What is Christ? As if Jesus is a thing to be analyzed? And as if the created are in a position to analyze the one who was with God in the beginning?
Namaste Marsh,
What are the Gospels or the entire New Testament but analysis by the created of Jesus?
Y'all remember the scene in Genesis where Jacob was wrestling with a man, and wouldn't let go because the man wouldn't tell Jacob his name? The man didn't tell Jacob, because he said Jacob could see for himself that it was beautiful. Ever wonder why that completely random bit was included in the very first book of the Bible?
Completely random bit? Jacob wrestling with himself, his higher self, G!d a random bit? Why was he asking his name, for the same reason Moses asked what do I call you. At the time names meant everything, it defined your traits, your lineage, your line of work, where you came from. Now the hip, another not quite so random thing...nor sending all he owned, all his wives and children, all his preconcieved notions on ahead of them, and staying on the other side of the water...another not so random bit.
Jesus is Jesus. If you believe the things that Jesus said about himself...
You mean if you believe what the created said and wrote about him.
And do you know why analysis leads a person around in circles? Because God gets a kick out of people trying to analyze him, rather than to simply believe in the simple truths that he sent Jesus to teach.
G!d gets a kick out of this, did he tell you this over lunch?

Seriously, I enjoy every jot and tittle in the book and contemplating why folks decided to add to it, modify it, and distort it. The book we read is not the book that was written. Some of our favorite scenes were added, not contained in the original. I must admit I liked the story of ...without sin, cast the first stone...unfortunately it is fraudulent... And in the beginning was the word,,,to bad that is an addition too.
The bible is clear on who Jesus is if you dont pick and choose which authors of the books to believe. I would never read a source outside of the bible for clarification on who Jesus was especially if it contradicts what the word is saying. We call that false teaching or apostate teaching and we are taught to beware of them.
That is always the indication to me that I need to stay away from a group....when I'm told not to read anything else.
from wikipedia...
Bart D. Ehrman is an American New Testament scholar and textual critic of early Christianity. He is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has written about how the original New Testament texts were frequently altered by scribes for a variety of reasons, and argues that these alterations affect the interpretation of the texts.
Ignore him all you like FS, but his credentials are hard to dismiss so blithely.
Sitting and talking with Bart I am sorry that his studies took him away from Christianity. This is the problem as I see it. We as a group are screaming the bible is the word when we know it isn't. We know it has been distorted and we've been hoodwinked. But there is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater, it is time for a critical revamping of the bible, soup to nuts throw out the stuff that wasn't origional or change to color add a footnote make it clear. And then in 20 years do it again...and again...as our level of knowledge increases.
Every other textbook changes with new information. The bible sure we have slightly different interpretations, but we still carry the old KJV as if it were gospel....well it ain't it is just King James VERSION of the bible.