Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

Yes I had this conversation about racism with other people in another post in the “religious forums.com”. And I edited and removed that part from my content.

I tried the “contact us” link on the bottom of this page. Is there any other way to contact the admins such as “iBrian”?

Thank you for your help.
One way to do it is to put the @ symbol right before iBrian right here in this post.
I didn't do it because I wanted to give you the chance. I didn't want to call attention to the post unless you were sure.
By the way, I am Chinese yellow people, which was once also a group of victims of racism. I can’t possibly promote this thing to hurt myself. To be honest.
Depending on where you are and who you are around, you could still be a target of racism. Hopefully you will be able to minimize such encounters.
And that you can encourage others to avoid making vast generalizations about people based on race. :)
Depending on where you are and who you are around, you could still be a target of racism. Hopefully you will be able to minimize such encounters.
And that you can encourage others to avoid making vast generalizations about people based on race. :)
Okay, I will avoid this type of content carefully. Thanks for your advice.
Dear admin, I have this content issue about racism(To be clear I am not racist). But I can’t find edit or delete options of this post. Please help me with that. Thanks a lot.👩‍❤️‍👨
Dear admin, I have this content issue about racism(To be clear I am not racist). But I can’t find edit or delete options of this post. Please help me with that. Thanks a lot.👩‍❤️‍👨
Good idea.
@iBrian - I agree. I have been discussing this with our new member @AndrewGe and he would like to edit an earlier post due to content issues. :)
Can’t fall asleep when it was supposed to be the noon nap time.

I’ve been thinking about this racism issue on my bed.

I think now I understand a little bit why people would say that my theory about racial potential talents is considered as racism.

It’s because they don’t actually think those three talents are equally important.(whether this is in their consciousness or subconsciousness)

If they truly think that the physical talent is as important as psychological talent, as important as spiritual talent.

How about this?
I simply assume it this way, three colored races are equally talented in physical strength and power. Nobody is talented in any other areas.

Then is there still any racism?

Not anymore, because even though I am still talking about the potential talents of three races, their talents are equal now, which means the three races are equal now.

How about this? Let’s assume that the physical talent is super much more important than the other two talents. The psychological and spiritual just don’t matter to most people.

Let’s assume that not many people care about the psychological or the spiritual. Instead most people in this world honor and give glory to physically strong and healthy people.

Then the physically talented people would be honored wherever they go, and the other two types of men will be discriminated as the weak ones.

So, did I get the point?
Can’t fall asleep when it was supposed to be the noon nap time.

I’ve been thinking about this racism issue on my bed.

I think now I understand a little bit why people would say that my theory about racial potential talents is considered as racism.

It’s because they don’t actually think those three talents are equally important.(whether this is in their consciousness or subconsciousness)

If they truly think that the physical talent is as important as psychological talent, as important as spiritual talent.

How about this?
I simply assume it this way, three colored races are equally talented in physical strength and power. Nobody is talented in any other areas.

Then is there still any racism?

Not anymore, because even though I am still talking about the potential talents of three races, their talents are equal now, which means the three races are equal now.

How about this? Let’s assume that the physical talent is super much more important than the other two talents. The psychological and spiritual just don’t matter to most people.

Let’s assume that not many people care about the psychological or the spiritual. Instead most people in this world honor and give glory to physically strong and healthy people.

Then the physically talented people would be honored wherever they go, and the other two types of men will be discriminated as the weak ones.

So, did I get the point?
Again, if they truly think that physical talent is as important as the psychological talent as the spiritual talent. Then the three races’ talents are in an equal state.

If I am talking about the completely equal attributes of three different races, then why is there any racism? Which one to discriminate over? Everybody has got the same amount!
Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items
Chapter one (The basics)

This article is to unveil the original insights of Jesus, Buddha, Hindu sages, etc. By studying their teachings you will know that God’s sovereignty is absolute to this universe and God is the one who makes all decisions before everyone in this universe acts. And you will know that all religions, all mysticism, world history and even all things of this universe are trying to tell you the same truth: the four heavenly items.

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The introduction of four heavenly items:
1. Materialistic world;
2. Mental/Psychological world;
3. Spiritual world;
4. God world.

These four items can also be interpreted as three parts of a human and the inner God:
1. Physical body;
2. Psychological form;
3. Spiritual form;
4. The inner God.

The overall description of four heavenly items:
1. Physical body, physical realm, material realm, material properties, physical labor, physiological needs, animal needs, flesh needs, demonic nature, etc;

2. Mental/Psychological realm, personality, emotional needs, psychological needs, (due to loneliness of theheart) social needs, communication, human relationships, humanity, human nature, etc;

3. Spiritual realm, religious fields, supernatural world, divinity, divine nature, etc;

4. God, the One who is in control of the destiny of everything in this universe. He makes all the decisions before everyone in this universe makes a move.

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Next, I will introduce you some analogies of the four heavenly items.

(In order to make this article easier to comprehend, I have removed a large number of analogies. If readers are interested in more analogies, I will add more in the advanced chapter.)

