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  1. Out of the Box

    Did God have a beginning?

    I'm not aware of any fish even remotely close to humanity's greatest philosophers in terms of intellect. If such a fish would exist, then maybe he could have the capacity to understand the nature of the aquarium.
  2. Out of the Box

    Did God have a beginning?

    Why not? The human mind is very complex, so why wouldn't it be possible to understand the nature of the divine?
  3. Out of the Box

    Your beliefs: what are they REALLY?

    No surprises here for me :
  4. Out of the Box

    Theosophy's Origin of the Universe

    Why should it provide ANY view of it at all? Why not allow the enlightened individual to develop his own view rather than enforce a specific view? Many universes or the same universe being destroyed and rebuilt, that's pretty much the same thing ;) "The problem with a finite universe is...
  5. Out of the Box

    Gentile reading of Judaism

    The question "How racist and/or supremacist is Judaism?" can be answered with "not at all". It was not my intention to make any insinuations by choosing the title of this thread. Will you now move the posts from that other threads to this thread? After all, I merely created this thread for you...
  6. Out of the Box

    Gentile reading of Judaism

    The following thread is created on request of dauer, is cut from the "Creativity Movement" thread and is an offshoot for the following statement I made :
  7. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    Define faith. I would like to believe I am one of those five, but I'm not arrogant enough to proclaim I am.
  8. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    True. However, this is not limited to religion but also to other viewpoints. As soon as people take something for granted and believe it dogmatically, they're prone to bigotry. Out of 100 people who think they are openminded, less than 5 usually are.
  9. Out of the Box

    Theosophy's Origin of the Universe

    Science leaves many questions for which it provides no answer, but we can definitely find clues for answering those questions by looking at what science has to offer. Further, there's also logic. When we consider the fact that everything in nature is cyclic and that a creator also needs to be...
  10. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    There can be. It just requires both sides to be openminded and show respect to the other side. Unfortunately, I find especially liberals to be rarely willing to. Even with the liberals among my closest friends some topics remain taboo.
  11. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    I object to all of them. The consequence is that I'm often called a homophobe or a racist, even though one of my best friends is a lesbian and one of my favorite colleagues is a black man. Most liberals just can't seem to understand that one can object to multi-culturalism without being a...
  12. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    [/I] The more one's views differ from those of liberals, the most one is hated by them. Most common victims of liberal hatemongering are people disagreeing with multi-culturalism, with "representative democracy", with gay marriage, with legal abortion and/or other viewpoints that seem to be...
  13. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    Why would you do something as stupid as that? With 8 years of GW Bush in the saddle and with the media being biased towards Obama, it should have been obvious to anyone that McCain had no change of winning whatsoever. This became even more clear when Palin came along. Anyway, why would a...
  14. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    In theory, yes. In reality, however, their hate towards certain viewpoints is no less great than the nazi hate towards Jews. Also, their focus on humanity rather than nature as a whole makes them blind for many issues. Hence, I'd call them neither egalitarian, nor fair, nor world-centric...
  15. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    Rubbish. First of all, I don't judge people by their viewpoints and I am or have been close friends with people as varied as a fascist, an anarcho-libertarian, a devout Catholic, several pot-smoking liberals, a black person, several lesbians, ... I've also had entertaining and mature...
  16. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    Is this an attempt to be sarcastic?!? :confused: If not, you pretty much prove my point. What makes you so certain that liberal are right and everyone else is wrong? Don't you see how arrogant such a viewpoint really is?
  17. Out of the Box


    As much fun as a hedonistic lifestyle may seem in the beginning, in the end you usually feel empty and uncomfortable because once you've tried it all there's no longer anything to live for. Hence, I see it as mostly negative, although IMO everyone should go through a hedonistic period at least a...
  18. Out of the Box

    Fair-Mindedness ain’t for Sissies

    There is an ancient Asian proverb that sounds something like this : That one line says it all.
  19. Out of the Box

    Religion and Bigotry is their a link ?

    People who strongly believe in a certain mindset are prone to narrowmindedness, but this is not exclusive for religious radicals. As much as they hold their own values superior to those of pretty much anyone else, iberals are among the most narrowminded people in the world precisely because of...