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  1. 9Harmony

    Unification of world religions for world peace

    Well said! My understanding is that all of the prophets/messengers speak with 2 distinct voices. One the voice of the human temple, and one the Voice of God for the age in which they appear. So, no wonder, people get confused, it can be a difficult concept to grasp. But once we can get...
  2. 9Harmony

    Unification of world religions for world peace

    Hi InLove, I agree. [/color][/color] I agree again, but how many people do you know who actually do consider this. Not many that I know. But again i agree, we can find the truth if we are open to it. And yes, the first step is asking God to assist us. :) I like your vision...
  3. 9Harmony

    Unification of world religions for world peace

    YES! that in conjunction with interpretation. I think this explains so much in the whole scheme of things. I posted the following in another forum and got very little response, which perhaps means people are thinking about it, at least noone argued with me. :) (Warning - it's kinda long.)...
  4. 9Harmony

    Buddism and the Baha'i Faith

    Namaste Vajradhara, I just wanted to assure you that your posts have not been removed at Planet Baha'i. They still stand as written, just may have to search to find them, since it was so long ago. Have a wonderful day! Loving Greetings, Amy
  5. 9Harmony

    Unification of world religions for world peace

    You may be interested in reading this statement from The Universal House of Justice to the World's Religious Leaders. Have a great day! Loving Greetings, Amy
  6. 9Harmony

    Not Liberal Enough To Be A Baha'i Member?

    Hi again, I forgot to touch on this point. The equality of men and women does not necessarily mean that men and women should have the same roles. Rather it refers to the complimentary nature of each to the other. So once the equality of men and women is realized, war will cease and your...
  7. 9Harmony

    Not Liberal Enough To Be A Baha'i Member?

    Hi Silverbackman, The issue of a one World Government is not so much that one government controls all. But rather that each nation should maintain it's own individual governments, but have an overseeing body made up of all nations, to protect the rights of each. We believe in unity in...
  8. 9Harmony

    Baha'i and Matrixism?

    Hi, Lunamoth is correct. The use of pyschedelics is strictly forbidden in the Baha'i Faith. Any substance which alters our senses is not acceptable. I've heard other Baha'i's that have seen all the Matrix movies say that there are similiarities but I've only seen the first one to date, so...
  9. 9Harmony

    GOD is the Light

    Here are a couple excerpts from the Baha'i Writings... "That the divers communions of the earth, and the manifold systems of religious belief, should never be allowed to foster the feelings of animosity among men, is, in this Day, of the essence of the Faith of God and His Religion. These...
  10. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    You're most welcome! And Thank you! It has been a wonderful Ridvan. :)
  11. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    Beautifully put. :)
  12. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    I see, I worded that first post poorly. glad to see we're on the same page. :) If I haven't told you before, I greatly enjoy reading your posts, you have a wonderfully gentle way of putting things.
  13. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    Hi lunamoth, :) Well yes, in human terms... Give us any topic and at least one of us can create a paradox out of it. :D It may not seem logical to love someone as much as ourselves or to love God, but I believe that it actually is. I believe the underlying truths are ultimately logical...
  14. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    lol! put me on the spot why doncha? Yes! God's love is logical. It's unconditional. :) No matter who we are or what we do, God loves us all. But what we do to love is often illogical, but that's just us.
  15. 9Harmony

    Paradox and Religion

    I think that when we see an apparent paradox within religion we are actually missing something. A paradox is a signal to look deeper. Paradoxes in religion are really non-existent. God is not paradoxical, God is logical. We create paradoxes because we only brush the surface, truth is hidden...
  16. 9Harmony

    Christianity Vs Baha’i

    Hi Postmaster, You are correct, God made humanity diverse, we are like different flowers in the garden of life, all beautiful in our own unique ways, God does not want to change that. :) But may I ask, as a Christian, do you believe the Lords Prayer? "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on...
  17. 9Harmony

    What the Bleep do

    I agree JZ was kinda scary. I didn't agree with much that she had to say. One thing the movie did for me, was open a whole new realm of possibilities. I read the Baha'i Writings in a whole new light. Abdu'l-Baha says 'the reality of man is his thought', and i always read that as just a...
  18. 9Harmony

    The Word......

    The Baha'i Writings refer to the Word of God as the Creative Word. The Art of God. Inherent in each letter lies the potential to create what exists in the contingent world. This topic has always fascinated me. I do not have time at the moment to go in depth, but thought I would just post...
  19. 9Harmony

    What the Bleep do

    I personally enjoyed it. I thought it was a wonderful step towards finding common ground between science and religion. I definitely don't agree with everything the movie states, but in watching the commentary on the DVD, their basic reason for making it, was simply to get people to start...
  20. 9Harmony

    Somethings I just can't accpet..

    [/color][/color] This is something you need to decide for yourself. I too had similar concerns, I was very cautious, I didn't want to be deceived. And you know the conclusion I came to. :) And now 12 years later, I still have not found any reason to doubt. [color=black][color=black]