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  1. TheKhan

    Is Jesus Almighty God?

    I`m gonna sneak this one through. I think the whole way of the institutions addressing the lineage of prophets is meaningless and only could eventually lead to imperialism, racism and discrimination. Historic facts yes, maybe, but lets not go overboard. Jesus is not about a royal family...
  2. TheKhan

    Free energy : Zero-point energy

    As a pursuit in business, I`ve decided to only focus on how to utilize such energies and nothing else, as even a conspiracy theory seems would become an obstacle to the movements by detracting focus. Well yes, there`s always a possibility that what`s been claimed doesn`t exist. But I am 100%...
  3. TheKhan

    Shadow of God

    Hello y`all, I`ve been reading up on the concept of the "Holy Spirit" as I`ve never really understood what It is. And so far nothing that I`ve found suggests that the "Shadow of God" is not the "Holy Spirit". In fact, if anything it seems more like the "Holy Spirit" is the "Shadow of God"...
  4. TheKhan

    Free energy : Zero-point energy

    Despite my regular check ups, I can`t believe I missed out on this until now. I`m starting up a new thread. Based on the fact that the ZP energy seems to vary, I`m starting to lean towards maybe it is energy that is present everywhere in the form of friction between particles inherent in our...
  5. TheKhan

    Shadow of God

    I was thinking of "God created man in his own image". Question, I don`t remember anything like the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit mentioned in the old testament. Besides the new Judaic traditions, are such things mentioned in the Judaic equivalent of the old testament by any chance? I assume...
  6. TheKhan

    Shadow of God

    My hunch tells me that a "Shadow of God" might have something to do with the Holy Spirit. Could be wrong.. Any opinions or insights? Feedback would be greatly appreciated as I want to know what the Holy Spirit is as well. Never could understand it.. TK
  7. TheKhan

    Jesus is the only way

    OK. In answering to your request for keeping in line with Biblical text. I assume Christ never mentioned the word Christian or Christianity. And therefore Jesus never said that Christians and Christendom are automatically the "followers of Christ" . Man Christian arrogance in assuming so, and...
  8. TheKhan

    Jesus is the only way

    Minor pointing, but did I hear you right that your aunt has a wife?.. Sorry for not adhereing to your request in biblic texts. Those that profess that Jesus is the only way to God, do not understand that it is mainly them who are the one`s being rejected by some buddhists and not Christ who...
  9. TheKhan

    Catholic Mystery

    While I disagree with most of what Soleil says, and agree with Thomas 99% (except for blaming Hollywood my hometown.. and this). If I understood correctly I must disagree that Jesus was sent to be killed. To show us that death could be overcome by Him. While there was no other outcome than...
  10. TheKhan

    Can you suggest a good place for spiritual e-books?

    A bit off your request, but I suggest buying English Aikido books that touch the spiritual aspects. A good breather when entrenched in Christian texts.
  11. TheKhan

    Shadow of God

    Interesting to hear how others think. This just fascinates me like a box waiting to be unlocked, and hopefully when I unlock it a ton of information will come out. Yes. And what`s fascinating is for example if God is light, then how can light project a shadow? If not what is the light that...
  12. TheKhan

    Shadow of God

    Has anyone thought of what a "shadow of God" might be? I came across an old martial art which the name has changed numerously. Some of the names of this style are: "Shin-Kage" meaning "god shadow". "Shin-Kage" meaning "heart shadow" using different glyphs. "Shinto" meaning "way of god"...
  13. TheKhan

    Buddhist Mindfulness vs Taoist Flow

    I found these things recently, I knew the general theme but found out the details lately. A bulk of the root styles in Japanese martial arts were said to be handed down by deities while martial artists were meditating at Shinto shrines. Two out of Three root styles are clearly noted to have...
  14. TheKhan

    Morals not an option?

    First you gotta stop talking to me like you know Japanese and Buddhism more than I do. Especially in the Japanese department. It`s like telling a Chinese dude from China, about what being Chinese is all about. I`ll give you the entire J alphabets derived from Sanskrit. a,i,u,e,o ka,ki,ku,ke,ko...
  15. TheKhan

    Morals not an option?

    I don`t mean to be too argumentative, but I would like to note that a bulk of the morals that we are used to today was brought about by religion that are roughly 2000 years old (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism). Where IMO, much emphasis was put on "Thou shalt not kill" was introduced. Before that...
  16. TheKhan

    Morals not an option?

    First I think bringing God into this conversation is dumb. Knowing that we understand only what we are capable of understanding, with regards to this I think it is better to leave the conversation on why we do the things we do, and likely answers would be found around us and within us. We can...
  17. TheKhan

    Morals not an option?

    Racism is hardwired, maybe in our social practices. Its a form of group thinking territorial attribute, and very natural. Morality. For young fellas to step up to the plate to save infants in grave danger also seems to be hardwired as (evident in monkey`s), whether we want to look cool in front...
  18. TheKhan

    Mirror Me

    Yeah. What is the galactic center? Is it a center between black and white? Or center in the black or white? Or am I totally off the mark? How is it relevant to now until 2014? Like to know your definition. Best regards, TK
  19. TheKhan

    "Welcome to Interfaith" in the Christianeese language.

    I am with Christ but I cannot join you. You just made a confession. How are you any different from the Jews who condemned Christ? TK
  20. TheKhan

    Buddhist Mindfulness vs Taoist Flow

    Looks very interesting. Thanks. TK