Can the Soul die?

These answers are interesting and actually a few good answers too. But what does the Bible really teach? And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 ASV)
"God formed ... living soul."

Great we can start there.

Now, may I repeat, "What is Soul?"

And, ever since God formed us living souls, we souls here in God's creation have been wandering ... ever since. Until we return home to His side, "to serve him".

The Soul must cultivate the requisite Love of God through proper etiquette.
To answer your question, "What is Soul?"

New International Version
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

New Living Translation
Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.

You are not given a soul but rather, you are a soul. A person. A being.
These answers are interesting and actually a few good answers too. But what does the Bible really teach? And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 ASV)
By some schools of thought, Genesis 2:7 is not describing the creation of the soul itself, but rather how it came to dwell within living flesh.

Interesting side note: Genesis 2:7 appears after God had rested on the 7th day. Whereas on the 6th day. Genesis 1:26 -27 states:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
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"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

That's an entirely a different subject and goes much deeper for "God is not a man" (Number 23:19) But here is the answer for your comment, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in union with Christ Jesus.  Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s offspring, heirs with reference to a promise." (Galatians 3:28-29)
You are not given a soul but rather, you are a soul. A person. A being.
Yes. I know. A soul is a 'persona'.
God is the Supreme Soul, the supreme Personality of Godhead.

The soul is eternal, The soul is has always been eternal, The soul is forever eternal. The Soul is an Individual living being, with its unique inadivisable conscious birth-right
Personally, I prefer the KJV over other English translations of the Bible. Although, as far as our soul is concerned my interpretations lean more towards the Bhagavad Gita than traditional Christian teachings.
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The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. (Ezekiel 18:20 KJV)
My Dear Brother, in the past I have been told that I impose upon forum members by my using Sanskrit terms as a basis for my posts & replies. Such terms caused angst is different ways for readers of my posts. Some have even complained when I quoted Sanskrit Scriptures, because it appeared as insincere and overbearing and a 'falsity' on my part, and thus I was challenged to "speak on my own".

Having said that, I must direct my attention to your last post [#29], here is what I want to say:

I don't read Hebrew and I doubt King James spoke no better English then I do, in short, I don't know what the Ezekiel 18:20 says. I could interpret it if I must, but wouldn't it be easier to speak lucidly and precisely?

I am listening to you brother. But so far I don't get your banter.
Personally, I prefer the KJV over other English translations of the Bible. Although, as far as our soul is concerned my interpretations lean more towards the Bhagavad Gita than traditional Christian teachings.

Whenever I hear people say "I don't believe in the Bible", my first thought is why would the non-believer care to say such things.

IMO, whatever is says in the Bible is a Historical record. A Historical record of events and people a long time ago, for which there is no need to dis-believe. What is an issue is where in the Bible are demands made of its readers to do this or that.

The idea that we all MUST "Pay taxes and die" may very well be found in the Bible as a rule of life. But I don't see anywhere in the Bible that the reader MUST do anything they reader doesn't find a part of his path in life.

A porn star needn't kavetch about what the Bible "demands" he do ---A porn star just goes about his business.

Only a person with a deep conflict finds fault with Biblical writings ---writings that don't actually make demands of a 'inner-conflicted' reader. It's like the Atheist is an Atheist because he is arguing about how the Bible is false. So if the Atheist simply picked-up a different book they'd be causing a stir about any other topic.

It's about the linguistic limits of translating Greek and Aramaic and Hebrew that is at the heart of reading the Bible "AS-IT-IS".

The worse thing in the world is to be present at the sermon on the mount, but too far back to hear what Christ was saying. By the time the word is relayed to the folks 300 yards away, the message is interpreted multiple times as the last person's verbal skills fall upon your ears.
I appreciate your candor bhaktajan. I'm competing against much misinformation such as religions, and philosophies. As I was saying, many religions that claim to believe in the Bible really don't, they have adopted manmade traditions and the philosophies of men. So what I am asking you is to read the scripture given without prejudice of traditions and man made philosophies. What I have is worth more than gold. Can you image a life without heartache and pain? Let's hear what you have to say. Read this and tell what you think.
To say: " The soul DOES NOT survives the death of the physical body"

Is an Atheistic concept. Only atheist will say soul DOES NOT survive death.

If Plato said what the link says ---then you should know that such an idea did not originate with Plato.

Every criminal murdered and every sinful person thinks: the soul DOES NOT survive death.

