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  1. intrepidlover

    Creationism, Intelligent Design, Evolution or .... what?

    No doubt this has been done to death already but as a new member moving from a rabidly fundamentalist forum, I would like to hear some ideas. It is my understanding that Evolution is most noted for its gaps. It remains very much a theory and the time scale is very suspect as a fossil of a...
  2. intrepidlover

    Idle thoughts on the proof of an historical Jesus

    At another website (Christian only) I innocently started a discussion: "Let's talk about the Trinity." Talk about open a can of worms. It appears that the doctrine of the Trinity and especially the nature of Jesus is perhaps the most controversial of all Christian doctrines. I can assure you...
  3. intrepidlover

    Free Choice or Chioce by Evolution of Consciousness?

    Re: Free Choice or Choice by Evolution of Consciousness? Thank you for your comments. You make a good point in the ego sometimes choosing the path of most resistance. Perhaps I was addressing this question too subjectively. You see at the beginning of my earnest search for truth 40 years ago...
  4. intrepidlover

    Free Choice or Chioce by Evolution of Consciousness?

    Okay I will skip past all this philosophical exchange and just post an item which I wrote a few years ago. You will see that it is quite different in essence to what has been posted previously. The Christians have it all worked out: God created a perfect world, and perfect "In the image of...
  5. intrepidlover

    Are you a heretic?

    I am DEFINITELY a heretic, and thank God for that. Authoritative systems of dogma invariably become shallow substitutes for a genuine spiritual experience. You will indeed find a great commonality in the mystical areas of all religions. Note this definition from the Oxford dictionary: mystic...
  6. intrepidlover

    Masturbation and God

    The fact that this topic is being openly discussed was enough to bring me to this forum from one that was, well, full of w*nkers. Perhaps some of you have heard of Tantric Yoga. This has been corrupted by New Agers who use it to seek heightened and extended orgasms. However in its original and...