Vamachara - Aghora - Shaivite

Etu Malku

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We know the term 'left hand path' originated in the East
What would you say defines these LHP traditions?
How are they different from the other Eastern traditions?
What would their ultimate goal be?
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I'm sorry, but Saivism is NOT LHP. Saivism is one of the major sects of Hinduism, and a tiny portion of it is LHP, and the rest of us distance ourselves from that. Kashmiri Saivism, Saiva Siddhanta, Puranic Saivism, Virasaivism, are all not LHP.
I'm sorry, but Saivism is NOT LHP. Saivism is one of the major sects of Hinduism, and a tiny portion of it is LHP, and the rest of us distance ourselves from that. Kashmiri Saivism, Saiva Siddhanta, Puranic Saivism, Virasaivism, are all not LHP.
And the ones that are LHP?
What makes them LHP and what are their end goals?
I know very little about it actually. According to wiki the term is for 'using magic' whatever that means. I just know there is an often negative stigma attached to it that has nothing to do with orthodox Saivism. which I am.
I know very little about it actually. According to wiki the term is for 'using magic' whatever that means. I just know there is an often negative stigma attached to it that has nothing to do with orthodox Saivism. which I am.
Hmm . . . then is Orthodox Saivism the same as Kashmir Shaivism?
Black Tantra - which I guess is what you mean - utilizes ego and its desires to come to truth.
White Tantra is more puritanical, ethics are more important than truth, almost.
Grey Tantra is of course somewhere in between...

The goal is always the same, to see you are not something within consciousness, that nothing that happens within consciousness changes your own nature...
There is in truth only Grey Tantra. Black, White are labeling we use to identify actions we approve of or do not approve of. Francis labels them one way. A Christian I suspect would use them in the exact opposite way Francis does. Like all things it isn't the 'thing', it is how we use the 'thing'.
I believe some of the Kapilika shaktas used left hand techniques. Really though, LHP is just solidifying yourself in ignorance.