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  • No worries --

    No harm no foul, eh? Religious views can be very personal. Emotions often get in the way of productive discussion when one feels strongly about an issue. You obviously hold a different view than I do, so one can only expect a bit of resistance on the subject being discussed. It does look like I offended you though and for that I apologize, but I will not apologize for my views --
    oh im just getting on my high horse again!! Sigh, some things i just feel passionate about I guess!! LOL
    Good afternoon there Cup of Tea!

    I guess taking time out to try and find myself and sort myself out. Step by step, little by little getting there. Hope all is well with yourself and family? Happy new year by the way may it your year be filled with blessings, health and peace. :)
    Having some Lapsong, a black tea with a smokey and resinous character, at the moment. I have a preference for the red wines myself although a Madeira goes well with conversation.
    If you have time have a look at this

    YouTube - Early Christian Mysticism: The Jesus Prayer

    really good !
    Schmot means smart, but its how certain actors in the movies would pronounce it. 'Schmot guy'.
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