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  1. F

    lol.. when I hover over the green square it says... francis king will become famous soon...

    lol.. when I hover over the green square it says... francis king will become famous soon enough... anyone else get that?
  2. F

    Where's all the peoples?

    i'm still here... although if the xtians complain about my prayers...
  3. F

    who wants prayer ?

    Yes, I would like to pray- here are my prayers: Dear Lord, We pray that FrancisKing gets laid soon. amen. Dear Lord, we pray that you strike the nazi pope with lightening and we get a new one. The proddies are winning. amen
  4. F

    Todd Bentley reveals the secret to his power!

    are you sick? do you need healing? I recommend... a doctor... they seem to be okay at it, usually...
  5. F

    How do we identify a prophet?

    how do you identify another as a prophet? only in hindsight... how do you identify yourself as a prophet? has to be a)gnosis, and of course, b) a msg with that gnosis, something worth imparting and c) some future predictions otherwise, not a prophet...
  6. F

    Medals of honor too christian?

    well, I wasn't going to say what I really felt, as I was trying to be mindful of the feelings of others but I have changed my mind... the reality of the situation is; unless someone is actually attacking you, you do not have the right to hurt them, simply because you do not agree with them...
  7. F

    I need a Christian and a Jew!!

    hey- it sounds cool- good to see ur still alive n well, muslimwoman x
  8. F

    New pic hehe

    yes, postie- I for one enjoy gazing upon ur sweet face and your handsome friends!
  9. F

    Medals of honor too christian?

    I should also offer an apology here to those who have friends and family and suchlike involved in war, and those who have lost loved ones- I feel sorry for you all, I really do- pls don't let anyone else u love die- dont let them sign up...
  10. F

    Medals of honor too christian?

    for me, AlexP, that my point... legs blown off but have to fight to get a bungalow? that stinks... protect the interests of the elite and the "righteous", but when it all goes wrong, will they help u? will they hell... but no, they'll give u a medal, and tell u it means something- it means...
  11. F

    Earliest First Tier/Second-Earliest Second Tier?

    hey, I can't add any intellectual imput here, but, sheesh... this is why I love it here! and I'm posting merely so I can easily retrace my steps to here, where I can look at the links myself in greater detail- cheers ppl..
  12. F

    Medals of honor too christian?

    you have killed 80 ppl- have a badge!! we love u!! legs blown off fighting someone elses war? here's a little bit of tat on a ribbon- that will make u feel so much better... numpy badges... will the queen be there to wipe ur bum when u've had ur spincter removed due to shrapnel? the...
  13. F

    A Life of Contemplation.

    the problem is though... we romaticise retreats and a contemplatative life... even when we're there, we will still work, and cook, and eat, and chop wood... still there are humans crying and moaning and causing divisions and stirring up hatred and jealousies... just because u put the robe on...
  14. F

    Ever had a Guru ?

    I've had a gnu... they make very bad lovers... I've always wanted a proper guru, but have yet to find someone a)believeable enough b)cool enough c)righteous enough...
  15. F

    Was Jesus a Gnostic ?

    Jesus said, If those who lead you say to you, See, the kingdom is in the sky, then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you; it is in the sea, then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then...
  16. F

    Reputation system

    wil... what's an oreo? (hey, I know its a biscuit, but beyond that.?)
  17. F

    feminine aspect of God ?

    I agree with many of u... male and female, in his image he created them... to me, that suggests God is genderless- beyond gender designations... secondly, God as spirit, in the trinity, has all the "female" qualities u think a male, authoritarian father figure God lacks... here, as spirit...
  18. F

    Recipe page

    Tao- u have many sides... who would have thought u made such exceedingly good cakes!!
  19. F

    How prepared are you?

    i will have people to eat, when the time comes, and lots of instant gravy... mmm...
  20. F

    Concept of Brahman or Dao in European Paganism?

    Brahma was NOT the first "top God" in the hindu pantheon... that prized position actually belonged to Indra, initially... if we take that as base-point, then yes, there are pagan Gods of storms and lightening... Indian Gods existed before the trimurti of brahma/siva/visnu... the original...