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  1. Nick the Pilot

    Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

    DA, I agree with you that we need to stop saying America is a Christian country, England is a Christian country, etc.
  2. Nick the Pilot

    Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

    At least we are making progress. These questions would never have come up 100 years ago.
  3. Nick the Pilot

    What is the major question for you in terms of Tao?

    "Am I correct in stating that Taoism is a religion without gods? " --> That is how I see it.
  4. Nick the Pilot

    What is the major question for you in terms of Tao?

    Giving a name to the nameless is tricky. Lao-Tzu needs to call 'It' something, so he gives It the name Tao. But technically the name Tao doesn't refer to It, Tao translates as 'way' or 'path'. So when Lao-Tzu says 'Tao', he is referring to the path we travel to get to It, not to 'It' itself...
  5. Nick the Pilot

    Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

    Here is an article which says, because of a new high level of religious plurality in Britain, Britain should no longer be referred to as being only a 'Christian' country. This has been met with a "furious backlash from ministers and the Church of England"...
  6. Nick the Pilot

    Taoism cosmology

    I do not think Taoism gives a reason why we were created.
  7. Nick the Pilot

    Do I even have a religion?

    Hi Equinox and welcome to the forum. Let's put aside the names of organizations aside for a moment (Christian, Jewish, etc.) and look at specific ideas. Which ideas do you believe in? God? No God? Jesus? No Jesus? Forgiveness of sins? Karma? Reincarnation? No reincarnation? Heaven? No heaven...
  8. Nick the Pilot


    Ahanu, I also think that vegetarianism is the way to go. But it may come as a surprise to you that millions of Mahayana Buddhists in Japan eat meat.
  9. Nick the Pilot

    1,500 Mormons resign from church over same-ssex policy “More than 1,000 people gathered on Saturday near the Salt Lake City headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) to protest the policy they see as discriminatory and harmful to...
  10. Nick the Pilot


    When I tell Chinese people I am Buddhist, the first question they usually ask me is, "Are you a vegetarian?" They are shocked when I tell them there are millions of non-vegetarian Buddhists.
  11. Nick the Pilot

    Why Would an Atheist Join a Faith Based Forum?

    "Why Would an Atheist Join a Faith Based Forum?" --> Because there is value in inter-faith dialogue.
  12. Nick the Pilot

    The difficulty of writing the King James Bible version

    This brings up the question: Does the present-day Bible contain parts that were intentionally changed from the original? I think there are some parts that were intentionally changed.
  13. Nick the Pilot

    The difficulty of writing the King James Bible version

    Wil, It is a fascinating story. I had no idea there was so much "political intrigue" involved in the writing of the King James version. I also did not know there were so many "competing versions" that were also written at about the same time.
  14. Nick the Pilot

    The difficulty of writing the King James Bible version

    Let there be light: Handwritten draft of King James Bible reveals the secrets of its creation "The King James Bible may well be the greatest work of literature...
  15. Nick the Pilot

    Is it wrong to tell an aetheist parent that their dead child "is in heaven"?

    Aussie, I'm afraid I have to agree with DA. Your answer is a perfect example of why I am not a Christian.
  16. Nick the Pilot

    Is it wrong to tell an aetheist parent that their dead child "is in heaven"?

    DA, The idea is, the parent is grieving because of the death of their child. They also have to put up with obnoxious proselytizing. So, to put up with both of these at the same time is a kind of "double-whammy".
  17. Nick the Pilot

    Is it wrong to tell an aetheist parent that their dead child "is in heaven"?

    My child is not in heaven: Your religion only makes my grief harder: Losing a newborn is always hard, but grieving as an atheist in a world of believers added loneliness to grief "When I tell people about the...
  18. Nick the Pilot

    UK pensioner Karl Andree faces 360 lashes over Saudi wine

    The impending flogging of Karl Andree may have caused the UK to drop a multi-million-pound contract with the Saudis. David Cameron Cancels Saudi Prison Deal And Raises Case Of Briton Facing Flogging "Britain’s...
  19. Nick the Pilot

    Can a magnetic field change religious ideas?

    Here is an article about research into the idea that putting our brains into an electromagnetic field can change what we think about religion, etc. Could your views on God and immigration be changed by using MAGNETS? Brain stimulation can alter beliefs, study claims...
  20. Nick the Pilot

    Is it right to "try" other religions?

    I would say, for example, the changes from Southern Baptist, to Methodist, and then to Roman Catholic are huge indeed. All three of these denominations have very, very different belief systems.