Is there a true Church in this world today?


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Is there a true church in this world today?

I've personally always felt closer to "God" outside of church and a cookie-cutter doctrine.

if you can not find God within your self, you will not find God in any Church, building or Temple made by human hands.

Agreed. I dig Muir's thoughts on this:

"The hills and groves were God's first temples, and the more they are cut down and hewn into cathedrals and churches, the farther off and dimmer seems the Lord himself"
- John Muir (1838-1914)
I have heard that there are over a thousand Christian denominations in England alone. (Hey, people in England, is this true?)
Hey wil,

According to that web page, five new Christian denominations appear every week. Holy moly!
And some of them, like Unity, Unitarian-Univeralist, and Religous Society of Friends allow each member to have their own view.... phew, add a million-or-so Christian Churches there.
Hey wil,

According to that web page, five new Christian denominations appear every week. Holy moly!
lol I saw that
And some of them, like Unity, Unitarian-Univeralist, and Religous Society of Friends allow each member to have their own view.... phew, add a million-or-so Christian Churches there.
I represent that remark
Where is God’s True Church to Day?
Is there a true church in this world today? And if so, how can it be identified?

From my standpoint, there is, in fact, a true church today. I call it the Philadelphian (not to be confused with the city by the same name) Church, distinguished, as it is, by love, and I think its members are scattered abroad and do rarely meet. I met a member (or two) once. They were Freegans (I cannot provide links yet because I haven’t posted enough, but, if you are interested, please search Google for the term) and were identifiable not only by their obvious compassion but also by the halogen glow of their bright eyes in what would otherwise have been a dark place. I saw that same halogen glow in some Sufi Muslims in India and figured they were the “other sheep of other folds” to whom Jesus referred and, therefore, that the Philadelphian Church also had some representatives from Kashmir, living in New Delhi and trading in carpets.
Let's take that a little further. I saw the same glow in some (not all) Hasidim I have met and Native American Church members. “Other sheep of other folds” = "in my Father's house are many mansions" = "when you call out any of the ten thousand names of God, it echoes inside you"

Pax et amor vincunt omnia--radarmark
Now that you mention it, during a Simchat Torah celebration in Safed, I watched as a synagogue filled with brothers of Jesus, largely Sephardic by the looks of things, practically levitated with spiritual energy. I wasn’t even sure I was supposed to be there, witnessing the event, but a polite, young (Hassidic) man from Brooklyn who greeted me assured me that everything was fine, provided I wear a yarmulke, which was fine with me. I haven’t had much experience with what I would consider genuine Native American spirituality, but hope someday that I shall. Meanwhile, I think the Philadelphian Church is largely in diaspora, but, like Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones, it might be joining together as the need arises.
Just as jesus body was considered the word the true church would also be a body sent from heaven that is human and divine. The point is that the true church is the KNOWLEDGE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN which divine beings possess so through that being an increase of this knowledge here on earth leads to salvation.
To add something else I believe that the 7 seals of revelation are 7 miracles involving the body of the divine and human being starting at coneption to reveal hidden truths.
To add something else I believe that the 7 seals of revelation are 7 miracles involving the body of the divine and human being starting at coneption to reveal hidden truths.

Huh? :confused: I need a little help comprehending what you mean.

Pax et amor vincunt omnia. radarmark
Hi radar,

To give you an example christ was called the living word. The truth about the kingdom of heaven came from him because he was a divine being who incarnated into the human body. Miracles happened to him and he did miracles. Revelation seals refer to a divine body that incarnated into the human body and the divine being is revealed with the seal openings and closings. An example is resurrection which is one of the seal openings and bindings. The body goes from the human condition and is raised up to a giant spirit being , then sealed back down into the human condition. Each opening and binding is a revealing, a revelation and an identification. And there are always witnesses to these.
Remember the church is always referred to in the female sense. The bridegroom is always the male. Even the arc of the covenant , although an actual sacred chest, has a living counterpart that it represents. The woman in revelation with 12 stars, the 12 stars representing the universe, is the arc. This is because the woman is human and divine in a prophecy sense of the word. The birth is the restoration of the universe back to its original state the human child being the center. The human child in the larger sense is mankind and the universe extends outward from here so the woman represents the whole universe as far as salvation.
Well dannann, to tell you the tuth Revelations has always been problematic for me. Sometimes I feel like the Ethiopean Chruch got it righ to leave it out of canon. Most of the time I agree with the other Eastern Churches and just ignore it.

I read it quite historically as a tale of what happened to the 7 Chuches of Asia (say about 40-80 C.E.).

Stripped of the references, what I hear is that you do not believe in a "True Church" today.

