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  1. 9Harmony

    Jesus Christ, he will return?

    I believe He did, and yes, I recognized Him. :D But the majority of people branded Him a heretic and imprisoned and exiled Him for 40 years. <sigh> History has a way of repeating itself.
  2. 9Harmony

    Declaration Stories

    I was raised Catholic and thought I was comfortable with my faith except it always bothered me that everyone else was going to go to hell... When I was 4-5 I would tell my family that I knew I would witness Christ's return. They thought I was silly... I was probably 9 when I first heard of...
  3. 9Harmony

    quote quiz

    thanks Wil, no, i didn't compile this one, don't remember where i got it anymore. i've had it for quite awhile. but actually i would venture to say the author is God. ;) it's a nice resource to refer to. :)
  4. 9Harmony

    quote quiz

    === ANSWERS to Comparative Religion Quote Quiz == PROGRESSIVE REVELATION 1. Hinduism, Bhagavad Gita 4:7-8 2. Buddhism, Mahaparinibband Sutta 3. Christianity, Matthew 5:7 4. Islam, Qur'an 35:22 5. Baha'i, Selected Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 159 6. Judaism, Micah 5:2 THE ONLY WAY 1...
  5. 9Harmony

    The First and the Last

    Interesting...wouldn't you say? "They are all the manifestation of the "Beginning" and the "End," the "First" and the "Last," the "Seen" and "Hidden" -- all of which pertain to Him Who is the innermost Spirit of Spirits and eternal Essence of Essences." (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 179)...
  6. 9Harmony

    quote quiz

    Which religion said what? PROGRESSIVE REVELATION 1. "... Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness, then I send forth Myself, for the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of righteousness. I come into being from...
  7. 9Harmony

    Historical "tidbits":

    Re: Good biography of Bahiyyih Khanum: Here is my favorite quote of hers. :) "We ought to show something greater than forgiveness in meeting the cruelties and strictures in our lives. To be hurt and forgive is saintly, but far beyond this is the power to comprehend and not be hurt. This power...
  8. 9Harmony

    What changed when Jesus died?

    this is one of my favorite verses regarding this... "XXXVI. Know thou that when the Son of Man yielded up His breath to God, the whole creation wept with a great weeping. By sacrificing Himself, however, a fresh capacity was infused into all created things. Its evidences, as witnessed in all...
  9. 9Harmony

    Baha'i, film, literature

    Hi Art, I recently saw this movie too. And I agree, it was extremely enjoyable. except i think the quote used at the beginning was this one... "He should show kindness to animals, how much more unto his fellow-man, to him who is endowed with the power of utterance." -Baha'u'llah i...
  10. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    me too! :D
  11. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    well, yes, i would say that because of your bloodline you think deserve you the title of spiritual leader is quite silly, but that is not the case in the Baha'i Faith. Those who have authority in this Faith were appointed by the One who had authority prior.
  12. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    Another of my favorite stories about Abdu'l-Baha relates that among a gathering of the friends the Master was offered the choice of coffee or tea to drink. He reflected and said, "Coffee is a material drink. Tea is a spiritual drink." (You can at this point sense everyone leaning forward in...
  13. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    nothing shows up in ocean when i type in 'caffeine', so can't tell you. either it's referred to in something that hasn't been translated yet, or it's not an issue in this dispensation. maybe the next one ;)
  14. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    Hi again, you're probably right, i doubt that it occurs within my lifetime as well. but as to ever happening...i believe it will, if it truly is God's Will, it will happen eventually. Remember the Baha'i Revelation is the umbrella under which all future Revelations for the next 500,000 years...
  15. 9Harmony

    A problem?

    Hi Postmaster, Nice to read you again. No, i don't think that's what we're saying at all. None of what the Baha'i Faith proposes will be done by force. It is all done on a voluntary basis. We would never make anyone do anything according to our beliefs. What has to happen is that hearts...
  16. 9Harmony

    Can anyone identify this sigil?

    looks like an instrument panel display for some sort of vehicle, or videogame. ;-)
  17. 9Harmony

    Things have Changed

    i couldn't have said it better myself. :)
  18. 9Harmony

    Things have Changed

    Hi Cage, Your understanding of the resurrection seems to be very much in line with the Baha'i understanding, but i don't want to derail this thread. So i invite you to explore this with the Baha'i's here in the Baha'i section if you would like. i am leaving for vacation soon, so the other...
  19. 9Harmony

    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    smkolins wrote: "The part about mirroring I think emphasizes the other direction - everything in the spiritual world has a reflection in this world. " Hi Laurie, I see you asked this ages ago. Here's one quote in this vein. "The worlds of God are in perfect harmony and correspondence one...
  20. 9Harmony

    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    My Friend, i responded to this in the Baha'i thread regarding a living guardian, but immediately what comes to mind from this post is that if they had really wanted to stay loyal to Baha'i Scripture, they would have supported the decision of the majority as that is a fundamental underlying...