Yeah I think that possibly there is an uncontrollable hardwired circuitry in your brain for morality and this is exactly the same for almost all humans alive. What we do culturally is totally different and those that make and pioneering culture even if its on a micro level is also different which I consider to be mysticism. You really can't define outcome from a sociological point of view but maybe there is some system to it?
The newest theories in the field of linguistics hint at a similar
type of idea: that there is some actual
hard wiring in our heads which
makes up our ability to develop language. This
hard wiring must be the
same for all humans, this is why all languages are basically the same. For
example, structurally, Japanese is just a mirror image of English.
Noam Chomsky said that if aliens were to come and observe humanity,
they would classify every single human as speaking one language.
But now to the main point that relates to this discussion directly. The
reason why this theory in linguistics is so, eye-brow raising, is because
it raises a very big problem. If such a 'hardwiried circuit' exists, then it
is part of our genetic code... and if it is part of our genetic code,
then it had to evolve... This is fine, but the problem is that the whole
circuit came into being so recently, and suddenly, that they can't
understand how the hell it evolved. I mean, evolution takes millions of
years. But the circuitry responsible for developing language only just
came into being, like in a blink of an eye (50,000 years or something).
The same
'problem' is raised by this idea of yours Postmaster.
If such
hardware exists in our brains, how the hell did it evolve so
quickly in Homo Sapiens? Because it doesnt fit in with regular evolutionary
theory, the evolutionary biologists will try and reject the entire idea...
But for me, since I believe in God (and evolution), it is easily explained.