bob x
Well-Known Member
Wouldn't everybody rather be the "administrator"? How do you imagine the administrators were chosen: by meritocratic competitive examinations? Oh, that's right: they didn't even have writing yet. YOUR SOURCES explain how the administrators held their positions: by monopolizing weaponry. I don't understand why you can't see that. Isn't that how bosses always maintain their power to push people around, via the threat of force in the last resort? (Sorry, I have to watch that video again: "Moistened bints handing out blades is not a rational basis for a system of government!" OK, I'm done now.)My sources clearly said the elite was ONLY administrating
They did need some "priests" devoted entirely to thinking. As it would be dangerous to let such positions be hereditary, the priests had their penises cut off.
One more time, you do not understand what they are talking about. They are talking about the issue of how the idea of agriculture expanded into new territories, which was not by Ubaidis getting expansionist, peacefully or otherwise, but through neighboring peoples hearing about it and adopting the idea in their own way. This does refute the idea that "Ubaid" times were like "Uruk" times when just about every town was sacked at least once with genocidal slaughters; but it does not mean there was zero violence, just that they were fighting about 10% of the time, like usual, not 90% of the time like the Urukis.the Ubaidis lived in an era which was "peacefully expansionist".
Nothing whatsoever has shot down Keegan; on the contrary, his book has gained a reputation as an authoritative source.Hmmm.... "shot down" ... like YOUR 10 year old source ??
One more time, you do not even understand what your sources are telling you. There is no need to "shoot down" anything in your sources, all of which I understand and accept.and let me know when my source gets "shot down"...
"Stone" Age meaning their cutters were stone only (copper was discovered, but not yet understood, toward the end); "New" Stone Age meaning they had grain and meat, in ample supply (at least for the elite)-- but still not a healthy variety, and as they could do little or nothing when they got ill, they died young. STONE-ONLY tools mean terrible, terrible limitations on what they could have: no clothing, no furniture, no transportation, no communication, no possessions beyond mud-hovels (roomy for the elite but still unhealthily exposed) and pottery-- well, except that the elite also had volcanic-glass blades, whose only purpose, one more time, was to kill people.The technical term is "New Stone Age" and the Ubaid's lived right at the border of the Bronze age.
80% of the people in the world nowadays eat, getting a variety of foods; wear clothing and sleep under a roof; can move around and hear about the wider world; and own a few things. This is much better than Ubaidis lived; only parts of Papua and Amazonia are still like Ubaid, and there, even the chieftains would rather be Third World poor. For God's sake, what is hard to understand here?
It seems to me that Israel is the only thing keeping it alive. Arab fratricidal quarreling is what has kept it in check.Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? Considering that EVERYONE knows Israel is the only thing that kept pan-Arab nationalism in check?
America only shifted in 1968 (with the F-4 fighter jet sale) after LBJ had been politically neutered. In 1967 during the war, LBJ was semi-secretly on Egypt's side.LBJ broke the trend of American impartiality that Eisenhower had adopted in the region during the 6 day war
We sent a spy ship into a war zone, to feed intelligence to the side most Americans thought was in the wrong. It was infuriating that LBJ would put our boys in harm's way like that, but he was doing so much worse in Vietnam that this particular throwing away of lives did not attract overmuch attention.What about the "despicable" actions of Israel? What about its attack on the USS Liberty?
I found that despicable: this was when I was a prophet, and considered Begin under my jurisdiction because of his messianic claims. I wrote Begin in the name of Elijah, in antique Hebrew script in blood-red paint on a strip of red cloth, denouncing all his violations of Torah and concluding chayYHWH im napol mattar pen k-divriy "By God there shall not fall a drop save by my word", Elijah's curse on the murdering king Ahab. Having gotten this out of my system, I forgot about it until the next summer when I read that there had been no rain at all in Israel all year. I wrote Begin again, this time in English in black ink on plain paper, but still signing myself Elijah, demanding his resignation by Yom Kippur. He did resign, although his majority in the Knesset was secure, and refused for the rest of his life to answer any questions about why he had resigned; I wrote him for the last time, in a stylized Hebrew square-hand in blue artist's pencil (Israeli flag color) on cardboard, L-shanah tovah tiktav.What about Sabra and Shtilla?
The Israeli Defense Force has only one purpose, to minimize the number of Israeli deaths from the pointlessly murderous attacks the Palestinians keep launching. They do not care much how many Palestinian bystanders are killed, hurt, humiliated, or inconvenienced as long as Israeli casualties are avoided, and they have been rather successful in bringing the death-toll on their own side way down. The occupation can end when the Palestinians choose leaders who are concerned with doing good for them, rather than just doing harm to others.What about EVERYTHING it has done in the occupied territories for the past half century??
Those who do not believe the Qur'an is true are by definition not Muslim. Those who are not interested in religion do not write about such subjects as the Qur'an. By default, authors writing about errors in the Qur'an are from non-Muslim religions.The fact that all your sources are listed as "protestant" or "christian" authors isn't what really bothers me.
What's new to say? "Sister of Harun" looks like a stupid blunder, as has been pointed out for fourteen centuries. The principal explanation for it that has been offered requires a substantiating example (of "sister" used for a non-contemporary), and none has been forthcoming for fourteen centuries. So a second explanation was invented (the "two Haruns"), which looks even more bogus and not too many have bought it. Those who presuppose that the Qur'an must be right somehow some way will continue to believe that no matter what anybody says, and those with no such presupposition will continue to find the Qur'an unpersuasive. Anything to add?But the fact that there is nothing "original"
It is very difficult to get ANYTHING published these days. Publishing houses are going under, ever since the Internet cut the legs out from under the book business, and agents do not take new authors. I have tried to publish some stuff; it's not easy. Publishing something which is guaranteed to draw death threats would be particularly difficult.Just pretend like the only reason there isn't much there is because people are afraid to publish Nothing is hard to publish these days.