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  1. D


    In other words, you are not a scientist, you have no understanding of science, and now you are dishonestly trying to deflect. Stop being a liar and just admit the truth. That's completely cultish. You are acting EXACTLY LIKE the "religious" people you take a crap upon. You "feel"...
  2. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    Doubleplusungood!!!! We all know that Muslims have SPECIAL RIGHTS that nobody else on earth may aspire to! Report to your reeducation center for incineration, immediately.
  3. D

    Did Jesus die on cross or survive near death?

    Nobody is or can be more dogmatic or narrow-minded than someone who considers himself "progressive" or "enlightened". Their very self-definition precludes a priori any possibility of self-examination.
  4. D


    I had thought that such a silly Whiggish view of history had been finally tossed onto the rubbish heap of intellectual pursuits. Alas, I was wrong.
  5. D


    Okay, so what science do you actually practice PROFESSIONALLY? I have a low tolerance muddy-headed rubbish. Then don't use words like "enlightened", because that is the religious language of the cult of scientism. It is also a tool that can be used (which vs. that--look it up :D) for our...
  6. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    Gee, could it be that the world continuing to run to the USA for handouts, disaster assistance, food giveaways, military aid and support, financial assistance, etc. might have something to do with that?
  7. D

    The debate regarding the age of our planet...

    No, I'm saying that they reject one part and demand the other be accepted. I did NOT say to reject Genesis and accept the literality of the Blood and Body. I was pointing out how they demand Genesis and reject the Blood and Body. Point out EXACTLY how I did what you accuse me of, or retract...
  8. D

    The ignorance of burning the Qur'an

    How well did appeasement work for Czechoslovakia?
  9. D

    The debate regarding the age of our planet...

    This "debate" is ultimately immaterial, since the dimwits who insist upon literal interpretation of Genesis don't care at all about the Bible as a whole. They pick and choose whatever they find to be convenient to be literal about. They demand a literal interpretation of Genesis but reject a...
  10. D


    In other words, you are without any true working scientific background, so you're going to hide behind that. I've yet to collaborate with a real scientist who has such an arrogant and self-serving attitude to our work as you have. We don't worship ***SCIENCE***. We use science as a tool.
  11. D

    Did Jesus die on cross or survive near death?

    Playing paper dolls with ANY scripture is fundamentally dishonest. Either take it as a package or reject it as a package. Don't be so juvenile and neurotic as to cling to some elements you like and pitch elements you don't. Put on the big boy pants and toss it all out as a package if you can't...
  12. D

    Did Jesus die on cross or survive near death?

    You really don't get it, do you? WHY EVEN BOTHER? Why do you have this childish need to cling to Jesus, so obsessive that you will go through any and all convolutions to keep Him around, merely rewritten to suit your personal prejudices? Why not just dump the whole package? You're being...
  13. D

    The ignorance of burning the Qur'an

    "I believe in God, but I don't believe that my belief is in any way true." Anything else would be adopting a religion that deems itself to be "the only correct religion" in some way or another.
  14. D


    What do you know that has nothing at all to do with appearances? What do you know that does not require you to use a symbol of some form to even know you know it? So, in what field of science do you work, or are you just another cultist who blindly follows a made-up image of science?
  15. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    Until you can guarantee, the butt planted in the seat will ALWAYS be virtuous and conscientious, it is foolish, childish, and outright stupid to automatically trust government.
  16. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    You mean, it's like calling some fringe idiot minister in Florida representative of Christianity and declaring that all Christians must be aligned with him unless they actively -in a media reported way - distance themselves from his stupid antics. If I fail to track down and publicly denounce...
  17. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    As far as most people who go into the media are concerned, the American people would probably best serve the world by committing mass suicide. "Why should I talk to people in flyover country? I already know what they think, and they don't have anything worthwhile to say." Yes, I heard crap...
  18. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    As I have said many times: If we are no better than they are, if we are as barbaric, savage, and animalistic as they are, then we ought to behave as they behave. However, if we are not barbarians, if we are not savages who can't be expected to know any better, then we are behooved to act in a...
  19. D

    Remembering 9/11

    No, they don't. They aren't whiny like Americans.
  20. D

    The New Superbug

    Funny thing, though, the scribes and Pharisees weren't capitalists. They were part of a system that included a great deal of state-sponsored "programs", just with religious overtones on the laws.