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  1. xcvbxcvb

    What music are you listening to?
  2. xcvbxcvb

    Do you like to smell your own farts ?

    Depends on what I ate. I do like my sweat, tho. I tend to use essential oil and very, very little commercial goop for scent. (NO, I don't like to smell my own farts but I'd rather smell mine than yours!)
  3. xcvbxcvb

    The Serpent in the Garden of Eden

    If you look at Orion in the right way... It is, simply, the trunk of a big tree, all the stars its branches and fruits. The Milky Way is a serpent. In Scandinavian myth, the serpent sits at the roots... and, perhaps, the ravens which did not return to Noah went to Odin instead. North is...
  4. xcvbxcvb

    Favorite Buddhist quotes

    Trust God, but tie your camel.
  5. xcvbxcvb


    I think this whole smoking issue is a pack of lies. It's the chemicals in the butts and the fertilizers they use... processing etc. I roll my own... a cheap brand but with less additives. I can stop with no withdrawls and I breathe fine. It's a sacred herb.
  6. xcvbxcvb

    What music are you listening to?

    YouTube - Tricky - Hollow
  7. xcvbxcvb

    What Are You Watching on Youtube?

    And... about to give this one a spin: UFOs & Paranormal Phenomena - Message From Another Dimension
  8. xcvbxcvb

    What Are You Watching on Youtube?

    YouTube - Eric Burdon & War - Spill The Wine
  9. xcvbxcvb

    Art and Wit are Subversive of Civilization; in a ‘Playful Way’

    (I realize this only makes sense for about a second or two and, then, you have to pull back and recollect your own, individual "observation" of it.)
  10. xcvbxcvb

    Art and Wit are Subversive of Civilization; in a ‘Playful Way’

    We have 2 eyes... most of us do. Point A, Point B. Line.
  11. xcvbxcvb

    Art and Wit are Subversive of Civilization; in a ‘Playful Way’

    I think, in order to retain a healthy, dynamic, perspective of the world around us, we must occasionally abstract from convention. Laughter is a kind of release, in that sense. Thought must flow, like water, or it becomes undrinkable. "...planet Saturn is not alone, but is composed of three...
  12. xcvbxcvb

    The Dark Side of Darwin's Legacy

    There is a story among certain native American circles which places white people in the role of slave to the red people. It's a part of their flood epic. We all have things to pride ourselves in, things of which to be ashamed, in our history as humans. Battles are won and lost, wars make for...
  13. xcvbxcvb

    Have You Ever Forced Yourself To Wear Lamb’s Skin….

    I think confession is between us and whatever we think God is... unless it is, of course, directed towards a creature we have harmed. The idea of confession to a priest/judge has been abused for long enough. Holding council and confiding with people we think can trust to be unbiased and...
  14. xcvbxcvb


    I don't know.. you sound kind of like a Sufi to me.
  15. xcvbxcvb

    Is Islam in accordance with rationality and science?

    I think Mohamed was probably Jesus' number one fan. And, if I dare, I would actually direct that very same question towards Saint Paul. No disrespect. But it's not really like the earliest Christianity. And it's usually the very same people who quote Paul on his words to the Galatians about...
  16. xcvbxcvb

    13.1 Billion Light Years

    Our perception of "space"? :rolleyes:
  17. xcvbxcvb

    What is the meaning of ‘meaning’?

    What is the ________ of ‘meaning’? definition acceptable understanding essence true identity I don't know. It's a word. Words only express so much. Peace. :)
  18. xcvbxcvb

    How We Greet One Another

    I like this one. Only problem is that only half the people ever answer you.
  19. xcvbxcvb

    What Is Your Greatest Fear?

    They have pills for that. They make you sleep so hard you can't get up 'til noon, give you diarrhea and cramps, rapid heart beat and high blood pressure, put holes in your kidneys but good God you feel better.
  20. xcvbxcvb

    What music are you listening to?

    YouTube - Ween - Right to the ways and the rules of the world