The link is a marketing tool.

The link is trying to prove that people and all living things have no Soul.

And btw, we ARE living is the material world [created by God] where we suffer day after day ---The first Nobel Truth is: All life is Suffering.

We are suffering because we think we do not have a soul that survives death, worse still is that during life we think we are the controllers of all we survey. Whereas, we are kicked by all connections we come into contact with.
I appreciate your candor bhaktajan. I'm competing against much misinformation such as religions, and philosophies. As I was saying, many religions that claim to believe in the Bible really don't, they have adopted manmade traditions and the philosophies of men. So what I am asking you is to read the scripture given without prejudice of traditions and man made philosophies. What I have is worth more than gold. Can you image a life without heartache and pain? Let's hear what you have to say. Read this and tell what you think.

Before anything goes off the rails with the forum rules, please be aware that our goal here is to promote interfaith dialogue and discussion. We're not here to try and convert anyone to a different belief system. Thanks.
That was my point, that according to the Bible, You are a living soul, not that you have one or don't have one. You are a living being, not that you have a living being or don't have a living being. Death is just that, Death. "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Death is opposite of Life. Life = Existence Death is simply non existence. Thanks for your input.
I think the issue here is one Wil points at ... which paradigm are we talking from?

The soul in the Abrahamic Traditions is not perceived in the same way as the soul in the Hindu Traditions.

Both are matters of perspective, and the soul — ever the most elusive of entities to pin down — is defined or perceived accordingly. I'm sure we could chase matters to the principle in which there is agreement, in which case both parties would agree that we're talking about the same thing, but differently ...

It's in the discussion of peripheral issues that confusions and syncretisms arise.
I'm competing against much misinformation such as religions, and philosophies

It is not an uncommon thought...

As many in those religions you feel have got it wrong are saying the same thing.

You started the thread with a question. But it appears it is not really a question. You aren't asking us the question, you wish to instruct us as to your answer to it.

So why ask, if you already know the answer?
Can the soul really die?
I confess that I lost this question which was indeed your opening post.

There are trillions of places of eternal punishment that facilitate being burned forever and ever as a real life dumb Forest Gump.

Fire and brimstone contains life forms. Micro-scopic short-lived living entities [aka living *creature, aka living soul].

God lives in a place that is Eternal and real.

We are presently living in a place where Time transpires un-endingly, changing all things, all the time.

We always are afforded a place that accommodates our work acumen.

As Alfalfa said in the little Rascals: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall".

So if a soul falls every time it gets a chance to Lord over all they survey ---and offend every being that cross paths with ---the accounting is not up to the offender. They fall ---and facility is there to reform by penance by the carrot or the stick.

If you waited 5 mins for the phone call to start ringing ---it would be an eternity.

If you waited 25 years to leave prison ---it would be accomplished 1 day at a time.

If after trillions of lifetimes ---upon returning to Heaven--- it will seem as if only a mille-second of time gone, since you were last there.

The soul is born out of the bodily glow of God's (Spirit) Body.

Once upon a time, each soul was in the presence of God's Graceful presence ---and the individual Soul considered what the spender would be like if they themselves became God.

Soul each soul entered the Material stratum of the Spiritual World to be born as a Brahma ---a progenitor on their own.

And ever since we all have been on a roller-coaster of displays of our prowess. Sometimes we are on top of the heap other times on the bottom.

Each time, we do, it passes and is gone in a flicker. The illusion is that "TIME" is going on endlessly.

The duality of the material physics displays paradoxal qualities:

"It took for ever"
"It came and went long ago"

DYI in Spanish word for "creature" is "criatura" ... but the same Spanish word criatura means "child".

Sample sentence:
[English] The grandmother ---wiped the child's face--- with her apron.
[Spanish] La abuela ---limpió la cara de la criatura--- con su delantal.
Before anything goes off the rails with the forum rules, please be aware that our goal here is to promote interfaith dialogue and discussion. We're not here to try and convert anyone to a different belief system.
Thank you. I consider your message as a learning moment. I will continue to speak more diplomatically with all my attention.
There are trillions of places of eternal punishment that facilitate being burned forever and ever as a real life dumb Forest Gump.

Fire and brimstone contains life forms. Micro-scopic short-lived living entities [aka living *creature, aka living soul].
Forest gump is real? OK sure, I'll.accept.that but how about citations for the other two?