Recent content by kentauros

  1. K

    Tao Te Ching Translations

    I have recently discovered the Tao Te Ching through, of all people, Wayne Dyer. He has a book out on it ("Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao") where he took ten of the translations and wrote his own interpretive essays on each verse. Many of the authors and...
  2. K

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    The only reference to clams and oysters that comes to mind within a movie is that bit in Sparticus between Lawrence Olivier and Tony Curtis :p
  3. K

    Last fm

    Here some others to try, too: SomaFM: Listener Supported, Commercial Free Internet Radio Digitally Imported - Addictive Electronic Music Internet Radio | Enjoy amazing Free Internet Radio stations Free and legal music downloads - Jamendo and music blogs: All Music - All Blogs...
  4. K

    What music are you listening to?

    Niyaz - Allahi Allah Here's the youtube, though I'll be listening ot the whole cd while I do some grocery shopping :) 91pMQfuZf04
  5. K

    Mystery Thread

    Thanks, Grey! I'm sure you'll like them :) The last photo of the eleven pitas is from a doubled recipe; it normally only makes six. I was making them to take to a party and give away others, so I made extra. I think I'm going to try rolling them out even thinner next time and see if I can get...
  6. K

    Formerly Known as GloryToGod

    Here's a nice cup of tea, with the leaves, too! :D
  7. K

    Mystery Thread

    Thanks wil :) I've done that recipe often enough that I can do it in about 2 1/2 hours, even with rising times. So, try it yourself and see :D I bake biscotti every year for Christmas gifts, and this year I decided to take pics of the process. I'll post those recipes and photos soon. I...
  8. K

    Mystery Thread

    Okay, before it starts to look like I'm better at killing threads than continuing them, here's another recipe for y'all: Pita Bread 2 tsp__dry yeast 1 C____water 3 C____bread flour 1 tsp__salt 1 Tbl__sugar (I use honey, sometimes molasses) Preheat oven to 500F (or hotter if your...
  9. K

    Calling all veggies

    I can understand an outcome like that. It could also be the kinds of meat that would do that, like any of the "red" meats. I had to give up red meat in '91 because it was making me ill. Chicken didn't do that to me, nor seafood. I gave it all up in 2001. These days, the smell of meat cooking...
  10. K

    Calling all veggies

    I'm only going on my own experience and what others have said on other (vegetarian) forums. It's certainly not a scientific sampling ;)
  11. K

    Calling all veggies

    As a vegetarian for the last nine years, I have to say that no amount of meat, however received, would sustain me. That is due to the fact that it would make me violently ill, as it would to any other vegetarian that has been that way for a while. So, any possible sustenance would be wasted...
  12. K

    Mystery Thread

    I have many baked goods "receipts" to post, but I thought I'd start it out with something to drink. Now, I understand the quantity is only two gallons, but that can always be multiplied up. Just cut the respite in half and multiply by the number of gallons you need :p Chai (from Nicket)...
  13. K

    What do you look like?

    Here's a pic of me in New Zealand last May: That was somewhere along the NE coast of the north island as my girlfriend drove us back from Waiheke Island/Auckland to the Whakatane area (I wasn't about to trust my driving skills with everything reversed!) We saw these totem poles and...
  14. K

    nice to meet you all!

    Welcome Jenn! I'm new around here, too. Although my profile says I joined in 2005, I promptly forgot about it back then. I was also married at that time, too, so likely had other priorities. Now it's wasband and past-wife labels between us ;) Here are a handful of links you might like to pair...
  15. K

    Hay thar, y'all!

    Thanks, Brian! It's great to be able to post now. Thanks for taking care of that :)