A New Creation for our age.

Tony Bristow-Stagg

One Planet One People Please
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I am inspired to post this OP from the responses to replies in another OP about a 'New Creation'.

In this age, a New Creation requires the embracing of the Oneness of God and humanity. It requires us to embrace all God given Faiths in the same light of Love, to remove the predudices of religion, of race, of gender. It requires us to drop national predudices and become one people on one planet, proud of the nation we were born in, recognising boundaries of Nations, but not putting up exclusive boarders.

Is there a path to this new creation, yes indeed there is, it has to start in our own self, we must free ourselves of all the built up predudices, see the world with new eyes, hear God with new ears, Love all humanity as one soul in one body.

This subject is immense, the New Heaven and New Earth is all around us, the old world order is fast collapsing and a new world order is rolling out in its stead.

I am compelled by the events that surround us, war, tyrants, dishonesty on a scale never before witnesses, natural disasters ever increasing, to offer without pause, without consideration to any opposition, as loud and as long as I can, to say we are One, God is one, we are all part of a New Creation, playing the part we choose.

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Regards Tony
Is the New Creation going to be any different from the Old Creation? The last major switch was Science replacing Religion as numero uno. It turned pretty much into a corrupt being too. Science was used by those in power to gain more power and wealth....just like religion was used. Now our world is controlled largely by those with enough wealth to buy votes, military might, and self-marketing.

I will agree that a new form of creation may seem to be manifesting but, just like old times, the form changes but the mind remains the same.
Is the New Creation going to be any different from the Old Creation? The last major switch was Science replacing Religion as numero uno. It turned pretty much into a corrupt being too. Science was used by those in power to gain more power and wealth....just like religion was used. Now our world is controlled largely by those with enough wealth to buy votes, military might, and self-marketing.

I will agree that a new form of creation may seem to be manifesting but, just like old times, the form changes but the mind remains the same.
Yes I see it will be an age of great progress both materially and spiritually. This period of transition, of great turmoil, is preparing us. No one will want to see war again, we will learn war no more.

Regards Tony
Yes I see it will be an age of great progress both materially and spiritually. This period of transition, of great turmoil, is preparing us. No one will want to see war again, we will learn war no more.

Regards Tony
As much as I want to believe that, I don't think I can. The mind of Man may understand new things but cannot think differently. We will always have some of the territorial, greedy, self-praising beings who can use their nature to convince us to choose them as leaders of our world. Many people are good. But good people don't get to lead others generally. You need to be a taker and denier to fill the boots of ones with power.
As much as I want to believe that, I don't think I can. The mind of Man may understand new things but cannot think differently. We will always have some of the territorial, greedy, self-praising beings who can use their nature to convince us to choose them as leaders of our world. Many people are good. But good people don't get to lead others generally. You need to be a taker and denier to fill the boots of ones with power.
It is indeed an intrinsic part of man's collective mind at this time, but personally I see events are unfolding as to enable us to find a greater capacity of mercy, compassion and charity.
I see the desire to be a leader, to rule over men's minds, will not be the path of the majority. The change is possible, I know how the desire for peace and a fair go for all humanity has changed me dramatically, if I can, then I see everybody can change as well.

A bit more difficult if one has been indoctrinated as a young child, it takes a mighty effort to break free of aquired predudices.

Regards Tony
I am inspired to post this OP from the responses to replies in another OP about a 'New Creation'.

In this age, a New Creation requires the embracing of the Oneness of God and humanity. It requires us to embrace all God given Faiths in the same light of Love, to remove the predudices of religion, of race, of gender. It requires us to drop national predudices and become one people on one planet, proud of the nation we were born in, recognising boundaries of Nations, but not putting up exclusive boarders.

Is there a path to this new creation, yes indeed there is, it has to start in our own self, we must free ourselves of all the built up predudices, see the world with new eyes, hear God with new ears, Love all humanity as one soul in one body.

This subject is immense, the New Heaven and New Earth is all around us, the old world order is fast collapsing and a new world order is rolling out in its stead.

I am compelled by the events that surround us, war, tyrants, dishonesty on a scale never before witnesses, natural disasters ever increasing, to offer without pause, without consideration to any opposition, as loud and as long as I can, to say we are One, God is one, we are all part of a New Creation, playing the part we choose.

View attachment 4025

Regards Tony
All this subject to the next 800 years of humanity blindly obedient to the writings of Baha'u'llah -- Christ the Father -- and his family

bit more difficult if one has been indoctrinated as a young child, it takes a mighty effort to break free of aquired predudices.
Do you think this is true of the majority of members of this forum?
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Do you think this is true of the majority of members of this forum?
It's not about you RJM.

