Sorta. Not really. Firstly is that from my position there is nothing unhealthy about it in God's eyes. Rather it's something that's completely natural and okay. But because of the views that humans have adopted, a lot of guilt has built up around it, and discomfort, and this in itself, imo, can lead to the desanctification of sex, beginning to view it as dirty. Imo, that is where the real problem lies. I think this is especially a problem in an atmosphere like America, with its Puritan roots, and I think it's what leads to a lot of the destructive and irresponsible sexual activity that we see. We know, for example, that teaching abstinence doesn't work. Humans are sexual creatures.
I think that a shift in perspective would help to remedy this situation. If we can begin to see the holy in masturbation, we're reprogramming away that guilt and shame that's been hardwired for generations. A healthier view of sexual activity, imo, leads to healthier choices. That's not to say people won't have sex before marriage, or with multiple partners, but I can't immediately say there's anything wrong with that, and when they're making choices about those issues, they'll be making them differently. Because if the sex is "dirty" as it were, if the sex is something shameful, then it just won't mesh with their previous solo experiences. They'll want to seek something affirming and holy, whatever that might be for them.