Recent content by 2ndpillar

  1. 2

    Arian Christology

    Wouldn't it be easier to just quote about Arianism from a different source than wikipedia? I use wikipedia, but if Thomas can't abide it, there are more sources. Arianism | Definition, History, & Controversy | Britannica Beliefs. Arianism is often...
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    Oral Torah, Sacred Tradition, Ahadith

    I think you have missed the point. The "contradiction", double mindedness, hypocrisy of "Christianity", is based on the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:11), or more to the point, the leaven/hypocrisy of the Pharisee of Pharisees, Paul. Without double mindedness/hypocrisy, you would have...
  3. 2

    Reading Scripture

    And your point is?
  4. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    I think Henry the eighth was responsible for replacing the Roman Catholic Church with his Church of England, which would be more in line with him getting a divorce. The Protestants seem to be freer with regard to divorce, or at least they don't appear to charge for the performance necessary to...
  5. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    You had said the Yeshua had "forbade" divorce. That was an untrue statement. He gave the grounds for divorce, but that was not the intended original purpose of God joining man and women as one. The grounds for an annulment are many. Divorce was enacted because of the hardness of the hearts of...
  6. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    Yeshua's message was repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The kingdom of heaven he is speaking of is a spiritual kingdom, one of spirit and power. He told his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. and then tell them the kingdom of heaven is at hand, which is a kingdom of...
  7. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    Yeshua didn't "forbade" divorce. Divorce was part of the law (Matthew 5:31) He simply said it was not originally part of God making man and women one flesh, and that if one divorces, it must be for probable cause, which he gave, and that if one divorces for no probable cause, one commits...
  8. 2

    Reading Scripture

    The problem of today, is that everyone is trying to be seen as nicer than the next guy, or to more precise, more "righteous". Barrack said to be your brother's keeper, yet his brother was living in a hovel in Kenya at that time. Apparently it isn't nice to call someone by the wrong gender...
  9. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    Constantine, as an Augustus Caesar, took upon himself the passed down title of Pontifex Maximus, the head of the Roman pagan church, who convened the Nicene Council, appointed his illiterate generals at retirement as church bishops, paid for maintenance of the church, and exiled perceived church...
  10. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    Did someone say something that makes you tremble? What I say is true or it isn't. If it is true, you may have a problem. If it is not, then what do you have to worry about? Censure didn't work out for the brown shirts or the black shirts, or will it work for their modern day counterparts...
  11. 2

    Beginning and end of Christianity?

    As we are at the end of the age, the era of the 8th head of the beast (Revelation 17), it seems only right to lay out the beginning and the end of what is to be, and point out an escape mechanism. The play book of Christianity starts with the prophet Hosea, in Hosea 3, being told to...
  12. 2

    Reading Scripture

    Yeshua's message was to Judah and Israel, which according to Ezekiel 36, is still scattered among the nations, and apparently don't know who they are. Yeshua sent his disciples to the "lost sheep of Israel" (Matthew 10:6), which do come under the totality of the Law and the commandments. As...
  13. 2

    The kingdom of heaven may be compared to what? (Mt 13:24)

    You will know them by their fruits is with respect to Matthew 7:20, which is with regards to the false prophets and the rotten fruit attached to being lawlessness/wicked (Matthew 7:17 - 23), which leads to death and disease. Your 30/60 fruit of Matthew 13:23 is another type of fruit. The...
  14. 2

    The kingdom of heaven may be compared to what? (Mt 13:24)

    The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a man (son of man)(Matthew 13:37) who sowed good seed in his field, the testimony of Yeshua, but while men were sleeping, his enemy (devil)(Mt 13:39) came and sowed tare seeds in the same field (New Testament). The slaves of the landowner came and asked...
  15. 2

    Oral Torah, Sacred Tradition, Ahadith

    Your Orwellian positions seem to fit with the times. A "church in Rome" does not mean the Roman church. The Nicene Trinitarian church wasn't declared official until 380 AD. Apparently there was no one "Christian" church in Rome at the time of Nero, as apparently the trouble caused by the rift...