
Trust, for me, is simply loving this moment completely, accepting all that is here now.

All of it is simply evidence that we are alive, be grateful to it all.
Christ Lives the Dharma

Other Great Ones Practice the Dharma

I think the best that we can do is, also, TRY ... to Practice the Dharma

Naturally to talk about the Dharma, is a good thing; but it is better to PRACTICE the Dharma, as this leads us to the Perfection of the Aryas
Christ Lives the Dharma

Other Great Ones Practice the Dharma

I think the best that we can do is, also, TRY ... to Practice the Dharma

Naturally to talk about the Dharma, is a good thing; but it is better to PRACTICE the Dharma, as this leads us to the Perfection of the Aryas

Trying is an excuse for not doing.

Doing is a misunderstanding about what is apparent.

Being is truth.
Wu wei

Sitting still, the grass grows and spring comes by itself.
Wu wei

Sitting still, the grass grows and spring comes by itself.
Sitting still, the mower does not cut the grass itself

Chop wood, carry water

Otherwise, it's gonna be a cold, hungry winter ... and the neighbor's are gonna complain, come summer.
Sitting still, the mower does not cut the grass itself

Chop wood, carry water

Otherwise, it's gonna be a cold, hungry winter ... and the neighbor's are gonna complain, come summer.

Certainly, there is much we believe we must do.

Fundamentally, all doing is based in our fear of death, for this is the only ramification of what you say here. Are you that which can die, in other words, are you the one living or merely the one watching life unfolding?

Understanding our true place, anything can arise but there comes a natural detached compassion. Even the form we perceive ourselves to be receives our compassion, for it is so truly helpless. In the midst of all its striving to survive, any moment it can die, and no matter its struggle this death is the only certainty.

Let go and all needs are taken care of for us.
Now Dzyan has been around ... well, since John has been around
R I G H T?​

I am not sure the relevance of the Book of Dzyan to this discussion?

How so ever we got here, what is certain is that we are.
Rofl, yes, and being alone is not the same as being loneLY. As one Sage puts it, "The Soul that cannot stand alone has nought to give." :eek:

Relationship isn't an option. Rather, it's one of those important HOW questions ... ;) :)
Yes it takes two to Tao. Why do you say relationship is not an option?
As certain that each of us, in our time, shall die?

Every wave must eventually fall back into the ocean.

The wave and the ocean, however are both just water, there is no real separation, only apparent.

Water, here, is consciousness.
Yes it takes two to Tao. Why do you say relationship is not an option?

False, Tao is the underlying oneness.

Where there is the perception of two, Tao is missed.

This is why the Tao Te Ching goes on describing dualities, because they must come back together - yet are already one in truth.

Certainly, to know the Tao, two is necessary, and herein lies the mystery of existence. The eye cannot look directly on itself, it is necessary to look at its reflection. Existence is that reflection, but what is it mirroring?
Every wave must eventually fall back into the ocean.

The wave and the ocean, however are both just water, there is no real separation, only apparent.

Water, here, is consciousness.
Apparently, each of us is incarnate, and apparently, pain seems to either characterize our world, or at least goad us onward toward self-improvement, rather than tamasic, inertial inactivity.

Rhythm, too is a familiar human element, as without it we lose our bearings, or forget that Cosmic grooves actually exist. Cycles, Seasons, Day & Night, Yin and Yang, as luecy7 says.

But without Law there is really no point in living at all. Things Fall apart. So to advocate or otherwise expect anything from Disorder, is purely chaotic. It is not wise, any more than the proper way to arrive in the next town is to confront a speeding bullet-train. Rather, one should board ~ at the appropriate juncture, or station.

Thus everyone from arhats to the humble aspiranturya {or did I make up that word ~ maybe it was turiya} seems to Serve some kind of function, or Purpose or are we too bored ~

To take life Siriusly

Who are Dreaming, dreaming of ourselves experiencing these human incarnations, all the while in our Assembled and variegated ranks ~ as at some sort of play, a Grand affair. Yet off the stage ...

~ it's Krishna's {Vishnu's} Dream. Is that what you mean?

