Have you experienced a state of nonduality/infinity/oneness?

No. As it's not on gods side.

We live on gods side as we're as adults first human memory only from an eternal being. Why we don't accept family abuse of family. With God.

God had not abused first human form. The answer. God caused first human form as changed Eternal and we were spiritual being's first. Why it's natural to love as animals show.

God didn't create the eternal.

The eternal can't be challenged it's language only expresses what it is. Unconditional love nothing else. Owning no God condition.

So One less than eternal is a human. We know abuse isn't loving.
Well, some might say these abusers became so because they themselves faced abuse during their childhood and time of mental development. That showing them love on Earth, instead of hate, even after they have committed crimes, would truly be the way of God.

Is it unconditional love, if God says: I will love you only if you are X ?
Well, some might say these abusers became so because they themselves faced abuse during their childhood and time of mental development. That showing them love on Earth, instead of hate, even after they have committed crimes, would truly be the way of God.

Is it unconditional love, if God says: I will love you only if you are X ?
A B use.

Meaning an act once done cannot be removed nor forgiven as it was chosen.

Forgiveness of sin was men not realising nuclear sun had made only nothing holes in earth. Sin..K hole. Gods earth sin.

As conscious mind related nothing as space heavens. Not earth.

As father forgave man the son theist....who caused it.

To think to act is a choice. The action can never be undone.

So you might feel sorry for an abuser yet a victim was caused too. Their anguish should never be ignored.

Why law was imposed to protect the victim. As with God is two types of mind choices.

All adult men were virgins first. Knowing adult sex with woman first our mutual law.

No abuse involved whatsoever.
A B use.

Meaning an act once done cannot be removed nor forgiven as it was chosen.

Forgiveness of sin was men not realising nuclear sun had made only nothing holes in earth. Sin..K hole. Gods earth sin.

As conscious mind related nothing as space heavens. Not earth.

As father forgave man the son theist....who caused it.

To think to act is a choice. The action can never be undone.

So you might feel sorry for an abuser yet a victim was caused too. Their anguish should never be ignored.

Why law was imposed to protect the victim. As with God is two types of mind choices.

All adult men were virgins first. Knowing adult sex with woman first our mutual law.

No abuse involved whatsoever.
Or in other words first life was human law. No abuser or abused with God.
A B use.

Meaning an act once done cannot be removed nor forgiven as it was chosen.

Forgiveness of sin was men not realising nuclear sun had made only nothing holes in earth. Sin..K hole. Gods earth sin.

As conscious mind related nothing as space heavens. Not earth.

As father forgave man the son theist....who caused it.

To think to act is a choice. The action can never be undone.

So you might feel sorry for an abuser yet a victim was caused too. Their anguish should never be ignored.

Why law was imposed to protect the victim. As with God is two types of mind choices.

All adult men were virgins first. Knowing adult sex with woman first our mutual law.

No abuse involved whatsoever.
True, the past action of hate towards the victim can never be undone. But future actions of hate towards the hater does nothing to undo the action either. But forgiveness towards the hater and rehab attempts may be an expression of love that heals much more than lifelong imprisonment.
Didn't Jesus suggest forgiveness to all?
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True, the past action of hate towards the victim can never be undone. But future actions of hate towards the hater does nothing to undo the action either. But forgiveness towards the hater and rehab attempts may be an expression of love that heals much more than lifelong imprisonment.
Didn't Jesus suggest forgiveness to all?
Wrongly imprisoned was the victim. By conscious concepts said humans legal review.

Allowed to live freely was the perpetrator.

As choice with God is either or.

Accept God made our parents the legal sexual communion mutuality.

Or owned man's legal lawful father's judgements.

When men say see how the abused Grows into an abuser.

Proves man knows not to abuse first position.

His excuse I own no self control is a lie.

Why father's man judgements dealt with lying.

Choice was involved so it's a God law taught legal. As if abused why then abuse. The abused taught you. In a wrong concept.

So very abused human now needs victim rehabilitation to not become the abuser.

The guilty choice was rehabilitated in jail ...family evicted for not acting as a father or mother does to children or family mutual member.

As an adult you aren't child equal.

Do community family assistance but not live with family as they were in fact by abusive the cell owners.

How legal depicted legality. Life body owner in gods law. Gods law owned innocent first in all bio life. Pre lived owned memory.

Body owned by cells the choice given a jail cell for family abuse...humans legal system.

You can love unconditionally yet victimisation still is enacted.

Humans used unconditional love as an excuse to abuse others as a rationally reviewed cause.

Law introduced a long time ago to stop victimisation about the same living conditions now. Abuser cannot say I'm innocent now.

We know everything is loved unconditionally. We humans however live by conditions.
We know everything is loved unconditionally. We humans however live by conditions.
True enough. Everybody has their set of conditions and the full set is unique for all, including me. Everyone has their thought set of conditions for ideal living in this reality. And we are fully entitled to them Even the right not to share them. Of course, the point of conflict may arise when we try to preach them as universal law for others to follow.
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True enough. Everybody has their set of conditions and the full set is unique for all, including me. Everyone has their thought set of conditions for ideal living in this reality. And we are fully entitled to them Even the right not to share them. Of course, the point of conflict may arise when we try to preach them as universal law for others to follow.
Universal laws are space time mass travel. Aren't humans legality.

