Well neither 'God' nor "Messiah' are names, in that sense, one could say both are categories.
Chewbacca is a wookie / the wookie.
The point is, Messiah and God are incongruous terms. Call them categories if it pleases you, l see no relevance in your objection.
Cavilling is anti-debate.
Yes, we have those too!

The Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, for example.
Rightio, and the relevance to Messiah and God being irreconcilable terms?
D'you think so? Perhaps if you understood the context better. Suffice to say we don't.
Chew chew chewy chewbacca wacca.
It's a pity you can hold 'apologists' in such contempt, I'm sure that does not apply to defenders of your own faith. As you say, it's indicative of an ideology "wherein everything in your narrow space is the way you see it ... It's self perpetuating small mindedness ... just flame."
Your words, not mine.
I notice you're quoting my response to a very abusive individual and so you take on his sin. Be patient and it will bear fruit eventually.
I am not at all being bigoted. I was, when l remarked about ants and a crack in a brick wall, reacting to your own bigoted words elsewhere on another subforum. A scathing personal attack you made with no basis against one of our heroes, when he was actually a great man, and you were just making stuff up just like that.
So no, l'm not at all bigoted. Christianity is teeming with apologists that will conflate Messiah with God, and they have no basis for saying so because the terms are incongruous. It is narrowminded to persist in that view whilst ignoring my objections.
Have you countered my objections? No.
Do you persist in denying my view? Yes.
Do you add an ad hominem? Yes.
So who is better, you or i?