Search results

  1. kiwimac

    Din-i Ilahi

    I quite like Din I Ilahi. It fits quite well with where I am in my journey at this time.
  2. kiwimac

    Your beliefs: what are they REALLY?

    Your Top 3 Faith Match Profiles Are: 1. Reform Judaism (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers (96%) 3. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
  3. kiwimac

    Is there a true Church in this world today?

    1: Churches do NOT preach / teach "thousands of Gospels" and disagreement on doctrine while unfortunate is not proof of error.
  4. kiwimac

    What is the future of Islam?

    Muhammad was not a paedophile, he had normal sexual relations with his other wives that is not easily possible for paedophiles who are both sexually attracted and excited by youth. Moreover you are attempting to apply a 21stC definition of a paraphilia to a 6thC culture which was vastly...
  5. kiwimac

    Are Bibles Copyrighted?

    Nope, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
  6. kiwimac

    Are Bibles Copyrighted?

    It is out of copyright ONLY outside of the British Commonwealth where it has a permanent Crown copyright.
  7. kiwimac

    Where do all the teaspoons go?

    This is obviously the work of Annoia, the goddess of Things That Get Stuck In Drawers but her bailiwick is not simply limited to 'stuckness', Oh no, for SHE IS THE ONE who gives and takes from draws!
  8. kiwimac

    Where do all the teaspoons go?

    It is a secret Black Op funded by the NWO who need the metal to make their fleet of spaceships which they are making to escape the 2012 apocalypse.
  9. kiwimac

    Top 10 Required Books

    Rich Christians in an age of Hunger by Ronald J. Sider. Shalom by Perry Yoder. The Bible The Gathas Thus spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. When bad things happen to Good people by Rabbi Kushner. The Path less travelled by M. Scott Peck. Any of Robert Farrar Capon's many books...
  10. kiwimac

    The Curriculum of Elementary and High Schools in the West

    Zoroastrianism is not mentioned largely because of a couple of facts. Western history springs largely from the brows of the Greeks who, as you are aware, were NOT fans of Persia. A lot of Westerners are much more aware of Zoroastrianism as the religion of the Parsees rather than those...
  11. kiwimac

    Is Cyrus "his anointed" a translation from "his Messiah"

    It is certainly no secret that Cyrus was considered a 'saviour' to the Jews in exile. He was an fairly enlightened ruler for the time.
  12. kiwimac

    Persian Loans to Hebrew

    On a related topic, it is likely that Judaism was profoundly influenced by Zoroastrianism. Pre-exilic Judaism was quite different from the post-exile version.
  13. kiwimac

    What was the language of the original New Testament?

    Jesus' home was in sight of cities of the Decapolis which were undergoing expansion during the period of his lifetime. It is likely that he, being a wright, worked there which would mean that he possibly had a passing understanding of koine Greek himself. As for the rest Bobx is quite right.
  14. kiwimac

    liberal quaker questions

    Indeed there are. The US has Quaker Pastors and some Friends services there are indistinguishable from Baptist ones. Some Quakers consider themselves Orthodox (actually they seem to mostly be those Quakers with programmed meetings.)
  15. kiwimac

    liberal quaker questions

    I am a liberal (unprogrammed) meeting Quaker. I am happy to answer questions.
  16. kiwimac

    Library Science

    What library science attempts to do is to narrow the bottle-neck, to turn the raging flood of information into a more manageable stream and it does this by dividing reality into subsets. Examples of this are the various classification schemes, Dewey, Universal, Bliss, Library of Congress, these...
  17. kiwimac


    There is only ONE comment in the Bible concerning Abortion, just one. That is it!
  18. kiwimac

    Sufis vs Wahhabis

    They have not simply removed grave-stones, they have disinterred the dead. Simply unacceptable.
  19. kiwimac


    Nobody, wil, said a foetus was NOT alive. It is simply potential life given the rate of natural miscarriage. Moreover until the brain<>Body linkage at around 20 weeks it is non-sentient life at that.
  20. kiwimac


    Nope, a foetus is POTENTIAL life nothing more given the pre-birth rate of miscarriages.