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  1. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    All right, maybe it is the term 'fact-event' that I'm getting lost on?
  2. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    RubySera- Okay, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your question. I, of course, meant no harm. But give me one minute here: Ruby, with all due respect then, what exactly are you asking? As I said to you before, I believe entirely that resurrection is not a realistic physical reality. I believe...
  3. J

    knowledge and belief

    Good point. Though, if where we've gotten so far was "hard to put into words", then this has the potential to take it entirely beyond description. LOL...I suppose "intuition" is an irrational argument.:D
  4. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    Well, I understand what you're saying. It is my personal belief that people cannot be resurrected, as I believe that all references to it occurring are metaphorical...not literal. I have many reasons for not believing it. But, I know that some people do believe it, also. Frankly, I've found that...
  5. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    I feel like this begs to be expanded a bit. You are asking if Jesus' ressurection is factual event. I suppose there are acctually two different questions that this could possibly imply: 1) Do you believe that Jesus' resurrection was a factual event? Do you think that Jesus was literally...
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    Philosophy of Paganism

    Thanks for your help everyone. I am looking forward to reading Laine's book.
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    What Happened To Boldness?

    Not being a professed Christian, I don't really feel like I have anything too pertinent to add to this discussion as far as my personal sentiment goes. However, I am compelled to contribute an observation. I don't know exactly what is meant when "boldness" is used here. But, I can say that...
  8. J

    Are all religions a cult?

    "Cult" is a pretty subjective word, really. Consider when one talks about films that have a "cult following". All this is really saying is that the whole nation didn't seem to love the film, and so those that do like it for one reason or another are said to be "cult-followers" of the film. This...
  9. J

    Interfaith as a Faith

    Good point. Maybe those people are participating out of somewhat selfish desires, but at least they are putting themselves into a situation where they will have to be honest about it one way or another. For someone that may never have had to be honest about it for, really and truly honest...
  10. J

    Interfaith as a Faith

    Good point. Maybe those people are participating out of somewhat selfish desires, but at least they are willfully putting themselves into a situation where they will have to be honest about it one way or another. For someone that may never have had to be honest about it before...really and truly...
  11. J

    Philosophy of Paganism

    I was curious as to whether or not any Pagan individual has ever expounded a kind of philosophical or metaphysical foundation for the practice. I know that there are probably many varied threads of Paganism, which I hope won't make this question too difficult to address. In the case that it...
  12. J

    Our true nature

    I am compelled to offer this koan, though I know it isn't exactly a rational argument;) : I suppose that this koan could spark a few different rational deductions and questions. Before I even begin, I will mention that, in the words of DT Suzuki, "Strictly speaking, Zen has no philosophy of...
  13. J

    Are all religions a cult?

    Well, that pretty much covers every single form of organization in society...government, businesses, interest groups, families, school...ummm, the entire United States of America (LOL..."you don't have a MUST be free!" :))...and every single country in existence that has even a...
  14. J

    Infant and child mutilation in abrahamic systems

    Alright, first of all, the word "disfigurement" is a pretty strong term. Furthermore, it really seems like the attempt is being made here to paint those that practice circumcision in a most evil light, as if you, yourself, were the worlds authority on morality. Now, don't misinterpet, we are all...
  15. J

    Is Islam actually peaceful?

    juantoo3- I don't really think that Islam is inherently intolerant or subtly influences one toward violence and persecution. Intead of asking if "Islam is peaceful", we might try to ask if "Islamists are peaceful". Islam is a doctrine, and at that, a doctrine that DOES seem to suggest the same...
  16. J

    the "dark side" in religions

    Of course, we have to remember that the "dark side"...death, the very process of life. That is, just as much as the "light side"...creation, flourishing. If babies were only born and never died, then eventually babies couldn't be born anymore because there wouldn't be any room for...
  17. J

    Knowledge..The Ups and Downs

    I suppose the topic of this thread is knowledge, but really in a pretty general sense. It is interesting that knowledge is perhaps one of mankinds most important tools. After all, knowledge and its ability to be transferred from generation to generation are precisely what allow us to have this...
  18. J

    There I Was?

    Your situation is one that I think is quite common nowadays. Although I don't have a specific instance I can relate to your story, what I can do is reveal to you a perspective from the other side that I experienced at one point in my life. My parents didn't take too firm a stance on the idea...
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    In light of my posts perhaps being too long, I just want to give some of my questions toward this discussion in a more abbreviated format. I'm very interested to hear peoples opinions on these aspects, since the over-zealous, anti-smoking craze tends to bury them without a single glance...a...
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    Perhaps somewhat indirectly, Dondi's post reminds me of something that I have been curious about for a while. When I was a child right up through being a teenager, I was told by my parents that they only smoked because they didn't know how bad it was for them. But, to be honest, I have...