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  1. mens_sana

    Changing Sexual Orientation Is Possible, New Research Says

    Re: Homosexuality Is It A Sin? ---Quote (Originally by China Cat Sunflower)--- Homosexuals are going to fry like a Frito in the skillet of Hades. The Bible is clear on that. So the only question left concerns how one should treat a person who is destined for the Lake of Fire. Are they a...
  2. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    Ah, but we were given a fairly specific timeline. Trouble is ... that was 2000 years ago. Matt 10:23: [Jesus said to his disciples] “When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man...
  3. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    How come the voice of reason is always obvious when speaking of someone else's religion? Hmmm. Raymond
  4. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Yes, BB, I know what you said. What it amounts to is that you're trying to have it both ways. You don't like the DH because it approaches the Pentateuch as if it were a historical document, one capable of literary and historical analysis. You want a document that has a special status...
  5. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Hello Juantoo, Please feel free to disagree. But let's get one thing out of the way first. The DH/RT is not anti-semitic. That Bananabrain thinks it is in some way, because Wellhausen was, does not mean that the theory is. There were 600 years of scholarly investigation prior to Wellhausen...
  6. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    And again Me tells us about the Bible, this time how many copies there are — but Mee does NOT tell how to get around the claim that ONLY the originals were inspired. By the way, the DSS Isaiah scroll did tell us that the Masoretic text wasn't all that far off, but that Isaiah scroll was also...
  7. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    This link is a very good place to start. Straight Dope Staff Report: Who wrote the Bible? (Part 1)
  8. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    You keep saying that — and then you quote some scripture and tell us how great the JW version of the Bible is. However you made no effort to answer: Quote: Originally Posted by mee the only inspired is the original .... true knowledge is abundant indeed ,especially when it comes to the bible...
  9. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Hello Juantoo, The debate over what constitutes eisegesis is a debate among theologians. It is not a debate among the text guys. The theologian points out that the Gospel of John speaks of a pre-existent Logos, with the logical conclusion that that Logos must have been present “in the...
  10. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Nope, ambiguous terminology won't hack it either. There is a difference between "Word" and "word." You claimed that both "Jesus" and later, the "Word" could be found in Genesis. Where are these "words"?
  11. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Quote: Originally Posted by mens_sana Hi, and thanks for the welcome. Yes, some Christian scholars consider Ha-Adam to be a type of Messiah. However, the Jews do not — and they are the ones that wrote the book, all the way from Genesis to Chronicles (Hebrew Bible order)... That looks like...
  12. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Then you should be able to find the word "Jesus" there, where is it? I have checked all the versions available in Bible Gateway and Crosswalk and am unable to find it. I have even checked my Jewish Publication Society translation, figuring that the original-language-people might have some...
  13. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Hi, and thanks for the welcome. Yes, some Christian scholars consider Ha-Adam to be a type of Messiah. However, the Jews do not — and they are the ones that wrote the book, all the way from Genesis to Chronicles (Hebrew Bible order). Do you know the terms "exegesis" and "eisegesis"? When the...
  14. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    Sorry, all I asked was that you back up your assertions. You claimed that Jesus was in Genesis, then that the Word was in Genesis. I (apparently mistakenly) assumed that you could back up your claims with citations and asked you for those citations. It is not a question of whether or not I...
  15. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    Guess I'm slow. "Heel"? I do have some other views, if you're interested. It's not a particularly good sculpture. It reminds me of the over-done fascist statuary that Mussolini loved — but I thought this angle was decent.
  16. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

    But you asserted that the "text" in Genesis supported you. When are you going to show me where the "text" supports you, where the "text" shows Jesus in Genesis? Oh, and by the way, you have broadened your claim, so exactly where in Genesis is the Word mentioned? If you are going to claim...
  17. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    There are no originals. What does that do to the succeeding versions, which are therefore uninspired? How is it that people honestly disagree on what this "true knowledge" is, even with biblical citations?
  18. mens_sana

    Jesus is not God....part 2

  19. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    Out of the shadow? By the way, how do you like my new avatar? It's a photo of a bronze statue of Achilles — taken on the grounds of the Achillion Palace on the Greek island of Corfu last September.
  20. mens_sana

    Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

    The NJB and the New Jerome both have Imprimaturs, if that means anything to you. Both are the result of Pope Pius XII's Divino Afflante Spiritu. Perhaps that — and reading a bit of Raymond E Brown and John J Collins — gives me a head start.