fluffy future
coming up is Elvis Presley's birthday on the 8th [1935] and bbc 4 has a retrospective going on. Any Elvis fans? whats your favorite?
from the album "Tales Of The Inexpressible"
love that psytrance or whatever its called! where can l freely download it![]()
I can't recommend the website enough. There's lots of free stuff on there and via there. A couple of great trance tracks are Desert Storm by Infected Mushroom & Holymen -
Infected Mushroom & Holymen ? Discover music, concerts, & pictures at
and Navigate by Filteria -
Filteria ? Discover music, videos, concerts, & pictures at
And...through I discovered this free album to download which has got some great stuff on...nice DnB from Sevish: Never Bought A Piece of Music in My Life -
spontanMusik - netlabel and label for electronic audio and netaudio - keinzweiter, paradroid, ed.acarde, solid-m
I really like the minimalism of keinweiter; downloaded all his free stuff and think I'll get an album of his...
(you seem to have to download this album, can't just play it...)