I happen to watch this yesterday. Very powerful message to the democratic leaders of this world.

There are good points made, I take no sides either way.

Regards Tony
It's not about you RJM.

I happen to watch this yesterday. Very powerful message to the democratic leaders of this world.

There are good points made, I take no sides either way.

Regards Tony
I posted his CNN interview weeks ago. He's been giving interviews everywhere. GBN is regarded as a conservative outlet here in the UK.
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From my understanding it is our own self that brings out the new creation, we can change, change is now imperative, both materially and spiritually the balance of both are at tipping point.

Regards Tony
From my understanding it is our own self that brings out the new creation, we can change, change is now imperative, both materially and spiritually the balance of both are at tipping point.

Regards Tony
Go on ... and the only way to get this done is to become Baha'i and submit to the writings of your new Christ and his family for the next 800 years

Go on ... and the only way to get this done is to become Baha'i and submit to the writings of your new Christ and his family for the next 800 years

I do not see that is what will start the process. Submission unto God's commands is required, yet that can happen without knowledge of what the Baha'i Writings contain.

Example, this is part of the New Creation.

"..The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized...."

Yet this will not be instigated by the Baha'i, we may not even play a part, if we do, it may only be in a consultative capacity.

Many examples of this. A Universal Language will be chosen, yet it will be chosen by the elected representatives of the Nations, not the Baha'i.

So business as usual RJM, we are all part of the new creation, to the extent our words and deeds reflect what God has asked of us.

Regards Tony
The new creation for this age in my mind would be the continuing trend of educated logical societies getting rid of G!ds and religion as worship of imaginary ditties. Letting go of belief and eating from the tree of knowledge.

Of raising up people our planet and our environment as worthy of care, compassion and working together for the betterment of all.

Of eliminating national borders and religious and race bigotry. There are many allegories parables and lessons imbedded amongst the scripture and tenets of various religions I find worthy but we gotta separate the wheat from the imaginary chaff.

It is occurring in north America and europe...and my wish is that it continue...till we realize how good we had it, how good we got it....before we lose it all...
The new creation for this age in my mind would be the continuing trend of educated logical societies getting rid of G!ds and religion as worship of imaginary ditties. Letting go of belief and eating from the tree of knowledge.

Of raising up people our planet and our environment as worthy of care, compassion and working together for the betterment of all.

Of eliminating national borders and religious and race bigotry. There are many allegories parables and lessons imbedded amongst the scripture and tenets of various religions I find worthy but we gotta separate the wheat from the imaginary chaff.

It is occurring in north America and europe...and my wish is that it continue...till we realize how good we had it, how good we got it....before we lose it all...
It is an integral part of the transition that humanity that we will try to do away with religion. This is already set in prophecy and what will happen when that path is walked is already told. Walking this path, is the path to loosing it all (humanity strated in this path sone time ago) and the leaders of an age to come, will realise humanity does need God and religion.

The elimination of National boarders is what was asked of us, to become one people on one planet, to rid ourselves of all predudices, yet we still put National Pride above the common good. The next stage in the evolution of humanity will be an agreement on set boarders of each nation, that no other Nation can breach.

Regards Tony
But Baha'i religion is ok? Pray in Persian 99 times each morning facing the grave of Baha'u'llah
No, Islam has been trying to do away with the Baha'i from the birth of the Faith. (Also some Christians, I know, I have faced them in Church).

No one is exempt when Godlessness plagues humanity, we are told the Baha'i are not exempt from the ills and sufferings this age will produce. Consider, even Jesus and all the Messengers were not exempt, they embraced what they were to face at humanities hands.

"… Suffering, of one kind or another, seems to be the portion of man in this world. Even the Beloved Ones, the Prophets of God, have never been exempt from the ills that are to be found in our world; poverty, disease, bereavement,—they seem to be part of the polish God employs to make us finer, and enable us to reflect more of His attributes! No doubt in the future, when the foundation of society is laid according to the Divine plan, and men become truly spiritualized, a vast amount of our present ills and problems will be remedied. We who toil now are paving the way for a far better world, and this knowledge must uphold and strengthen us through every trial."

(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, March 3, 1943)

Big topic, lots has been offered on this topic.

Regards Tony
So you do not intend humanity pray towards the grave of Baha'u'llah for the next 800 years?
Keep religion. Retain the sacred. Do not surrender to the secular humanist idealogy of human meat, imo
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Keep religion. Retain the sacred. Do not surrender to the secular humanist idealogy of human meat, imo
Luckily the Messengers are more than the flesh body, they are the Christ's, given of God.

To them One and All, to the One God they represent, we can choose to submit.

Regards Tony