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  1. E

    Locking the Theosophy Thread

    I've read a lot re Blavatsky on the web the past few days. Some say 100% charlatan, some 100% psychic, some say bit of both. Her bio indicates that even as a kid she had ernomous curiosity and a very vivid imagination and story-telling ability and claimed to "see" things others could not. As an...
  2. E

    Locking the Theosophy Thread

    Nick, I agree with Brian that some here have been too aggressive and one-sided in a blanket dismissal of Theosophy. While from what I've read of Blavatsky, there is certainly room for skepticism of her and her modus operandi and while, as I noted I do not agree with some of its notions, as I...
  3. E

    Locking the Theosophy Thread

    After all this discussion of Theosophy-of which its racial notions and other mythic elements I agree is a bunch of hooey-I got curious about what its core beliefs really are and found this good description basically presented. Some of it actually makes sense to me.;) Netscape Search earl
  4. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    Fly high enough CZ and you won't notice any nits to pick.:) earl
  5. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    Buddhism has a great metaphor in describing the path to enlightenment: that wisdom and compassion are 2 wings of the same bird. We need both to be strongly developed to fly to enlightenment. In fact, one could rightfully say that if we're not experiencing compassion we are far from wise...
  6. E

    The Party.

    OK, being a Kansan, allow me to add some geographic correction: as you move west to east across the state, you move from quite flat, almost treeless terrain to hilly and somewhat more forrested terrain, (the eastern third known as the Flint Hills region), As for myself, I live smack dab in the...
  7. E

    The Party.

    Kansas huh?:D earl
  8. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    Shock, (and perhaps horror:p), there is something I can agree with Tao about: ethics and morality are not necessarily best promoted by religion per se in that codes of ethical behavior are promulgated within and outside of reiligion. Religious adherence is certainly no guarantor of an individual...
  9. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    Yes my point is exactly yours here Avi, but CZ went a little nuts didn't he?:D His post to which you responded is another of those examples I meant when I said some of his posts would be better left to visuals without so much verbal commentary when all they are are personal attacks without much...
  10. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    You may be right, but many's the post where Tao sounded Dawkinsesque.;) earl
  11. E

    Scientific fundamentalism

    Appreciate the concern Avi, but the experience has tought me well that debating memes really isn't worth the time nor is pointing out to Tao he's well ensconced within one.:p earl