Introspection on the decline of morality.

I get what you are saying @wil History is messed up beyond belief. I hate what's been done. What's been done is inhumane. Do you know what's happened in South Africa? How the tables turned? If you haven't then do some research.. it hasn't helped anything's it's just flipped the tables but there's still racial hatred and violence. Nothing was fixed by blaming and shaming.

We need to be better.

J23 is upset because of what we are being force fed and if we don't take it then we are racist. Like how dare my son be born white and that it's because of him that people of color have it harder. That's the message he got from that sermon the principal gave. At home I'm teaching him to love all people and we are ALL shades of brown descendents of the same two people. We are all equal.

We need to be better.
No clue what that means, seems like you are making fun at your native heritage.
Elizabeth Warren is who he is referring to.
It is a bumpy road...we are on a pendulum....when it swings one way for a long time physics says it will be as long and as far to swing the other way.

It would be a good idea to temper all that.

This we gotta do better isn't is us.

Cause we can never change them....we only have the power to change us!
The common link I see is the source for all the stories is Faux News.
Yep, the only ones that didn't lie their asses off about Nicholas Sandman...a teenage kid who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got picked on by an "activist."

And *your* news had to settle up for their lies. 😝
Ad homs acceptable on here then?
Just returning the favor, since it was inferred that I murdered Emmett Till because of the color of my skin and my gender, and outright stated that I am a hypocrit...don't dish it out if you can't take it
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One thing we humans are good at is pointing out that there is a hole in the boat on the other person's side. We're still sinking no matter how many fingers get pointed.
Why the huge push to commit children, elementary age children, into life altering surgeries *BEFORE* puberty, committing them to LIFELONG courses of mandatory medication??? The only ones that benefit are pharma and the medical establishment!
These things are not, in my clinical experience, randomly decided by adults.
These things, that is, children being transgender, is a frightening journey that parents go on because their children are often suicidal and gender affirming care is the only thing that can help.
I don't know how much you know about transgenderism and what it is like for the individuals or the childhood experiences they have and the suicide rate.
I don't have the stats offhand, I could probably find them.
Thank goodness when I worked in that place that turned out to be mostly about transgender stuff, I didn't work with many kids at all.
I found the training around evaluations lacking, and certainly the tact and finesse in how to evaluate children not so good.
Still, sometimes it was terribly obvious that someone was not at all going to ever be at home in their body without gender affirming care.
I never wanted that to be my specialty at all, but I sure learned a lot.
I thought Libs were all for Free Speech? Apparently not anymore:

The common denominator in ALL of the links is that the real, physical violence is predominantly coming from the lefty libs, not the conservatives.
With all due respect, those links are self selected by you. And, also seem to be all from fox news? aka faux news in some circles
Is it any surprise they all show bad stuff by the "libs"?
Someone with an opposing viewpoint could grab some links about the crazy right wingers
See #59 below
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As to your son...the Principal told the truth...and we SHOULD be embarrassed as to how our collective ancestors and country has treated people of was deplorable what we have done in the past, and despicable that we have not taken more strides to eliminate the racist laws and courts today...they should riot and march and kneel and demand reconciliation and retribution if you ask me.
B*ll*cks! Nonsense. Drivel.
Yet Jan 6 is somehow not a peaceful, first amendment protected protest? Particularly when Congressional Police (whatever the proper term) invited them inside the building!
Some may have done. They had little choice against a baying mob climbing the walls and smashing windows and doors.

Others were were beaten, pepper sprayed and traumatized trying to defend the democracy they were sworn to uphold, against a MAGA attempt at a coup with intention to lynch Pelosi, Pence and others. Anyway, you Americans can fight it out amongst yourselves. It's a pity this Christianity forum thread has veered so far into American politics, imo
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Some may have done. They had little choice against a baying mob climbing the walls and smashing windows and doors.

Others were were beaten, pepper sprayed and traumatized trying to defend the democracy they were sworn to uphold, against a MAGA attempt at a coup with intention to lynch Pelosi, Pence and others. Anyway, you Americans can fight it out amongst yourselves. It's a pity this Christianity forum thread has veered so far into American politics, imo
The two seem welded together these days.
