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  1. E

    Ultimate truths

    The Ultimate Truth: Stuff exists. There you have it. eudaimonia, Mark
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    is there a real philosophers stone?

    The Philosopher's Stone is human ingenuity. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Wrong Path?

    Without further knowledge about what invalidated my current path, I would have no basis for choosing a new one. eudaimonia, Mark
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    why do you believe what you believe

    Reason, observation, discussion, study, life experience, and being true to myself. eudaimonia, Mark
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    I think that Gandhi was a follower of his conscience, and that's enough. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Consciousness: A Symptom of the Soul?

    Agreed. Consciousness is axiomatic. I couldn't even reply to your post if I was not conscious of it. I don't see why that should be. What about people in comas? They still have a "vegetative" life. Why doesn't the existence of consciousness show simply that consciousness exists. What...
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    Lamenting Present Day Atheism

    Once pagans become the majority and start criticizing atheists for not believing in their gods, then atheists will suddenly start talking as "anti-polytheists". Speeches are tailored to the audience. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Where Will You Spend Eternity?

    I've taken this quiz before. It's Level One (Limbo) for me. eudaimonia, Mark
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    What are great religions?

    Size makes not a religion great! It's the SFX!
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    Lamenting Present Day Atheism

    I'm a member of the Fellowship of Reason, an ethical community that caters to atheists. I'll admit, we are a tiny minority among atheists, and yet we do exist. We offer opportunities for personal growth and fellowship. No, which is why I don't personally waste my time with such...
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    the ‘no-god’ delusion.

    From what I have heard, not much. It is not a source of energy that we can tap into because, as you said, it is the "ground point". From our perspective, it's like an empty battery. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Star Trek Thread

    The original Star Trek. The writing was thought-provoking and relevant, there was real passion, and the friendship chemistry between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy was priceless. And no-one is quite as iconic as those three characters in the later series. TNG was pretty good in its third and fourth...
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    Amazing--Spiritual Genius

    No. Sorry to sound so negative, but I don't find any of this amazing. She sounds like a fairly typical spiritual Christian. There's nothing there to indicate "spiritual genius". At least, not to me. eudaimonia, Mark
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    a spirit-free spirituality? please take part in my project!!!

    I'm looking forward to hearing the results. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Amazing--Spiritual Genius

    She's clearly very talented, but I don't know why people are so amazed by her. There are other very talented artists her age. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Wayists, Wayism...heard of it?

    It comes from the television show Andromeda. Its purpose in the show seems to be to symbolize all religions, i.e. religion as such. It has such little content in the show that I would find it very silly if people were to call themselves Wayists for real. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Spiritual mediums

    I think there are fake mediums. And there are fake mediums. eudaimonia, Mark
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    Any Atheist here?

    Thanks for the kind words. I agree with you completely. :) eudaimonia, Mark
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    Any Atheist here?

    You can't "try" to become an atheist, as if through an act of will. Of course that will never work. You can only be persuaded into being an atheist after doing a lot of critical examination of your own belief system. Many atheists describe their path to atheist enlightenment as "taking down a...
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    Any Atheist here?

    I love life. I love being human. I love being the individual I am. Because of this love and the recognition of what I am, I value my personal flourishing. I value my self-actualization, growth, fulfillment, and happiness. I must select specific values in order to achieve these abstract...