Where Will You Spend Eternity?

As a vegetarian, are you opposed to fish slapping, should we ask for a tofu flogging instead? Or how about wheat germ whipping? Seiten slapping? Falafel flailing?

I always say a good ebly enema is excellent for eliminating errant exhibitionism.

Probably why I get invited to so few parties.


For new members. We need to know who we'll be sharing with!:p

This thread beats the snot outta "rush to be right". Best ever...hands down.

The Rush to be Right (for comparative purposes.) :D
Low or very low on six categories, but way high on sloth. And I even bake my own bread ! (InLove...I haven't forgotten, truly)

Maybe it really means that I'm actually genetically descended from the giant two-toed sloths of yesteryear. It's a puzzle to me.

Chris...not to worry...remember that the vatican's plan is to eliminate limbo. Just don't travel to the Bahamas anytime soon. I feel ok about that, even though I'm not as supple as I was in my youth, but my first marriage honeymoon was in the BAHAMAS.

I just re-read the entire thread and you all are blindingly funny, especially after I've worked a ten hour day and had a Rolling Rock.

Yeah, this is a great thread to revisit. Thanks for bumping it up, Snoopy.
Oh dear. I was a bit frustrated with someone about some things going on in the forums at the time. I let it show on this thread by quoting that person, but it comes out looking rather odd in retrospect. Live and learn. :eek::rolleyes:

Yeah, erm, thanks, Snoopy. :D

I'm in limbo. Boring. I should have been more inventive in my answers. Dammit
That response should've taken you down a notch.. this test isn't as good as the last one we took..I ended up one level from the bottom (a few of us did) this one I was only in the second level down...I'll miss my friends...
we may note that there are certain responses that once learned would guarantee the highest position. equally so, we may live our lives as if it were such a set of responses.
is this living the truth, or simply living by the book? surely wisdom and gnosis are comparative, in that they may only be known by experiencing what they are not.

‘life is not brought to us in slices of unrealised perfection, we must eat of the whole cake’ [by meee :)]
mmmmmmm did someone say cake. If there is no limbo where do I go??? As long as whereever I go I wont be alone. Someone, hold my hand. Lets jump in.
eyes shut. Take a breath.......
I was guarded by the Minotaur in level seven.... Hah, bring it...

Someone replied to an old post where this was linked and I thought I'd see where "I'm at" now... And I thought I would of gone down a level or two... I've gone up a level......... Damn it....

Many and varied sinners suffer eternally in the multi-leveled Malebolge, an ampitheatre-shapped pit of despair Wholly of stone and of an iron colour: Those guilty of fraudulence and malice; the seducers and pimps, who are whipped by horned demons; the hypocrites, who struggle to walk in lead-lined cloaks; the barraters, who are ducked in boiling pitch by demons known as the Malebranche. The simonists, wedged into stone holes, and whose feet are licked by flames, kick and writhe desperately. The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves. Some wallow in human excrement. Serpents writhe and wrap around men, sometimes fusing into each other. Bodies are torn apart. When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer.
yes! level 1 limbo land, here,there, whats the difference? elysian fields wi unbaptised babies and aristotle? yeh bring it on! ok a sad place..whats new?! the hanged man in limbo..no.4 again..just hanging around till things clear. high on violence? damm that short temper...thank g*d low on lust gluttonous and avaricious....a virtuous non-believer? did l lie when l believed in a god? mmmm maybe not that one...very indiscrimating of me lol :D
yes! level 1 limbo land, here,there, whats the difference? elysian fields wi unbaptised babies and aristotle? yeh bring it on! ok a sad place..whats new?! the hanged man in limbo..no.4 again..just hanging around till things clear. high on violence? damm that short temper...thank g*d low on lust gluttonous and avaricious....a virtuous non-believer? did l lie when l believed in a god? mmmm maybe not that one...very indiscrimating of me lol :D

Now that I know it is not necessary to spend eternity going around in circles with the experts, perhaps I'll be open to another possibility.
Now that I know it is not necessary to spend eternity going around in circles with the experts, perhaps I'll be open to another possibility.

aye l think being open to the unknown is the best way forward; l personally hope to meet all my ancestors- hope theyre not all murderers!:)