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  1. R

    Suspending the politics board

    I applaud your efforts.
  2. R

    Respectful dialogue about Jesus.

    I don't know that there is going to be much dialogue. The OP's primary intent, it appears, is to engage with Jews on the subject of Jesus. I have excused myself from that endeavor although I might be drawn in if Judaism and/or Jews are misrepresented. The forum is not exactly overrun with Jews...
  3. R

    Respectful dialogue about Jesus.

    @Malakhi - I am a Jew and a rabbi. A more neutral and more accurate description of my position would be say that I reject the premise that Jesus was/is the Messiah. That said, I have no intention and absolutely no desire to engage in a discussion about that. Too many Christians and...
  4. R

    If prayer works

    As a general rule, no.
  5. R

    The Empty Boat

    The rabbi checks his pulse.
  6. R

    Thank you, RJM. :)

    Well said, @iBrian. Thank you for stepping back in. We all should be grateful for, and thank, @RJM for his yeoman service to the forum.
  7. R

    No false prophet will be established in Israel

    Not in the Torah.
  8. R

    What Does My Angel Number Mean?

    Who is lewismilton?
  9. R

    Christians that believe in transubstantiation (wine into blood)

    I made my point. I stand by my point.
  10. R

    Christians that believe in transubstantiation (wine into blood)

    I could be wrong, but I suspect that I know a heck of a lot more Jews, across the spectrum of Judaism, than you do. On the one hand your assertion is so off the wall it should not be necessary for me to deny the statement. On the other hand there may some readers who would believe you without a...
  11. R

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

    @moralorel - re: your post, #351, point 2. Where did you get the idea that the Pharisees were, as a group, wealthy?
  12. R

    Do serve God...or a 'Trinity'?

  13. R

    Maccabee massacre and the crucifixion/resurrection of Jesus

    Would I be out of line to ask exactly what Maccabee slaughter you are referencing? I know at least it can't be 1 Maccabees 2.
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    You responded to a post from April 2018 written by an individual who joined the forum that month and last posted by the middle of that very month. In other words, you may not get a response.
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    I’ll be away from home for the next 2 weeks. I may or may not be somewhere with internet. I may or may not have time to use it if I have it. It’s just vacation, but I didn’t want anyone to worry….. or celebrate….. because I seem absent.
  16. R

    Seder discussions

    I share the same distrust/distain with @wil of Fox News. At the same time I would also submit, however, that I suspect that I know a great many more Jews than he does - Jews across the denominational spectrum, across the political spectrum. I know Jews who are young and old, parents and...
  17. R

    THE C.oT. LINE Notes on exoantrophology

    @RJM - I still don’t get it. If you, in fact, do, I will look to you to explain it.
  18. R

    Questions about Gnosticism.

    Two days ago marked 9 years since David McCann last signed onto the forum. I do know of a forum where he’s been active of late. Should I message him there to come back here to give you an answer?
  19. R

    Roots of Good & Evil

    There are folks on this forum whose views I disagree with, vehemently in some cases. Sometimes it’s a religious view, sometimes it’s a matter of politics or social views. In most instances, yes I can choose to try to engage in civil discourse or I can simply choose to ignore a poster or...
  20. R

    Roots of Good & Evil

    So you think that Christianity has been corrupted by evil Talmudists and you’re of the opinion that these evil Talmudists have also infected Buddhism. I wonder who these nasty Talmudists could be. Let me think about that for a minute. Hmm. Wait, I know. Why, of course, it is those fiendish...