1. The new testament Bible four gospels:
- Matthew(This gospel testifies that Jesus is the Messiah which was prophesied by the old testament, the one who brings the kingdom of the heavens to earth; “Spiritual world”);

- Mark (This gospel testifies that Jesus is the bond slave of God, the one who labors hard for God; “Materialistic world”);

- Luke (This gospel testifies that Jesus is a normal human with normal humanity. He has lived a normal human life; “Psychological world”);

- John (This gospel testifies that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself; “God”).

2. The Four Greats of Tao Te Ching chapter 25:
- Tao (God);
- Heaven (Spiritual world);
- Earth (Materialistic world);
- Man (Psychological world);

3. The Four Agamas (or Nikayas) of Buddhism:
- The Long Discourses of the Buddha (Longer Agama, this book is mainly about the actual world, “Materialistic world”);

- The Agama that Adds One (or Increases by One, this book is mainly about humanity life, “Psychological world”);

- The Middle Discourses of the Buddha (Middle Agama, this book is mainly about the religious practices that remedy afflictions; “Spiritual world”);

- The Miscellaneous Discourses of the Buddha (Assorted or Miscellaneous Agama, this book is mainly about the One who is in control of everything; “God world”).

4. The four vedas of Hinduism:
- Rig Veda(Praise all natural forces; “the materialistic world”);
- Sama Veda(Focusing on singing, music, poetry; “the psychological world”);
- Yajur Veda(Sacrificial customs and religious rituals; “the spiritual world”);
- Atharva Veda(“God world”);

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Next, I will show you some other evidences of four heavenly books in world history or other fields:
1、 The Axial Age (between 800 and 200 BC, especially between 600 and 300 BC) was the foundational era of human civilization, with the four major ancient civilizations erupting simultaneously.

In ancient Greece, there were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; in Israel, there were Jewish prophets; in ancient India, there was Shakyamuni and Indian spiritualist; in China, there were Confucius, Laozi, and Mozi, etc.

During this period, the four ancient civilizations each had different works to do.

The ancient Greek civilization focused more on the relationship between humans and the nature order (physical world, “Materialistic world”),

the Indian civilization focused more on the relationship between humans and the supernatural world (“Spiritual world”);

The Chinese civilization focused more on the relationship between humans (human relationships, “Psychological world”),

and the Israeli civilization focused more on the relationship between humans and God (“God world”).

(After the understanding of the four heavenly books and the Axial Age, we could see that God’s sovereignty over the destiny of this universe is absolute.

God made the decisions before all those philosophers and sages of the Axial Age.

Those philosophers and sages certainly did not have a meeting together to discuss how to distribute different working orientation for four different civilizations. Thus this had to be God’s sovereignty.)

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2. The first generation of four plebeian worker’s comics of Japan:
- Saint Seiya (“God world”, the main storyline is gods’ proxy war);

- Dragon Ball (“Materialistic world”, the main storyline is about training, fighting and becoming stronger; it’s all about physical body);

- Yu Yu Hakusho (“Spiritual world”, the main storyline is about the spirit world);

- Slam Dunk (“Psychological world”, the main storyline is to promote the soul of sports);

3. The second generation of four plebeian worker’s comics of Japan:
- One Piece (“Materialistic world”, the power system is mainly physical strength and physical durability);

- Naruto (“Psychological world”, the power system is mainly chakra; Charka is the mixture of mental energy and physical energy);

- Bleach (“Spiritual world”, the power system is mainly spiritual pressure);

- Fairy tails (“God world”, the power system is mainly magic energy; magic energy in this comic represents life energy. And “life” is a word interchangeable with the word “God” in many religions and mysticism.)

(The reason why two generations of plebeian worker’s comics correspond with the four heavenly items is the sovereignty of God.)

4. The ancient myths of various nations have also mentioned the sovereignty of God, such as Pangu in China, Ymir in Norse Mythology, Tiamat in Babylonian mythology, and the Purusa in Hindu mythology.

They are all gods who transform their bodies into all things in the universe after death. This is a metaphor that the entire universe is the body of God, and God governs the fate of all things in the universe like moving hands and feet.

5. Three different human races have different talents:
- White people (their talent lies in inspiration, invention and new creation, spiritual pursuit, etc.; "spiritual world").

- Yellow people (their talent lies in psychological entertainment, human relationships, intelligence, learning, and imitation; "psychological world").

- Black people (their talent lies in physical needs, physical fitness, physical strength and power, and stamina; "materialistic world").
Good on you, do not worry about the comments about racism, as you are just explaining an obvious observation about the races.

Abdul'baha does the same in some of his talks, and I can categorically state there was absolutely no racim in Abdul'baha, here is one.

"....Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful color. The trees too, how varied are they in size, in growth, in foliage—and what different fruits they bear! Yet all these flowers, shrubs and trees spring from the self-same earth, the same sun shines upon them and the same clouds give them rain.

