In what way are they not equals, Mee? Words like "greater" are troublesome, because they can mean different things in different contexts-- particularly when the context has been translated into another language.
the Greek of Philippians 2:6, when read objectively, shows just the opposite, that Jesus did not think it was appropriate. to be equal with God
who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
and as Jesus himself said
YOU heard that I said to YOU, I am going away and I am coming [back] to YOU. If YOU loved me, YOU would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. JOHN 14;28
yes as the first-born of creation BY GOD ,Jesus was the first thing to be created by Jehovah his father..
Jesus was the BEGINNINGof the creation by God . and as the bible informs us, everything else created after that was created THROUGH Jesus.
when Jesus was created he had a spirit body like his father JEHOVAH, he was in the form of Jehovah which was a spirit body to live in heaven .
but he was not equal to God because JEHOVAH IS THE MOST HIGH PSALM 83;18
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; collsians 1;15