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  1. BigJoeNobody

    Malala Yousafzai

    Agree, She is an inspiration, and her story is both tragic and amazing. She remains faithful and displays herself as a servant of Allah, and pushing for the things that are the most important.
  2. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    I apologize, I never saw your post, I will look into your question, and try to give an educated response as I'm not familiar with Indonesian political issues, only US and Europe usually get attention here. But hopefully I will get some time soon, and again I apologize for the delay, I just...
  3. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    Assalaam Allahikum, Well you are certainly able to try to understand it without the help of scholars, or Hadith. The topics you listed tend to be favorites of the Quran only groups, but Even though I once had a strong leaning that way (and don't get me wrong, Quran before Hadith is definitely...
  4. BigJoeNobody

    Not a Muslim ban

    yeah it's amazing how upside down this country is getting. Between the ban and the discussion of a registry still up in the air, it's beginning to feel less and less safe here. I have friends that say if there is a registry they will sign up, to which my only advice is DON'T. I appreciate the...
  5. BigJoeNobody

    What is the problem with Islam?

    Salaam Allahikum, How does one abandon the Quran by following Hadith? Hadith is the sayings and actions that people recorded the Prophet (PBUH) saying and doing. So do you believe Mouhammed's talks and actions weren't in line with Quran? for Further response, I think the discussion on...
  6. BigJoeNobody

    What is religion?

    Wow, I gotta say, Even not as a Christian, I think you could have went about these things without so much challenge. Your Agenda seems to be to prove Christianity wrong or to chastise the Christians' beliefs and practice, not seeking information. I will agree that many of these questions (in...
  7. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    I think you misunderstood, probably due to my poor wording. The prosperity comes from many sources, not Religion. The Religion is what normally spreads that wealth so that the lowest groups tend to be much higher than those of lower class in non-Islamic ones. This is purely based on individual...
  8. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    Really wil? you are going to take all the (false) stereotypes of Islam and use them as examples of how religion affects people, children in particular? Well lets add a few of those "terrible" tenants and their effect on society. In most Muslim Countries, crimes such as drug use, theft, and...
  9. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    it happens nearly every time I talk to my atheist friends. The debate seem so clear to both sides as well. Atheists tend to despise the "do good or your afterlife will be marred with torture" idea. I'm going to assume it stems from a lack of belief that they "can" go the other way. The shear...
  10. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    High and Low has been long symbol of power, status, and Hierarchy. Birds, Monkeys, Lions, and other social Animals use this symbol of power or responsibility. The ones above are of Higher importance, The ones below are of less. This symbolism has of course been used in human ego throughout...
  11. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    Obviously it is your prerogative to believe or disbelieve in whatever you want. That being said do you reject all miracles, or just the ones that seem outlandish? I'm honestly asking as I'm too lazy to go about looking at all the posts that popped up while I was away to try to find the answer...
  12. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    1) Short earth... yeah I find it hard to believe anyone believes this nowadays, but it's their issue, not mine. 2) A man made of Mud? did you read my explanation? Do you disagree that that scenario fits with every scientific model of evolution being presented? I simply said I don't believe LIFE...
  13. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    Biblical Literalists? Quranic Literalists? Vedic Literalists? All Literalists? I don't see your argument working outside of Christianity... not sure why you would choose to use such a broad meaning word when your knowledge is so limited in others' text. (To be fair I am assuming you aren't well...
  14. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    who is "They"? There's plenty of the origin of man, and admittedly it is similar to the Biblical story. But with a few "corrections" (keep this in context of Islamic teachings, not wanting to get into the same old I'm right you are wrong debate) The Islamic version removes the points of time...
  15. BigJoeNobody

    Can we know for certain anything about God and what he plans for us?

    As someone who doesn't follow the Bible, I can confidently say that the Bible never claims itself of this. (The closest thing being that the law will not change.) But I do see the multitudes of people who follow this sentiment. Now, I follow the Quran, which does make that claim (of truth...
  16. BigJoeNobody

    What methodology do you follow?

    Quick question... where did you get that Wahhabis (or Salafis) believe these things you claim. I should warn you from one Muslim to another, be wary of making claims of others who claim the same religion as you. you will be asked to stand and defend yourself on the day of judgement. I must also...
  17. BigJoeNobody

    Why Muslims Must Follow the Sunna As Well As the Quran

    just wondering how you apply this Aya. It is generally accepted amongst Muslims that at least some Hadith are both completely reliable and authoritative. I understand your argument, and for a while, I thought the same way. The Quran is THE DOCUMENT. But in Ayat such as the one above it seems...
  18. BigJoeNobody

    Judaism not founded by Abraham

    oh well... seems several instances of such characters surfacing
  19. BigJoeNobody

    Are Christians Idol worshippers/polytheists

    admittedly most of the people I know are Baptist and Methodist and such, but let me clarify. The Christians I've talked to don't view Jesus as a separate entity. His "flesh" and his "divinity" are all equal and same.
  20. BigJoeNobody

    Are Christians Idol worshippers/polytheists

    from an Islamic perspective, it seems troublesome. From a Christian perspective however, They see it as 1 entity, therefore no separation and without separation there is no polytheism. Most sects of Christianity don't even see Jesus as a Man, but rather God's manifestation, inseparable yet non...