Natural laws father mother two babies surviving. On earth. The plan is planets position...plan set.

PlanetS plan Set.
O God planet gods O circuit around the sun.

12 light constant 12 circuit.

You don't abuse a planets conditions to survive. Mutual extended human family.

Men by man's choice chose over lording of family.

Which is now a shared argument. As shared argument was put in place as a humans legal rights to protect life. To protect life is non arguable.

Yet we were forced to argue. So it becomes circular reasoning about should or should not.

Abuse first should not have been chosen. Also says... so why argue about it now terms.

The terms always known.
Isn't God supposed to have unconditional love? If so, there is nothing God will not love. Evil is loved because, without it, the good would have no meaning.
In my view, which is certainly not orthodox Islamic teaching, but rather rationalist, the Word of prophecy is a translation into our human understanding. God does not love, nor hate, He IS.

The Word of prophecy offers us a humanoid image of God, adapted to our understanding, or, to be more precise, to the understanding of the people of the time, guiding us in His creation, our world. The Quran attributes 99 Names to God , most of which are superlatives of human characteristics, among them ٱلْوَدُودُ, the all-loving. An Atheist (who was first) said, reversing the word of the Torah, "Men made God to his image". In my opiniion, this is right in the sense that all prophecy, all teachings are scaled and tailored to our mind, and they have come through human minds. And it is not right in the sense that it is worthless or that it is not related to the Highest Instance. It is the outcome from individual mystic experience of the prophets, summing up to a collective mystic experience and wisdom of humans relating us to the Highest Instance, God, giving us personal and collective guidance in His creation. The most important guidance to ourselves is love. Unconditional love in the sense of a basic attitude, not in the sense of indifference to good and evil, shining bright where it can develop, or remaining as a small glow of hope and faith, where it seems almost hopeless. In my view, this is the key to closeness, unity, oneness with our neighbours, the creatures around us, the All, with Him.

I havn't experienced a state of mind, a particular mental condition that I would describe as an experience of oneness. But the term is not meaningless for me in life, in comomon awake situation, be it in prayer, in community life or inner thought.
In my view, which is certainly not orthodox Islamic teaching, but rather rationalist, the Word of prophecy is a translation into our human understanding. God does not love, nor hate, He IS.
Even for me, god is Being. Being all things, if he is, for god is infinite. But that would mean that we are also god. You, me, everybody and all things in this universe. Have you ever considered the possibility that you are god dreaming he is finite?
Even for me, god is Being. Being all things, if he is, for god is infinite. But that would mean that we are also god. You, me, everybody and all things in this universe. Have you ever considered the possibility that you are god dreaming he is finite?
The idea that God is omnipresent, also in us, is certainly not misleading. It is also a good feeling to be in harmony with Him. But saying or thinking "I am god" seems to me like if a cell nucleus of my body said, "I am you".
But saying or thinking "I am god" seems to me like if a cell nucleus of my body said, "I am you".
That is certainly true for the majority of people in the world who have not experienced nonduality and can only see the world as many parts. However, many others have also been blessed with the personal experience of advaitha --- true Oneness. Alas, there may be no certain path to the experience. Even the man who first talked about said himself that "while mediation may be a good path to reach to it, there is no guarantee that it will arrive for those who seek it and no guarantee that those who don't seek will miss it".

I was lucky enough to experience the state so naturally my mind is more skewed towards Oneness. Perhaps one day you may have the same experience in your life.
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An Atheist (who was first) said, reversing the word of the Torah, "Men made God to his image". In my opiniion, this is right in the sense that all prophecy, all teachings are scaled and tailored to our mind, and they have come through human minds.

Apart from atheists, this is also a very Christian stance, in my opinion. I don't mean this polemically, even though I am atheist. But I think you may be underestimating the capacity of the human mind to expand beyond our day-to-day experience. A well-trained mind, as the Buddhists say, is malleable, flexible, quick, and able to cover vast distances in very short time, figuratively speaking.

And it is not right in the sense that it is worthless or that it is not related to the Highest Instance. It is the outcome from individual mystic experience of the prophets, summing up to a collective mystic experience and wisdom of humans relating us to the Highest Instance, God, giving us personal and collective guidance in His creation. The most important guidance to ourselves is love.

While I have heard a lot about collective mystical experience, I'm having a really hard time understanding what is meant by this phrase. It would be, to me, like saying "While the moon is smaller, it is also farther away".
On the surface of it, it seems sensible enough, we all tap into a common experience, like good company, like a concert or football match. But I have to say, this is very different from what I would call a mystical mode of being, so different in fact as not to even be on the same range or type of event. Just my thoughts - there may be no ultimate truth in this matter.

