Thank you, RJM. :)


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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I just wanted to say a big thank you to @RJM for doing his utmost best to keep Interfaith running these past few years. I know it hasn't been easy for him, and I know even the best can struggle at any time running an active forum in general, let alone one based around such profound and often conflicting viewpoints which can make IO a particular challenge to deal with. I haven't been here to see how things have developed, but I'm very grateful that RJM made every effort to keep IO running and online.

Also, I'm sad to say that RJM has now resigned as community administrator to allow me to take over fully, which is not something I'd actually wanted - I had hoped to support him and simply help tone things down around here so that there was more of an even keel. However, I know for a long time he's repeatedly expressed a desire to step back from the stress of running IO and keeping it online, and I guess that now I'm here more fully he's finally taken that opportunity.

I don't know whether he plans to keep visiting and posting, or whether he's just going to take a long breather - goodness knows he deserves some relax time - but I just wanted to make a public show of thanks for him being here to prevent the ship from sinking, allowing for IO to continue as a global community interfaith website. :)
I consider RJM my friend and I appreciate that when I came back he welcomed me so graciously. I hope you keep posting and be present!
I just wanted to say a big thank you to @RJM for doing his utmost best to keep Interfaith running these past few years. I know it hasn't been easy for him, and I know even the best can struggle at any time running an active forum in general, let alone one based around such profound and often conflicting viewpoints which can make IO a particular challenge to deal with. I haven't been here to see how things have developed, but I'm very grateful that RJM made every effort to keep IO running and online.

Also, I'm sad to say that RJM has now resigned as community administrator to allow me to take over fully, which is not something I'd actually wanted - I had hoped to support him and simply help tone things down around here so that there was more of an even keel. However, I know for a long time he's repeatedly expressed a desire to step back from the stress of running IO and keeping it online, and I guess that now I'm here more fully he's finally taken that opportunity.

I don't know whether he plans to keep visiting and posting, or whether he's just going to take a long breather - goodness knows he deserves some relax time - but I just wanted to make a public show of thanks for him being here to prevent the ship from sinking, allowing for IO to continue as a global community interfaith website. :)
Yes thanks to RJM. We can embrace the knowledge that the clash of differing opinions, if done in a healthy manner, can spark the a better understanding of all God given truth.

Regards Tony
The effort put forth by all the forth putting efforters is absolutely appreciated in this corner... RJ and his leadership and the team have done the work to keep it afloat ...

I thank all the contributors... in life and in here, I am vocal, and visible, and contrary enough to be noticed...sort of like the fly in church...why is he here...

I think I am here to remind ya you are in church.

I appreciate that yall keep the doors open. I think everytime I find them locked I think...they finally gave me the boot! Lol