How did a Hindu became an atheist.

Well, what does one mean by "evidence".
Does this even matter if it has not been determined what one means by 'God?' What the term points to varies depending on who is asked.

I mean, as G-d is not of the universe, then how could one detect Him?
Can one know where God is? If not, then how can one know where God isn't?

As I see it, if one assigning location to God by saying God is not in the universe, then one is, by default, stating God appears in space, no?
Well, I have asked God to prove his existence by bringing clouds to Delhi today. The weather sites say we will have clear sky today.
Prove the existence of the realm where Allah resides. Don't just talk, give evidence. Prove existence of heaven and hell.
Delhi weather at the moment: Mostly clear. Temperature 71 F. God has not moved his magic wand. Should I expect clouds by the evening?
You have made a few assumptions about what "God" is.

1. God takes personal requests.
B. God is interested in proving God's existence upon atheists' request.
Ψ. God has a magic wand that apparently controls weather.

How would proving the existence of heaven and hell demonstrate the existence of God?
1. God takes personal requests.
B. God is interested in proving God's existence upon atheists' request.
Ψ. God has a magic wand that apparently controls weather.
I like your numbering scheme.

According to this particular account, from the Babylonian Talmud, under "the circle drawing incident" God may take the requests of some rabbis? Or this rabbi?

As I see it, if one assigning location to God by saying God is not in the universe, then one is, by default, stating God appears in space, no?
I wouldn't say so..
Why does G-d have to have a location?

Some people say that G-d is everywhere .. others say not .. I say that G-d created the universe and
is not part of it. That would suggest that G-d is "somewhere" that we are not aware of at present.

..and as I say .. "G-d is closer to us than our jugular vein" - Al Qur'an

This does not refer to the space our brains occupy, but in a spiritual sense ..
..connection to our being .. our minds/souls.

Furthermore, G-d is not comaparable to any "thing" that we see in this universe,
as while G-d made us "in His image", it does not mean physically, but spiritually.
eg. loving, merciful, forgiving, patient etc.
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Ψ. God has a magic wand that apparently controls weather.
Theists do believe that God has a magic wand. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Well there were no clouds yesterday. God avoided the contest. Today, the weathermen say that there is a possibility.

As opposed to "In the beginning, the heavens and earth just happened to be". :)
In the beginning:
"THEN was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.
What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water?
Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day's and night's divider.
That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.
Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos.
All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit." :D
Rig Veda: Rig-Veda, Book 10: HYMN CXXIX. Creation., 1,000 BCE (best guess)
I wouldn't say so..
Why does G-d have to have a location?
I don't know, but people have a propensity to assign God to a location (emphasis mine)...
Some people say that G-d is everywhere .. others say not .. I say that G-d created the universe and
is not part of it. That would suggest that G-d is "somewhere" that we are not aware of at present.

..and as I say .. "G-d is closer to us than our jugular vein" - Al Qur'an

This does not refer to the space our brains occupy, but in a spiritual sense ..
..connection to our being .. our minds/souls.
"Where" implies a point (or several) in space. "Closer" can also imply a point in space, especially when compared to a jugular vein, which is a thing in space.

Furthermore, G-d is not comaparable to any "thing" that we see in this universe,
as while G-d made us "in His image", it does not mean physically, but spiritually.
eg. loving, merciful, forgiving, patient etc.
Are love, mercy, forgiveness, and patience not things? Do they not exist in the universe?
Theists do believe that God has a magic wand. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Well there were no clouds yesterday. God avoided the contest. Today, the weathermen say that there is a possibility.

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Well there's your evidence! Is it God's fault that you didn't make the task time-bound? ;)
Well there's your evidence! Is it God's fault that you didn't make the task time-bound?
Well, I have asked God to prove his existence by bringing clouds to Delhi today. The weather sites say we will have clear sky today.
I did give him the time to prove his might for 'Tuesday, 18th February, 2025', and there were no clouds. I posted this yesterday.
Clouds have appeared on 'Wednesday, 19th February, 2025'. He has lost his credibility and has missed the bus.
Correcting the dates in the above post: (Reason: Something to do with computer, Superblock malfunction)
Challenge: Bring clouds to Delhi today, 'Monday, 17th February, 2025'. Post made on Morning of 17th February, 2025.
No clouds all through the day. Even with all his might, God failed.
Clouds come today, on 'Tuesday, 18th February, 2025' as predicted by weathermen.
"Where" implies a point (or several) in space. "Closer" can also imply a point in space, especially when compared to a jugular vein, which is a thing in space.
It can .. but that would contradict the fact that G-d is not part of the Creation.
It makes no sense that He would be.
i.e. He is eternal

Are love, mercy, forgiveness, and patience not things? Do they not exist in the universe?
They exist .. but are not physical concepts .. they are spiritual ones.
I wouldn't say so..
Why does G-d have to have a location?

..and as I say .. "G-d is closer to us than our jugular vein" - Al Qur'an
Then what Qur'an says is not correct. Whose neck? Yours or mine? Qur'an certainly gives a more or less exact location.
Then what Qur'an says is not correct. Whose neck? Yours or mine?
G-d is not a physical being. Physical beings belong to the creation of G-d.

G-d is not "a god" with form, as in Ganesha.
G-d is existence itself, but not physical existence .. imagine a non-physical universal network.
..perhaps you can't, because you are a stubborn physicalist. 😐
It can .. but that would contradict the fact that G-d is not part of the Creation.
It makes no sense that He would be.
i.e. He is eternal
From a Muslim or Abrahamic perspective, of course. But it's important in interfaith dialogue to keep in mind that not everyone shares that perspective. "Creation" isn't a narrative in many non-Abrahamic or non-religious worldviews, so the terms used to describe God or evidence for God are an important consideration in such discourse.

They exist .. but are not physical concepts .. they are spiritual ones.
The question wasn't whether or not they exist. The question was if they are things and do they exist in the universe?
I have found the label for my Hinduism. It is 'Nasadiya Advaita'.
I go by three lines of the Nasadiya Sukta of RigVeda.

1. THEN was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.
2. The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being?
3. Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent.

"Nasadiya" means Na+asat = Not non-existent.
The universe did not exist but at the same time it was not non-existent.

My homage to Prajapati Parameshthi, the writer of the hymn. (Best guess - 1,000 BCE)
I was born that way...then my parents tried to make me a theist, specifically a Christian....they really didn't care what denomination.

Over time (like first grade) I started to question, by third or fourth grade the Sunday school teachers had enough of me and I had enough of them. My parents agreed. My mother and sisters continued to go, my father and I stayed home and puttered in the garden or garage.