Recent content by Bilal Abdur-Raheem

  1. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    That's maybe scary someone would say that, but seeing as none of the major world religions condone or command murder it's not a major problem. Of course it is illogical to assume that if the actual Creator of the universe commanded a thing that us selfish, falliable, and corrupt humans could...
  2. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    That doesn't dispute what I said at all. Nazi's followed laws in Hitler's Germany, and the laws were wrong. They were downright evil. Law's are simply a man made reflection of current social mores that actually validates my statement. Laws can not be a substitute for morality, they are based on...
  3. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    Thats where you're going with this? An insult? Insinuating I defend atrocious acts? I was simply stating a truth. Without an objective authority for right or wrong it becomes simply a matter of opinion. I have never heard anyone offer a valid answer to that and you have yet to either. Still no...
  4. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    So in this forum you are not allowed to try and convince people that your religion is true? That's a rule that can never be followed as every debate is simply people arguing for the veracity of their belief system.
  5. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    Straw man! I never said anyone who doesn't believe in God must believe rape, murder, and incest are okay. Never said that. I said that they can NOT say conclusively with any authority that those things are wrong. They just can't. Without a higher power, an absolutely objective authority, these...
  6. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    So you know of zero. Fine. Your knowledge is far from all encompassing. Where is it written that scientists are the unquestionable authority by the way?
  7. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    No, and not that I couldn't. In fact this is the internet age and anyone can search a thing to verify it's veracity. I say no simply because I don't attampt to debate atheists. Especially since this is an introduction thread and I was simply recounting my life and reasoning. The fact is the...
  8. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    In your falliable human opinion. Man writes what Allah Azzawajal decrees. In the case of the hadith, men wrote what the messenger Muhammad salla allahu alihi wa salaam, revealed to them. I am curious though if you simply do not believe in Islam or is it all religion you reject? Because without...
  9. Bilal Abdur-Raheem

    Have you heard of this prophetic hadith?

    The human race has many failings. Almighty God does not. You don't have to like what He decrees, this makes no difference. Your emotions don't affect things one way or another. You couldn't outhink Allah azzawajal on your best day. I will trust Him with the future of the world thank you. Good...
  10. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    Thank you.
  11. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    Actually multiple atheist scientists have remarked on the fact that many things mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are scientifically remarkable and inexplicable. They don't have to be Muslims nor do they necessarily have to believe these things are divine miracles. Doesn't change the fact that they...
  12. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    Well the thing that has always been very striking to me (not the most important of course which is that there is only one God worthy of worship, praise, and glorification) is the miraculous science of Islam. This is not my opinion either, many scientists of the highest caliber have commented...
  13. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    Wow just realized half my post didn't show up. That's sad but the short version is that I became a Muslim Alhamdullilah and will forever be grateful. I will always try to spread and share the truth of Islam.
  14. Bilal Abdur-Raheem


    Greetings and asalamu alaikum my name is Bilal. Formerly Chandler, now Bilal Abdur-Raheem. Whew my story is long and I wasn't sure whether to simply introduce myself or tell my story, but I feel my story helps define who I am so here goes. I am a 100% white anglo saxon american male. I was...