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  1. S

    Question regarding Jinn and "evil spirits"

    Ah thanks for explaining. I was referring to a legend we have that Satan was sent to destroy the Jinn on earth because of their 3rd regicide. He led an army of angels and they supposedly killed all the Jinn and therefore the Jinn alive today are only the ones fathered by Satan himself and his...
  2. S

    The Trees

    Is it the soul? If so, whose soul, that we are guided to it? And why is the oil from an olive tree? What is meant by a tree of neither east nor west?
  3. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    I've refuted those offerings, please see above, and there was nothing arbitrary in my refutation. By the way, you may be confusing decorative with symbolic but in either case, these are later accretions and not promulgated by the religion itself. Another definition: noun plural noun: symbols...
  4. S

    Question regarding Jinn and "evil spirits"

    Sorry l don't understand the relevance to what l wrote. Also, l'm sure he could create things, l see no reason why not. E.g. through technology. Also, black magic has some sort of mechanism, such that it harms people. But i don't get how it relates to what i wrote and my correction of your...
  5. S

    Koran 5:32

    Right then l don't get why OP didn't explain why they thought it was out of context, that would have been a natural addition to the OP. Just seems like more agitprop. Do you agree with my previous post that the man in the video has a smug aspect which belies that he's absolutely enjoying this...
  6. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    A quick google: The Mihrab directs worshippers to the Black Box, so its use is therefore immediate not merely symbolic. However it gets more interesting - quote Encyclopaedia Britannica: "The mihrab originated in the reign of the Umayyad prince al-Walīd I (705–715), during which time the...
  7. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    The nonsymbol is our symbol, because we don't have symbols as far as l'm aware. I'm happy to change that opinion if you were to show me a symbol in Islam. The crescent and star is a symbol par excellence as is the cross. However the former is not actually part of our religion even though it is...
  8. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    I take a symbol to mean something that by itself is not the key thing, it is key to a thing. By itself, it has obscurity, opacity. Bismillah is self evident, but every word, even every letter of the Qur'an is symbolic of deeper meaning. Of course that is not what l mean or what is commonly...
  9. S

    Hi there, itinerant Sufism afficionado here

    Thank you. I don't like to discuss my wider family but l really got into Sufism when l encountered a Sufi teacher who knew stuff about me (he would hold sessions where the public would visit him, no money involved, he was well known for psychic abilities). I soon after found a booklet with Rumi...
  10. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Bismillah is not a symbol The Mihrab is a 3D object and fulfils a function. It is not a symbol and some mosques probably didn't even have one. By the same vein, every letter of the alphabet is a symbol. The A? an ox glyph. The L? The way to the latrines. And so on. I consider this untenable.
  11. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Hi there, l know what they say about the two of them. I'm happy quoting a box of frogs if it sounds right.
  12. S

    Question regarding Jinn and "evil spirits"

    I believe Allah gave him a lot of power: "la hawla wa quwwata illa billah" - "there no power nor ability, except by Allah" A robbing murderer overpowering an innocent traveller is not God doing God's work.
  13. S

    Perennial Philosophy and Islam

    I've no idea.
  14. S

    Perennial Philosophy and Islam

    Green Man was a nature spirit. I read somewhere that Khizr (meaning "Green" in Arabic) caused greenery to sprout wherever he trod, and he was perpetually young even if he had a beard. Some legends even state he is still alive, but l doubt orthodox Islam would agree with this due to a hadith...
  15. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Sorry l meant yes, observation of nature, but also l think from a single source, a sequence of events witnessed by all.
  16. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Unknown how long ago this happened, or even if it really happened the way the video portrays but you have to admit it's absolute genius!
  17. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Nope, it's because of this video at these points: 38:26 and 54:26 which brings together the star and crescent, the cross (which is often the star within the crescent btw) and other major religious symbols. Basically every major symbol you see today and in ancient culture too. Nothing to do...
  18. S

    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    Right so the points stand: The swastika is a stylised cross was used as a pagan sun symbol. I see no reason to change that statement. Moroever, sun worship is anathema to us, and perhaps this is why the swastika / cross in any form, are anathema to us. I see no reason to change that...