Pax et amore vincunt omnia radarmark
Yes I do. I do agree with Jesus though, the greatest of all is love. If you think about it if there were no pain , there would be no need for compassion. I believe that all good emotions come from love but that in the end when everyone and everything is perfect thats all everyone will be. I believe this is the most important aspect of the true church and the center and most highest self we can be so there may be a divine being that is the actual church but everyones body is a temple and each person can find the true church within themselves.
Where is God’s True Church to Day?
Is there a true church in this world today? And if so, how can it be identified?
Thousands of different church denominations claim to be following Jesus Christ.
Yet they teach thousands of different “gospels” and disagree on countless points of doctrine.
Is Jesus Christ the Head of all these denominations? Is Jesus Christ divided?
Or is there a true Church of God that stands apart from this religious Babylon?
How can you recognize God’s true Church? If there is any ?
Of all the religious questions facing the modern truth-seeker, this is certainly the most demanding and also the most frustrating. Conflicting voices and interpretations from every Church declare that they have the answer. Denominations, sects, and cults make strident claims based upon emotional interpretations of isolated Bible texts.
Yet, it is also true that every Christian has access to the same mighty power of God for overcoming those frailties.
But the question remains: Is there some valid way to identify the church which is closest to the biblical standards of truth?
I am reluctant to make any claims for what you are about to read, although I know very well that it could revolutionize your life. Do not scan or read lightly the material which follows. I ask only that you study it prayerfully and with an open mind. Then, judge it on the basis of the Scriptures and your own spiritual convictions. If it is truth, the Holy Spirit will guide you into joyful recognition of it. My personal feeling is that you will find this experience to be the most exciting adventure you have ever had in God’s Word.
It must be apparent to all that if God has a special church in the world today, He will reveal it clearly and explicitly in His holy Word.
The average Christian today has been so totally turned off by these exaggerated boasts and interpretations of God’s Word that many have even discounted the possibility that any “true church” could really exist.
YES…….IT EXIST, …..and it is very important to recognize that You …..
“yes you”….. are
the “true Church and Temple” of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you.
Act 7:48 That means, if you can not find God within your self, you will not find God in any Church, building or Temple made by human hands.
Act 2:17 in the last days, God says…I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
God Is talking about You.
Colossians 1:27
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
1 Corinthians 3:16-19 don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s Temple (Church - Sanctuary) and that God’s Spirit lives in you?
If anyone destroys (any which way) God’s Temple, God will destroy him/her;
For God Temple is sacred, and you are that Temple.
Jesus Christ by his Spirit dwells in all true believers.
1 Corinthians 6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of
Jesus Christ himself?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Therefore Honor God with your body.
Please notice:
that disobedience immediately disqualifies one to be Spirit-filled. This remarkable representative of God is offended when His primary function is denied.
His very nature is to make sin appear exceedingly sinful. Sin cannot comfortably remain where the Holy Spirit abides (dwells). Either the sin is renounced or the Holy Spirit finally will be rejected and depart.
Refusing to walk in the light does not bring an immediate separation from God,
but persistent disobedience continues to harden the conscience to the seriousness of sin. Hebrews 10:26 That state of darkness developed by repeated violation of known truth is what we refer to as the unpardonable sin . The most deadly danger facing anyone today is to insult the Holy Spirit of God by refusing obedience to His conviction.
The most deceptive aspect of the unpardonable sin is the seeming comfort with which people are able to live without God.
The greatest mistake people can make is to believe that they can come to God whenever they choose. The truth is that you can only obey God when the Spirit is speaking to your heart.
I repeat that you can only obey God when the Spirit is convicting you to come. When that Spirit is driven away and rejected, there is no possibility for repentance.

The most presumptuous thing anyone can do is to pray for an understanding of the truth, and then refuse to obey when God answers that prayer.
Satan knows that faith without works is dead, and he also knows that continued transgression grieves away the Holy Spirit. His most concentrated attack is upon the will, and obviously, he is having great success in causing people to postpone obedience. The longer they wait, the greater their chance of waiting longer, and the greater their danger of driving away the Holy Spirit.
If we turn away from that Holy Spirit and refuse to listen and obey, God will have to let us go and you be lost.
I'll tell you why: because the Holy Spirit is the only way God can reach an individual. There is no other way for God to save a person except through the Holy Spirit. That is the way we are led to repentance. If we do not have the Holy Spirit, there is no hope for us.
I was a skeptic before I started my amazing journey of discovery, and finely realized that the Holy Bible is God’s Words and not human words from the beginning to the end .
But once I saw the accuracy of the Bible predictions, I realized God can not lie.
That is peoples interpretation of the Bible, that make God lies.

There is only one safe thing to do with truth - obey it! You cannot get over it, around it, or through it. It won't go away, and it will not change. We don't break God's law; it breaks us if we disobey it.
Thank you God for your blessings, for giving and trusting me to be your Sanctuary Amen.

1: Churches do NOT preach / teach "thousands of Gospels" and disagreement on doctrine while unfortunate is not proof of error.
Well said, kiwimac. If only churches (or any religious entity) were like my thoughts and "thousands of Gospels" are true simultaneously and doctrine was replaced with experience. Dang, that wafs both poetic and egotistic... so be it.

Pax et amore vincunt omnia -- radarmark
Yes I do. I do agree with Jesus though, the greatest of all is love. If you think about it if there were no pain , there would be no need for compassion. I believe that all good emotions come from love but that in the end when everyone and everything is perfect thats all everyone will be. I believe this is the most important aspect of the true church and the center and most highest self we can be so there may be a divine being that is the actual church but everyones body is a temple and each person can find the true church within themselves.

We will never be perfect (We are human). All we can ask for is to have faith that love will continually change us into something better than what are and hope to know love more fully than we do today. (Faith - Hope - Love) These three remain and the greatest of these is love.

If we ever became perfect, what would there be to have faith in and what would be our hope? Both would be forgotten, hence it is written that faith, hope, and love remain, thus we continue the cycle of transformation, the process of being perfected without ever reaching perfection.