So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different color, white, black, yellow, brown and red—but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. This diversity among the children of men has unhappily not the same effect as it has among the vegetable creation, where the spirit shown is more harmonious. Among men exists the diversity of animosity, and it is this that causes war and hatred among the different nations of the world..."

All the best, Regards Tony
By the way, I am Chinese yellow people, which was once also a group of victims of racism. I can’t possibly promote this thing to hurt myself. To be honest.
Do not worry about those comments, I understand your reference is not done with any attent as being racist.

Regards Tony
Good on you, do not worry about the comments about racism, as you are just explaining an obvious observation about the races.

Abdul'baha does the same in some of his talks, and I can categorically state there was absolutely no racim in Abdul'baha, here is one.

"....Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful color. The trees too, how varied are they in size, in growth, in foliage—and what different fruits they bear! Yet all these flowers, shrubs and trees spring from the self-same earth, the same sun shines upon them and the same clouds give them rain.

So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different color, white, black, yellow, brown and red—but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. This diversity among the children of men has unhappily not the same effect as it has among the vegetable creation, where the spirit shown is more harmonious. Among men exists the diversity of animosity, and it is this that causes war and hatred among the different nations of the world..."

All the best, Regards Tony
Thank you so much for your understanding.💑💑👩‍❤️‍👨
I am really grateful for that.

But you know, same text could be interpreted as completely different meanings by different people. I guess I will have to remove that sensitive part later. If I still want other people to remain peaceful with me.

Thank you!
Dear admin, I have this content issue about racism(To be clear I am not racist). But I can’t find edit or delete options of this post. Please help me with that. Thanks a lot.👩‍❤️‍👨
To be honest, if I was here when you first posted I would have removed the thread anyway - this is a discussion form, not a platform for people to publish books at us. Forums work best when people publish their books on their website or Kindle, etc, and then come in here to raise specific points for discussion to help them better understand their ideas, rather than copy/paste at people. :)

However, now that other people have posted I'm loathe to remove their well-intended words. After all, if members have posted thoughtful replies in good faith, it would be unfair to remove them.

I would also caution against simply removing the comments on race as well - it is plainly obvious that there are physical differences between the traditional peoples of Europe, Southeast Asia, and the continent of Africa, with potentially many subdivisions in between. This is simply an observation. It may also be worth bearing in mind that Europeans traditionally have significant amounts of Neanderthal DNA, Southeast Asians a mix of Denisovan and a smaller amount of Neanderthal, and people from Africa have neither.

So I could simply close this thread, or you could continue with what you have for discussion. :)
To be honest, if I was here when you first posted I would have removed the thread anyway - this is a discussion form, not a platform for people to publish books at us. Forums work best when people publish their books on their website or Kindle, etc, and then come in here to raise specific points for discussion to help them better understand their ideas, rather than copy/paste at people. :)

However, now that other people have posted I'm loathe to remove their well-intended words. After all, if members have posted thoughtful replies in good faith, it would be unfair to remove them.

I would also caution against simply removing the comments on race as well - it is plainly obvious that there are physical differences between the traditional peoples of Europe, Southeast Asia, and the continent of Africa, with potentially many subdivisions in between. This is simply an observation. It may also be worth bearing in mind that Europeans traditionally have significant amounts of Neanderthal DNA, Southeast Asians a mix of Denisovan and a smaller amount of Neanderthal, and people from Africa have neither.

So I could simply close this thread, or you could continue with what you have for discussion. :)
Thank you for not removing this thread.💑

I had tried to publish an e-book on Amazon kindle. But kindle only allow few days of free-trial (for readers to purchase).

I watched the stats of the book. Every free day the book gained one reader. After the free trial( I lowered the price of the book to minimum), no more new readers at all.:(

That is why I come to this forum, if I still want more people to know and agree with my opinions.

Well, if you think my claims about racial general potentials are okay, then I will not remove that part. Thank you for your understanding.👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

But I do want to add more pictures throughout the whole content so that people wouldn’t get tired of reading it. The content is kind of massive and long.

So, could I get to edit the post please? Thank you so much.👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
So I could simply close this thread, or you could continue with what you have for discussion. :)
Oh I guess I don’t want this thread to be closed. If my content no longer has sensitive issues.

Thank you for your understanding! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
But I do want to add more pictures throughout the whole content so that people wouldn’t get tired of reading it. The content is kind of massive and long.
No, I'll close the thread if you do that. As I said, feel free to set up a website and put your book up on there - this is not the place to publish it. As I said:

Forums work best when people publish their books on their website or Kindle, etc, and then come in here to raise specific points for discussion to help them better understand their ideas, rather than copy/paste at people. :)
How about this?
I simply assume it this way, three colored races are equally talented in physical strength and power. Nobody is talented in any other areas.

Then is there still any racism?
I suspect there is. Why else would you feel the need to raise the subject of race? There are numerous ways that can be used to divide the human race. Why choose this one? Why not short and tall or left and right-handed?

Considering the ever-growing number of mixed race people in the world, the issue becomes increasingly nonsensical.