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  • I love fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are the best, and I am a fundamentalist by nature and in life. I am going to start a country for fundamentalists and I'm not going to let any non-fundamentalists in or let any fundamentalists out. :)
    This was er, a screen name I was using on the web before I realized that most would not advise using one's last name as a forum nickname, especially if it's uncommon.
    wow thanks dauer, is that your name I have never heard that before. the avatar just something I found on google images, if look into the symbolism of apples red is good green is bad.

    Praise God
    Hey there Glory. I like the way your new avatar, the white of the table and the black of the background is not perfectly centered or at an exact 45 degree angle, and the way it's offset further by the shiny red apple. It gives it more personality and less uniformity.
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