And pretty soon, Brahman it is ~ and us the Dream!

One Dreamer in an unending, curious, MARVELous of a Scheme
It takes one and an other to yin and yang. Why do you say relationship is not an option?

Let us recall the ying yang ball.

There is equal parts black and white, yet to show their dependence, part of the black exists in the white and vice versa. The circle represents wholeness, it is saying both halves are necessary to create the whole.

The fundamental problem is that we choose the white and reject the black.

We must come to accept the whole, for when white tries to fight black, it only succeeds in creating blackness within itself. We always become what we fight, for it is where our attention is.
Apparently, each of us is incarnate, and apparently, pain seems to either characterize our world, or at least goad us onward toward self-improvement, rather than tamasic, inertial inactivity.

There is nothing inherently wrong with pain, it is the bodies signal that something is wrong and thus very useful.

Suffering is inherent to the mind, it wants to say what should and should not be so. Self improvement is the pre-occupation of the mind that rests in a basic fallacy: we are not already perfect. All problems we perceive are this basic fighting with existence, with what is, yet whatsoever we do about this only causes things to get worse.

Constantly, our invitation is simply to let go.

Rhythm, too is a familiar human element, as without it we lose our bearings, or forget that Cosmic grooves actually exist. Cycles, Seasons, Day & Night, Yin and Yang, as luecy7 says.

Certainly, yet we fight the rhythm of life, insisting we know what is best despite it having existed successfully for billions of years without man.

Again, we must accept the invitation to let go, exactly into this rhythm, which is Tao. To say another way, we must not fight the current of life, for all rivers eventually lead to the ocean. It knows the way already, it is only necessary to trust it.

Christians reading this will likely recall that Jesus said to fight against the current. He was speaking on a different level, to be utterly with the current of life we will encounter many cross-currents, attempts to lead us away by society. These must be avoided on this path, for none will result in fulfillment, society only wishes to use us to strengthen itself.

But without Law there is really no point in living at all. Things Fall apart. So to advocate or otherwise expect anything from Disorder, is purely chaotic. It is not wise, any more than the proper way to arrive in the next town is to confront a speeding bullet-train. Rather, one should board ~ at the appropriate juncture, or station.

You have assumed there is a point to life, you have chosen order over chaos because you do not trust the advancement of human consciousness independent of law. Yet, actually, law stems from human consciousness, it is what we have decided is acceptable and unacceptable. If we can learn our true nature, law is no more important and yet inherent in law is the enforcement thereof. In accepting laws, we make ourselves slaves, in knowing what we are, we are utterly free.

Thus everyone from arhats to the humble aspiranturya {or did I make up that word ~ maybe it was turiya} seems to Serve some kind of function, or Purpose or are we too bored

Compassion has a need to share itself, but mostly man is running around avoiding the fact that he is fundamentally empty. He wants to be something, anything, because he fears being nothing. The arhat has realized his utter nothingness and attempts to share it.

Who are Dreaming, dreaming of ourselves experiencing these human incarnations, all the while in our Assembled and variegated ranks ~ as at some sort of play, a Grand affair. Yet off the stage ...

~ it's Krishna's {Vishnu's} Dream. Is that what you mean?


And pretty soon, Brahman it is ~ and us the Dream!

One Dreamer in an unending, curious, MARVELous of a Scheme

This is what I am attempting to share, yes.
To awaken is to realize you are the one dreaming, you are not anything in the dream.

It doesn't mean the dream ceases, it is simply realized for what it is.

How, now, could seriousness come in? It is all just leela - the divine play.
Ecumenist said:
Let us recall the ying yang ball.

There is equal parts black and white, yet to show their dependence, part of the black exists in the white and vice versa. The circle represents wholeness, it is saying both halves are necessary to create the whole.

The fundamental problem is that we choose the white and reject the black.

We must come to accept the whole, for when white tries to fight black, it only succeeds in creating blackness within itself. We always become what we fight, for it is where our attention is.
So be the dove and choose a serpent. Be the one and choose an other. Why do you say relationship is not an option?