I think this comes under 'causal fallacy'?
Can you evidence any direct attribution of the doctrine to a foundation Islamic text?
OK, that shows it happens, but did it happen in the case of the theology of the Rapture?
I am offended on your behalf!
You latest fallacies:
False Authority (it don't matter whether the right wing Xtians like Islam or not, they still borrowed this concept from it) and
Moving the Goalposts (it's pretty obvious they did and if it were you making the argument or any other argument, you wouldn't be so dismissive).
To call out a logical fallacy requires the use of basic reason because logic deals with absolutes and logical fallacies rely on logic and reason.
You can call a car hitting a lampost a causal fallacy because even 1 nanosecond before impact there are a quadzillion other things that could have caused the lampost to bend and the car was clearly nowhere near the lampost at that point in time.
However, if you used reason - which you ditch at will, but is your duty
as an adult to uphold - then obviously there were no other well known instances of rapture that could be attributed as a source and as the information age began with the Italian Renaissance and the melding of east and west, or briefly also before then in ancient times with Alexander's conquests, the rapture it could easily be attributed to Islam, especially considering America's great melting pot cities and libraries and academic institutions and antiquarian societies.
Moreover there's precedent with the examples l cited, which you ignored, hence
Argument from Omission logical fallacy.
Then you patronise me by the remark about being offended on my behalf, exaggerating the situation on my behalf in absence of my showing any such emotion. I would normally take this amiably, but:
You consistently use logical fallacies when discussing Islam
You have launched some rather personal attacks on the founder and close companions of our religion, even if you were citing an orientalist source in doing so
You are trolling because you repeat negative assertions without integrating feedback - you dimiss the feedback as a logical fallacy on the basis there could have been other causes and thus you offhandedly ignore the evidence l gave and don't even acknowledge the strength of it.
You then tell me l must accept that the forum is open to all faiths and we must be tolerant. Evidently not when it comes to dictating Muslims' beliefs to them on the Islamic subforum.
Sure you can attack Islamic beliefs - l'd love that - as long as you do so using logic, reason - don't forget reason - and you integrate feedback into your responses.
You assume Islam is flawed and therefore the continued successful defence of it on here must be elastic trickery of some sort and therefore we must be intolerant and forcing our beliefs on you otherwise why would we be so special that we can answer back every criticism? We must be trolling you or something right? We must be doing a causal fallacy and trolling and being unfair to you, right? Not that we just have a very nice clean defensible religion that just will not fall. That's why l love hearing critique of my religion, because it never falls to these attacks. I don't take the slightest bit of offence.
What is offensive is your trolling. Anybody can check previous posts to see that your moderators dish out warnings to me and passive aggressive threats to shut down debates, although l'll admit on one occasion, l did get the OP's message wrong.
Even to the extent that you try to shoo me away from posting on your science subforum, disproving evolution, because as you say, this isn't a science forum. L O L !!!!
Bye bye Thomas, peace