure out the rest, right.
assalaamu madeinrussia

(we will have to narrow that name down a bit - how about MIR?)
In Russian that means peace, yes??
As much as I totally disagree with your point of view, we'll just have to agree to disagree and let God figure out the rest, right.
Well with a response like that I must say if I have the translation correct, the nickname fits!
Who are you? I mean that literally. Are you your body? Are you your mind? Are you your spirit/soul? Or are you all three?...

Now apply that to God, and therein you find the answer to the guestion you seek...

Who is God, and how can Jesus claim to be God?...If Jesus is the "body", then the "mind" and "Spirit" of God are left. All three are God, but different manifistations of God. Jesus said, to know Him, is do know God the Father...I think that makes sense...



Salaam Q

Very well put and perhaps an excellent explanation of our differing beliefs.

If a Christian looks at Q they may see your physical body, your soul/spirit and your mind. When a Muslim looks at Q they see Q, as a single being and do not look for the parts that make up the person.

I think where I struggle is when people put names to those parts and suggest they are independant of each other. Can your body or mind function without your spirit/soul?

Can you see why I get confused? If you believe Jesus (pbuh) is G-d, then why would you have to go through him to get to G-d, because he is G-d. Why not just say G-d is G-d, made up of many aspects and worship G-d as a whole? :confused:
I think where I struggle is when people put names to those parts and suggest they are independant of each other. Can your body or mind function without your spirit/soul?

I dunno. If you look in Genesis 2 when God made Adam, He made the body first, then when God breathed his spirit into him Adam became a living soul. I know we can be spiritually dead (what happened to man after the fall), but I don't think that there is ever any separation to Mind/Body/Soul.

Can you see why I get confused? If you believe Jesus (pbuh) is G-d, then why would you have to go through him to get to G-d, because he is G-d. Why not just say G-d is G-d, made up of many aspects and worship G-d as a whole? :confused:

Well I guess one way to say it is that because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are able to get to God. Before we were spiritually dead from God. Because of Jesus' sacrifice God will give us his Spirit to live in our hearts.

This is a way I think of it (and I know the Bible does say this): to get to God we need faith in Jesus and his resurrection, once we do that God gives us his Spirit and he lives in us.

I can completely understand how Jesus being both human and God is confusing. It is quite mysterious how that can be done. But then again we are fallen people with finite understanding. I don't believe we'll ever fully understand how such a thing can happen this side of heaven. But it is something God has revealed to us.
In Russian that means peace, yes??Well with a response like that I must say if I have the translation correct, the nickname fits!

It's more like meer, but yeah, I guess it can be pronounced the same as " mir ". Funny, I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out.
assalaamu madeinrussia

(we will have to narrow that name down a bit - how about MIR?)

Okay, when I look at those two statement they seem totally contradictory to me. If Christ was/is G-d then surely resurrection is through G-d because you say Chirst is G-d. Do you see what I mean? Your first statement says 'still just G-d' but your second statements appears to seperate Jesus (pbuh) out from G-d. (I am just never going to get this am I?!)

I see how you came to that conclusion, but it wasn't meant to seperate Jesus from God...
Well I guess one way to say it is that because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are able to get to God. Before we were spiritually dead from God.

Hi Pico

Yet I do not feel in any way 'dead' from G-d or unable to get to Him. If anything I feel closer to Him now I see Him as a whole and worship Him as the One True G-d.

Maybe we just all have to find the path to G-d that feels right in our hearts and trust that G-d knows if we are genuinely seeking Him?

Yet I do not feel in any way 'dead' from G-d or unable to get to Him. If anything I feel closer to Him now I see Him as a whole and worship Him as the One True G-d.
if God his holy and righteous and unseen in the spiritual dimension of Heaven, how do you get to him? how does your inner thoughts from a corruptible, mortal body with its impulses of electricity within your brain reach this God? now the sun and the moon and the sea and all the forces of the universe obey the commands of God, but as humans we do not. Only God is pure, good and holy. So then how can unpure people purify themselves? how can paradise be obtained from good works when we are not good. how can any of us as sinners ever please God?