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  • Hello, friend. I sent you a long reply yesterday but it's not in my sent box today for some odd reason. I don't know why I'm so incompetent on this site! You may email me at anytime you want to continue our talk. I check it often and would love to hear more from you. Your friend, Zen
    Thank you. I am surrounded with beauty and truly blessed by God. Her mother, my youngest daughter, was in midtown Manhattan on 9/11/2001.
    From those harrowing days to the birth of her daughter has been an amazing
    journey. I am thankful to be part of such a miracle. I appreciate your sentiments.
    Big hearty congratulations to the new grandpa!! Your granddaughter shares a birthday with my English mastiff who turned four yesterday. We like to think it's a lucky day. =)
    David, it's wonderful to get to know the man behind the Monk! Welcome to this site, and I thank you for prodding me to find it. Your dog is absolutely beautiful, what an amazing animal. I'll have to take a few moments later to post pictures of my non-human family members. Til then, be well! Zen
    I posted a reply on my page and it's not here, it's er there! Oh I'm a bear of very little brain!
    She's gorgeous. The appeal of dogs depends on the breed; I don't like ones that seem to be for guarding or as macho status symbols. I like the cute ones like Samoyeds and Chow Chows. Never had a dog though.

    OK the short answer is I'm a cat person!
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