Unconditional love in the sense of a basic attitude, not in the sense of indifference to good and evil, shining bright where it can develop, or remaining as a small glow of hope and faith, where it seems almost hopeless. In my view, this is the key to closeness, unity, oneness with our neighbours, the creatures around us, the All, with Him.
The unconditional love I have towards my child is not really the same as the one I have towards cancer cells overgrowing someone's vital organs. Same words, very different specifics.
The idea that God is omnipresent, also in us, is certainly not misleading. It is also a good feeling to be in harmony with Him. But saying or thinking "I am god" seems to me like if a cell nucleus of my body said, "I am you".
Have you read Martin Buber's magnificent prose poem, "I and Thou" ("Ich und Du")? I think he is successful in teasing apart the difference.
True, the past action of hate towards the victim can never be undone. But future actions of hate towards the hater does nothing to undo the action either. But forgiveness towards the hater and rehab attempts may be an expression of love that heals much more than lifelong imprisonment.
Didn't Jesus suggest forgiveness to all?
Does this imply no consequences at all?
Isn't that what "ex nihilo" means?
The four different meanings of 'nothing'

1.) A condition where the raw ingredients to create your "something" didn't exist
. You can't have galaxies, stars, planets, or humans without the particles necessary to build them out of. Everything we know of and interact with is made of subatomic matter particles; those are the raw ingredients that our Universe as we know it is built out of.

If you start with a matter-filled Universe, we understand how it can expand, cool, and gravitate to lead to the Universe as we know it today. We know how stars live-and-die, leading to the heavy elements that enable the creation of low-mass stars, rocky planets, organic molecules, and eventually, the possibility of life. But how did we wind up with a matter-filled Universe, instead of one with equal amounts of matter and antimatter? That's the first scientific meaning of getting something from nothing …

2.) Nothingness is the void of empty space. Perhaps you prefer a definition of nothing that contains literally "no things" in it at all. If you follow that line of thinking, then the first definition is inadequate: it clearly contains "something." In order to achieve nothingness, you'll have to get rid of every fundamental constituent of matter. Every quantum of radiation has to go. Every particle and antiparticle, from the ghostly neutrino to whatever dark matter is, must be removed.

If you could somehow remove them all — each and every one — you could ensure that the only thing that was left behind was empty space itself. With no particles or antiparticles, no matter or radiation, no identifiable quanta of any type in your Universe, all you'd have left is the void of empty space itself. To some, that's the true scientific definition of "nothingness."

But certain physical entities still remain, even under that highly restrictive and imaginative scenario. The laws of physics are still there, which means that quantum fields still permeate the Universe. That includes the electromagnetic field, the gravitational field, the Higgs field, and the fields arising from the nuclear forces. Spacetime is still there, governed by General Relativity. The fundamental constants are all still in place, all with the same values we observe them to have …

3.) Nothingness as the ideal lowest-energy state possible for spacetime. Right now, our Universe has a zero-point energy, or an energy inherent to space itself, that's at a positive, non-zero value. We do not know whether this is the true "ground state" of the Universe, i.e., the lowest energy state possible, or whether we can still go lower. It's still possible that we're in a false vacuum state, and that the true vacuum, or the true lowest-energy state, will either be closer to zero or may actually go all the way to zero (or below) …

You'd at least still have a stage for the Universe to play out on, but there would be no players. There would be no cast, no script, and no scene to your play, but the vast abyss of physical nothingness still provides you with a stage. The cosmic vacuum would be at its absolute minimum, and there would be no way to extract work, energy, or any real particles (or antiparticles) from it. And yet, to some, this still has the flavor of "something," because space, time, and rules are still in place …

4.) Nothingness only occurs when you remove the entire Universe and the laws that govern it. This is the most extreme case of all: a case that steps out of reality — out of space, time, and physics itself — to imagine a Platonic ideal of nothingness. We can conceive of removing everything we can imagine: space, time, and the governing rules of reality. Physicists have no definition for anything here; this is pure philosophical nothingness.

In the context of physics, this creates a problem: we cannot make any sense of this sort of nothingness. We'd be compelled to assume that there is such a thing as a state that can exist outside of space and time, and that spacetime itself, as well as the rules that govern all of the physical entities we know of, can then emerge from this hypothesized, idealized state …
I have and the result makes me strongly believe:

  • consciousness has everlasting life without form after death
  • god is infinite unconditional love
  • the more we practice love, the closer we get to god but god denies no one

less strongly:
  • god is the mind of this infinite uncertain universe
  • communing with our inner god is possible and everyone has an inner god
Whether you have experienced Oneness or not, what are your thoughts about it?
I have/do.

My take-away varies a bit from your own.
  • Consciousness is eternal.
  • Everything perceived in this reality, including god(s), the universe, life, death, etc., is an appearance in consciousness.
You believe in life after death but see it as being separate from god? When I say we are all divine selfs, I do not mean that we have godly powers or somesuch. Merely that everything in reality is a little piece of god. If god is infinite, then I dont think there is anything that is not-God. It just manifests in infinitely in finite physical forms here except for humans who can also commune with their greater self. Just a theory of course :)
Just humans? If so, why?