Search results

  1. H

    What is the Sound of One hand clapping?

    What do you think the sound of one hand clapping is? There is no "right" answer as there is "wrong" answer. There is only your answer.
  2. H

    Favorite Buddhist quotes

    What are your favorite quotes about Buddhism or from Buddhists? This robe of freedom from cold isn't matched by ordinary clothes. This concentration free of hunger is unequaled by ordinary meat and beer. This draught at the stream of enlightenment isn't matched by ordinary drink. This...
  3. H

    New interest in Buddhism

    Hello and welcome!
  4. H


    Supernatural, I think.
  5. H

    hell y'all

    Hello!!! :) I'm Haruko. That's all I've got to say...... :p
  6. H

    Different 'types' of Christianity

    Why are there different types of Christianity? Why isn't Christianity just Christianity? Why is there Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presibeterian, Nazerine, etc? I mean, when I think of Christianity, I think of the Bible, God, and Jesus. What is the difference between each sub-category of...