It's too heady for me. My 2 cents of the moment is that John the Evangel clarifies, in recent times, that the proper translation of the words Moses shared with his people,
straight from God, as it were, should be:
Tell them `I AM BECOMING WHO AND WHAT I AM' sent you.
More to this effect, at any rate.
God is not `done.' And every hylozoist knows it!
It would be quite like a single, bold and zealous cell [or quark] within YOUR body declaring,
"Hey, RADAR is
DONE, perfect, ABSOLUTE!!!"
Come back in seven years and see what he's singing about.
So the parallel is exact. And I have no less trouble knowing that I am a `singular existence' or entity, for being composed of different levels of being, morphogenetic and electromagnetic, as well as electrochemical and `meatbag'-oriented FIELDS of energy.
Even the physical body has its organ systems and various organs, each of these being composed of millions upon millions of specialized cells, these having an intricate, varying structure yet basic, universal components, and such smaller entities as within the cell [vide Bruce Lipton] with THEIR individualized or specialized functions, all the while being composed right naturally of molecular bonds and unities of microscopic, synergistic parts, even the molecules and atoms of my being only arising when yet tinier particles, waves, and vibrations, as sparks/quarks of life itself [wait, that's a bit subtler still, isn't it] do Co-Operate.
Curious, how amidst all of that Order, assemblage of Parts with Purpose, I don't even have to lift a finger, to bring certain elements TO THE SURFACE ~ at least, within my mind. As yet, at this time, I type onto the Intarwebs, and lo! a quaint little rhyme, but that's just owing to the fact that `Think' technology isn't quite ready for prime time, at which point the public will be able to just focus for a moment, to type a line. Be patient.
My point is that a Humanity of several centuries into the future will experience the Invisible worlds as readily, objectively and unquestionably, even in their collectivity, as we do currently inhabit and experience the physical. Perhaps God is one of those interesting creatures who, like ourselves, chose the path of Upward Ascent, yet traveled it far, far beyond the stage of any Human being ~ even beyond those exalted states and examples thereof, as have become and do often best remain ... the stuff of Legend.