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  1. Ecumenist


    Blavatsky knew the Sages of past and present alike, including Lord Sangyas. She likely met the current Bodhisattva, the future Maitreya Buddha. She knew Chohans and Mahatmas, and at least one or two arhats, I am sure. Master DK was precisely thus when she first entered Tibet, as he became...
  2. Ecumenist


    THE LORD BUDDHA HAS SAID that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor rumours, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that we may suspect to have been inspired in us...
  3. Ecumenist


    All that I truly know, I know from experience. ~Buddha Yes, I know what the things are that I mentioned. I am able to distinguish a lot of it more than intellectually, yet no, as neither of us is a Mahasiddha that I am aware of, I am not qualified to teach the Gupta Vidya. Are you? Why...
  4. Ecumenist


    Christ was an arhat, and he pointed to many things. He answered the question and taught regarding the Divine. Thanks, really, but, that's ok. I'm pretty sure I'm aware of it already. Let's not play magical spoon-bender, all Uri Geller and Matrix-like. I think we'll be quite fine the way we are...
  5. Ecumenist

    Open question

    Wow, there are quite a few people I know who would take offense at this, and otherwise prove that YOU may not know who's spiritually blind, and who's not. :confused:
  6. Ecumenist


    The arhats whom I have known, and know, are anything but nothing. I think you might want to ask one sometime how things are ~ there in nothingness/nowhere-land. Is this a Beatles song? Or is it Strawberry Fields? Are you quite sure that Tomorrow Never Knows? Or want you join me, Within You...
  7. Ecumenist

    The Holistic Field

    I think you've said it rather clearly, and that is what I was, am, always looking for. Thank you! :)
  8. Ecumenist


    Very good. Very subtle. I like that, lu. ;) You're good at this!
  9. Ecumenist


    Apparently, each of us is incarnate, and apparently, pain seems to either characterize our world, or at least goad us onward toward self-improvement, rather than tamasic, inertial inactivity. Rhythm, too is a familiar human element, as without it we lose our bearings, or forget that Cosmic...
  10. Ecumenist


    You just said why! lol How many to Tao? TWO Where's the question?
  11. Ecumenist


    As certain that each of us, in our time, shall die?
  12. Ecumenist


    Now Dzyan has been around ... well, since John has been around ~*~ Ain't That R I G H T?
  13. Ecumenist


    Sitting still, the mower does not cut the grass itself Chop wood, carry water Otherwise, it's gonna be a cold, hungry winter ... and the neighbor's are gonna complain, come summer.
  14. Ecumenist


    Christ Lives the Dharma Other Great Ones Practice the Dharma I think the best that we can do is, also, TRY ... to Practice the Dharma Naturally to talk about the Dharma, is a good thing; but it is better to PRACTICE the Dharma, as this leads us to the Perfection of the Aryas
  15. Ecumenist


    As long as we remember to Practice the DHARMA, yes.
  16. Ecumenist

    The Holistic Field

    It sounds like you are interested in the Kabbalah, radar. The `doneness' is not in my mind. The rudeness, however, is in yours. Don't feel so smug. Some of us have been studying this a long time.
  17. Ecumenist


    Rofl, yes, and being alone is not the same as being loneLY. As one Sage puts it, "The Soul that cannot stand alone has nought to give." :o Relationship isn't an option. Rather, it's one of those important HOW questions ... ;) :)
  18. Ecumenist


    It seems like such a notion, such a practice, would be fundamentally empowering. If who and what we are is already capable, more than able, to cope with most situations given precisely what we have - perhaps all else will solve itself, or come to Light, once a person plugs in, say `RELATIONSHIP'...
  19. Ecumenist


    Is there a level of consciousness where I can transcend I, me and mine, and even the objects of my own consciousness, the modifications of my thinking principle, resolve and fade into ... ? (me included) ? do tell
  20. Ecumenist


    Don't assume, at the same time, that just because YOU don't know something, radar, that others around you do not know. Take off the glasses of ignorance and Lo! There were smart people all around, all of the time, who knew a whole lot more PHYSICS, as well as LIFE, than you. It's called...